Guardian Unlimited – Friday October 6, 2006:

A man who posted racist messages on a website in memory of murdered black teenager Anthony Walker was jailed for more than three years today.

Neil Martin, 30, emailed at least six comments to the website – less than a week after Anthony was killed with an ice axe in a racist attack in Huyton, Merseyside, last year.

The site was set up by a school friend of the 18-year-old. Posting under the pseudonym Genuine Scouser, Martin suggested that white people should celebrate the murder, that Anthony’s family should be burned and made references to slavery and a “banana boat”.

During police interviews, Martin admitted posting the messages but insisted he was not racist. He told the officers he had intended to stir up an argument on the website but did not believe in what he had written.

  1. stalinvlad says:

    Try not to post stuff when your drunk.

  2. AB CD says:

    Laws like this are coming to America too.

  3. xully says:

    In most major European countries white men cannot say anything bad about minorites or Jews. The white men willingly gave up that right after being made to feel about the Holocaust. It’s also illegal to question whether there was a Holocaust. So they gave up their rights for something they can’t question, lol. DUMB.

  4. gquaglia says:

    If the murder victim was white and the poster black, nothing would have happened. It the same reason black leaders can say what they want and get away with it while whites are labeled racists for the same thing. Double standard bullshit.

  5. Smartalix says:

    “It the same reason black leaders can say what they want and get away with it while whites are labeled racists for the same thing.”

    That’s a very sweeping statement. Insensitivity and racist comments exist in many on both sides of the fence, and some on both sides get caught on it.

  6. Mike B. says:

    Had it been the President of the United States he posted that about, he would have been hailed as a brave hero who was unafraid to exercise is right to free speech…

  7. 0113addiv says:

    #5, sometimes comments get taken out of context and are made to be “racist”. “insensitive” maybe but the Truth is hard to accept. For instance, I am going to make this truth and watch people fly off the handle because the media has brain-washed their ability to see what is obvious: Hitler was the Messiah. Now, let me explain. The Jews throughout their whole history have been waiting for the Promised Land. Who delivered? You see, people think words are reality. THEY ARE NOT. Only ACTIONS are reality. Because of Hitler’s actions, namely the holocaust, the world saw fit to correct Hitler’s action (no judgement here on action. an action is an action is a fact) by GIVING ISRAEL TO THE JEWS. This ONLY happened due to the action of Hitler. HE DELIVERED. He was their Messiah. No, the Jews didn’t get it their way by some spiritual being descending from the Heavens with a halo over his head, it came through a chancellor who actually believed he was a divine messenger from God. Further, you have to understand the world of Mind. The Jewish fundamentalists (whose ideas are most prevalent), aka orthodox, believe in a God that is a murderer. Remember, God killed everyone on Earth by flood but only saved a JEW. God killed millions of people who were not Jewsih. By Natural Law, those millions of people who died of drowning brought back the karma to take revenge on God and His belief that only one sect of the human population are the chosen ones. This is all bullshit, BUT THEY BELIEVE THIS. What you believe, you will live.


    Now, PLEASE, do not say I am a racist. I am against ALL fundamentalist, whether they are orthodox Jews, Christians or Muslims. Fundamentilist rule by murder. This has been shown time and time again by history. I AM A CHRISTIAN, at least that is where I come from. Today, Israel is doing something right. I’ve met a couple of Israelis. I even dated a female rabbit that introduced herself to me because SHE was interested– even though I am not circumcised. Even this year at the Israel State parade on 5th Avenue in NYC they approached me to sign a petition and to receive a newsletter. Amazingly they DID send me a newsletter that I still receive. They are good people– the REFORMIST Jews. Like I said, the fundamentalists are the one to look after and the ones that cause violence and death.

  8. SN says:

    “Had it been the President of the United States he posted that about, he would have been hailed as a brave hero who was unafraid to exercise is right to free speech…”

    And he would been completely correct, too.

  9. xully says:

    I would like to go the record as never having dated a rabbit.

  10. greg says:

    Dated a female rabbit? Hitler the messiah of the jews? You sir are crazy.

  11. joshua says:

    This story would be about 0113 if we were in Britain.

  12. Richard says:

    I’m glad to see that in some case’s, a troll can end up in jail.

  13. Andrew says:

    I love these articles. We get one about terrorism they (Euros) accuse us of having no freedom; when someone gets jailed just for stating an opinion (a hateful one at that) we get to make fun of them for having no freedom.

  14. Podesta says:

    From The Guardian:

    He was sentenced at Liverpool crown court to two years and eight months’ in jail for the race hate crime and six months consecutively for the child pornography offences.

    Actually, the defendant was being sentenced for both the hate messages posted to the memorial site and possession of child pornography. I think the penalty fits the circumstances. If he had been found to be a member of a hate group or a repeat offender, a longer sentence would have been proper.

    There is a significant segment of racism impaired people on this site, so I am not surprised by some of the responses defending this loser. Of course, that sort sees nothing wrong with what he did.

  15. Noname says:

    I don’t think defending American freedoms equate to defending Podesta loser. As for the child pornography offenses, yes he should go to jail, unless he is a republican.

    In fact you would have to be the loser for not defending American rights that Madison and others intended and risked their lives for. That is if you can’t make this fine distinction, you don’t defend the constitution, then I think you yourself should volunteer to lose these rights; you the loser obviously hate the American Freedoms/Constitution and these rights, loser.

    In fact Podesta, I would guess you are a republican.

  16. Mr. Fusion says:

    #16, Well said noname. I agree totally.

    If anything, I do think 32 months might be a little steep for the hate crime and six months might be a little lenient for the child pornography.


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