£80billion per square metre

As house prices continue to soar, buying a property for £20,000 might seem like a bargain.

But, although this home sounds cheap, it is actually Britain’s most expensive property based on size – costing the equivalent of £80billion per square metre. That’s because the four-room property is only as big as a full stop.

Made by artist Willard Wigan, who specialises in micro sculptures, it fits on the top of a dressmaker’s pin and measures just 0.5mm across. Its price tag puts even Britain’s most expensive properties in the shade.

Old Swan House on London’s Chelsea Embankment, which has a £32million price tag, seems a bargain by comparison, at £18,000 per square metre.

Mr Wigan, 49, from Birmingham, used the popular Huf Haus timber and glass design for the house.

He said: ‘I spent 15 hours a day for seven weeks sculpting a minute piece of diamond. The beams are made out of floating fibres that you see in sunlight.

‘To paint the house, I took the hair from a dead spider’s legs and made a paintbrush. Then it was a case of being very patient and careful.’

  1. JFStan says:

    Finally! A luxury home for my nanites!

  2. OmarTheAlien says:

    I made a workbench once, without plans, working away, cutting, sawing, hammering, all that. The master plan was for it to be three feet wide and eight feet long, but somehow, when it was all done and I stood back and took a look at the big picture, it wasn’t but a foot wide. I took it apart and rebuilt it, and this time it came out right, but now I’m moving and I’m not sure it will come out of the room I built it in. I may have to knock it apart again. I never did paint it, so I’m not sure how that spider leg thing would work.

  3. Mike Voice says:

    That’s because the four-room property is only as big as a full stop.

    Never heard that one before. I’m familiar with bonnet and boot on a car – and petrol – but “full stop” is new to me.

    Amusing to be able to use Google to find it on Wiki… quicker than I can type this sentence. 🙂

    I spent 15 hours a day for seven weeks sculpting a minute piece of …

    I can’t imagine putting that much time into anything

  4. Angel H. Wong says:

    I know people who can do better things on a computer.

  5. Hippo says:


    If he had spent 15 hours a day for 7 weeks collecting food donations for the homeless, the world would be a better place.


  6. 0113addiv says:

    I pay $68 per square foot for my apartment (in Manhattan). Compared to the averages elsewhere in America:

    $48.33 (Manhattan)
    $27.17 (San Francisco)
    $25.12 (Los Angeles)
    $27.00 (New York CIty)

    I’m getting ripped off.


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