1. pmd says:

    This is a rip off of a Kids in the Hall sketch.

    The Kids in the Hall sketch is much funnier.

  2. Joel f's his mom says:

    I’ve never seen that episode of kids in the hall, but over in the digg comments, people where saying it’s a Dave Chapelle ripoff, oh well it’s still good, if microsoft copied apple and apple copied zerox why can’t some college kids copy kids in the hall.

  3. SN says:

    Here’s the original skit by the Kids in the Hall.

  4. Tom says:


  5. BgScryAnml says:

    Uncle Dave has been on Digg again.


  6. John Paradox says:

    Both of these somewhat remind me of AMAZON WOMEN ON THE MOON, segment “Two ID’s” (Steve Guttenberg and Rosanna Arquette). There, it was scanning in the ID’s to get extremely complete background on previous dates.


  7. Uncle Dave says:

    #6: Actually, that’s not where I found it.

  8. RBG says:

    5. I was talking to the animals the other day and they were telling me the same thing.

    I feel compelled to tell you, 0113addiv, that I am usually so entertained by your creative bon mots that sometimes I find it hard to be surprised. That’s why I accepted my first read which came out: “I gotta run off for a piano rectal.”


  9. John Urho Kemp says:

    If I could I would date 12-14 year olds (NOTE: I DON’T– I respect the law) because they have not been corrupted by the ugly society.

    Wow…just….wow. I’m still not sure if this guy is just trolling or if he’s serious on what he spouts off here. There’s a difference in not being politically correct and being a total moronic idiot…guess which one 0113addiv is.

    My advice, if you’re indeed just trying to piss people off and be a troll, is next time just say that you want to have sex with 12-14 year olds as I’m sure you’ll get your desired results.

  10. 0113addiv says:

    #10, Mr. Fusion, on the contrary. Women are the ones with the walls and the defensive shields. Not me. I went to a party last night with my ex and my kid. There were about a dozen SINGLE young beautiful ladies and two other guys besides me. Since I was introduced as “my husband” their guards went down. I made a connection with 4 women! Even when my “wife” was present. As a matter of fact one of the women made her husband leave early, and when she said “oh, but I’m staying” I clapped. She smiled. Another one got a headache and went to lay down on the bed. My kid was on the bed with her (my kid is a natural) interacting with her (she was the hottest babe at the party). My “wife” said to go pull him away so she could rest. I went over and sat on the bed. My son went to the edge of the bed where he commenced doodling on a pad. She told me she had a headache Someone came with a tylenol. She asked if she could take a second one. I assured her that it was okay. She laid back down. I reached over with my hand to massage her head. I told her it would be good for her headache. The massage was deep and slow, the electricity was becoming immense. The flow between us was swelling me as she moaned, “ahh, that feels so good.” After about a minute I stopped because the intensity was getting to strong. I ended the massage by gently pushing her hair away from her forehead. She said thanks and closed her eyes. It was a moment of beautiful intimacy. I got off the bed and told my kid to lets leave her alone. I glanced at the doodles he had made. He had drawn a “69”. I never showed him that. He picked this up from global consciousness. It was probably what she was thinking, and with the intensity of our emotions, my kid manifested that without even knowing its significance. There was another connection with Phoebe and Jaime. This would not have occured if they didn’t FEEL SAFE. They let their walls down. So, actually, WOMEN LOSE by putting up walls. They lose out by letting great guys like me in.

  11. Uncle Dave says:

    I think it’s safe to say that we’re all pretty speechless, 0113, if I may call you that. Simply speechless. On so many levels.

  12. Find a psych board to unleash the pent-up anger..cripes!


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