I wish I were a millionaire. This is going to look good in someone’s office, or if we’re lucky, in a lobby somewhere where more people can look at it.

A model of the Starship Enterprise used in the pilot and title sequences of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” sold for $576,000 Saturday at an auction of costumes, sets and props from 40 years of the “Star Trek” sci-fi franchise.

The 78-inch-long miniature of the “Enterprise-D,” built by Industrial Light and Magic, debuted in 1987 in the episode “Encounter at Farpoint,” and then was used in many subsequent episodes, as well as the film “Star Trek Generations.”

Even though I’m an original-episode man and don’t really like the D series starship, I’d have bought it in a heartbeat. It’s a piece of Television, Movie, Cultural (in addition to TV and movies, Star Trek has impacted the areas of design, vernacular, and philosophy as well as many others) and science-fiction history in one fell swoop.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Smartalix, I tried to like Enterprise, but just couldn’t. I guess they didn’t learn from Voyager that putting a big boobed actress in a tight suit does not a series make.
    They lost credibility with me when the Vulcan first officer joined starfleet later in the series, yet she didn’t wear a standard uniform and continued to wear the tight catsuit. Further proof she was just eye candy to prop up a failing franchise.
    TNG and DS9 were my favorite Treks, with Voyager and Enterprise being the worst. Babylon 5 is still my all time favorite sci fi.

  2. tkane says:

    Enterprise was plagued by 20 minutes worth of commercials! Ye gods, by the time the show came back from the ads, I’d forgotten what the plot was. Trying to fit a decent amount of material into 40 minutes just doesn’t work out.

    Now to those who say you missed nothing by missing Enterprise – c’mon! Jolene Blalok changing clothes behind sheets on a clothesline on a sunny day….. aggghrrrgsg (Homer Simpson donut gurgle). And the rest of Enterprise detractors couldn’t get around the idea that the chief engineer looked and sounded like W. I liked him anyway.

    Finally, I’m a Constitution class man, myself. No bloody B, C, or D!

  3. FRAGaLOT says:

    People who do have money shouldn’t feel guilty about having money, regardless of how much they have or how little they have. Just because you’re broke doesn’t mean you have to spread your depression towards everyone and ridicule people who are more successful than you. Get a life man.

    People have the right to spend THIER money however they please. Like I’m sure you’ll refuse a large paycheck just because there are starving kids in China. Go cry me a river.

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    #29, with some of that extra money jingling in your pocket, you might buy an education. It is one thing to be colloquial. It is another thing totally to misspell half your sentence and miss most of the punctuation.

    But hey, I agreed with you. It is your RIGHT. I said it. Go ahead, re read my comment. It is right there in #21. Geeze, I even complimented your attitude.

  5. MilitantLiberal says:

    “hey, I agreed with you. It is your RIGHT. I said it. Go ahead, re read my comment. It is right there in #21. Geeze, I even complimented your attitude.”

    It’s hysterical to me when conservatives are surprised when another in the ‘ranks’ goes off on them. The conservative mindset in modern-day America is like rabies … eventually they just lash out at anything that moves in any way they don’t agree with.

    That’s why they should be taken out and shot – just like Ol Yeller. 😉


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