I wish I were a millionaire. This is going to look good in someone’s office, or if we’re lucky, in a lobby somewhere where more people can look at it.

A model of the Starship Enterprise used in the pilot and title sequences of “Star Trek: The Next Generation” sold for $576,000 Saturday at an auction of costumes, sets and props from 40 years of the “Star Trek” sci-fi franchise.

The 78-inch-long miniature of the “Enterprise-D,” built by Industrial Light and Magic, debuted in 1987 in the episode “Encounter at Farpoint,” and then was used in many subsequent episodes, as well as the film “Star Trek Generations.”

Even though I’m an original-episode man and don’t really like the D series starship, I’d have bought it in a heartbeat. It’s a piece of Television, Movie, Cultural (in addition to TV and movies, Star Trek has impacted the areas of design, vernacular, and philosophy as well as many others) and science-fiction history in one fell swoop.

  1. FRAGaLOT says:

    Makes me wonder what the newer model would sell for at auction. Later in the TNG series they created a higher detailed four foot model showing off individual panels around the hull of the ship.

    Assuming they didn’t use the same model when they destroyed Enterprise D in one of the movies, it would be nice to see how much that would be worth.

    BTW who got the +500k money?

  2. Spam says:

    Spam deleted

  3. John Urho Kemp says:

    Wait a minute! I thought Dvorak.org got no spam…so what’s up with this Susan idiot?

    And BTW, the Next Generation version of Star Trek was the best, and yeah, I used to love the original series until I saw TNG. The ones afterwards were ok, though I never saw one episode of “Enterprise”.

  4. Axtell says:

    I have to think that this model would go for far more than any of the later models – simply because TNG was such an overwhelming success compared to what the later shows became.

  5. Elvis Ripley says:

    FRAGaLOT was talking about the model in the second half of TNG after the production value went up a few steps.

  6. KB says:

    Am I the only one who thinks that the buyer got it cheap? ($576,000)

  7. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    Am I the only one who thinks there’s something sick about a society where children and disabled people are allowed to starve, yet it’s OK to spend what the average American makes in 10 years on a goddamn desk decoration?

    Too many self-indulgent clowns with too much money and not enough brains (or conscience)…

  8. Pete says:

    #7 I with you all the way. Then again it’s the same society that pays professional a athletes more then what people that actualy save lives do in their entire lives. I am sure that most sports franchises are spending more then the biggest cancer research labs.

  9. BgScryAnml says:

    Anyone could afford this easy. Just get up early next Saturday and go to a garage sale and purchase some old junk…say at toaster, a 60’s set if pens in a nice box, some leather bound books. Carve the initials JFK in the side of them and sell them on eBay. You can raise half a million in no time.

  10. rctaylor says:

    #7, societies are made up of individuals. Maybe you expect too much of the animal. Oddly enough Roddenberry’s vision for the future corrects these problems you write of. Also spending money is the best thing a wealthy person can do for an economy.

  11. John Urho Kemp says:

    #7 I’m right there with you. Which is why I donate everything I make to children and disabled people who are starving just as I’m sure that you do also or else you wouldn’t call others “self-indulgent clowns with too much money”.

    How much money have you wasted in just getting hooked up to the Internet to actually post that post you did Lauren? How much did you waste in even buying that computer you’re using? Couldn’t all of that have gone to helping others? What about those clothes you’re wearing, the food you’re eating? Couldn’t you instead just pick out one set of clothes and wear them all the time and force yourself to eat only bread and water so others may partake in the food you enjoy now?

    Also, we shouldn’t be here to enjoy ourselves or get things we want. These guys that bought that model don’t need it, but when you think about it, none of us need anything other than food and basic shelter from the elements.

    Oh, and also…anything you do or say I can turn around and say you don’t need it and you’re indulging yourself at the expense of others. Go ahead, give it a try! But perhaps the air is too thin way up there on that high horse of yours. And do you really need a horse?

  12. gquaglia says:

    I never saw one episode of “Enterprise”.

    You didn’t miss anything.

  13. J says:

    # 7 & 8 Lauren the Ghoti & Pete

    Until you give more than 30% of your income to charities you should keep your mouth shut. My guess would be every time there is a vote on lower taxes you choose to vote yes. Guess which government programs usually get cut?

    Enough of that.

    Wow! That model is almost 20 years old and the last time I saw it…… it looked like shit. They must have done a lot of touch up to make someone spend $576,000 on it.

  14. Pmitchell says:

    I vote yes with pride to lower my taxes every time I can, because the gov only wastes money. It is also time for all the whiners to stop whining about their problems and get off their lazy butts and do something about it .Dont sit on your high horse and tell me how I should act, for all you know the man that bought that piece gives millions away every year to charity , so whats wrong if he wants to SPEND HIS MONEY HE MADE on something he likes. #7 go bite the wall and get a life

  15. J says:


    When you vote for lower taxes do you give that money you save to charities or do you spend it on yourself?

  16. Pmitchell says:

    I give some to my church because they are the true charities, and my church does it right they give to the needy and help those who are in need and they dont blow it on bums and drug addicts who dont want to get better they give to those who truely want to better their lives

    ohh and the rest I spend on my self or my family because I earned it and its my right

  17. AB CD says:

    Enterprise was much better. Next Generation was half lousy episodes and a quarter really good. They spent too much time putting Picard in the Holodeck.

  18. J says:

    Wow everyone seems to come down on TNG. I loved that show and I thought the Holodeck was a great way to expand the story possibilities.

    Although, the best episode was when Picard goes home to visit his brother and they get into that mud wrestling match. Picard breaks down and cries about how the borg took his dignity from him. That episode was soo well directed 😉

  19. J says:


    Your are the kind of person that gives Lauren the Ghoti & Pete their justification.

  20. Odyssey67 says:

    Speaking as a Star Trek geek (not quite a Trekkie, but close), I considered TNG a great show – probably the best of the franchise, overall, and certainly the most popular. I actually had people who I knew hated science fiction watching & liking that show. Paramount made a major mistake when they pulled it from TV in order to make use of those characters as ‘replacements’ for the aging TOS actors on the big screen. DS9 wasn’t bad, but Voyager was just TNG warmed over, and neither had the ‘mass appeal’ of TNG..

    But once they did move to the movies, I think one other rather large mistake they made was in destroying the D-model Enterprise – or at least not keeping most of it’s design cues for the next version (the way they updated the TOS Enterprise for the movies). The ship in TNG was as much a character as it had been in TOS – blowing it up completely was akin to killing off Data. And what they replaced it with – that was like adding a new android called Lestat. I mean, the design of the Enterprise E looks like something out of a goth-fan’s imagination.

    I think we all should have known the movies were gonna tank when we saw a brand new Enterprise sporting flying buttressess for warp nacelles.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    I earned it and its my right
    Comment by Pmitchell — 10/8/2006 @ 9:08 am

    That’s the attitude !!!

    Its your RIGHT. I think its in the Constitution and if its in the Constitution then it’s your RIGHT. And you are very correct about the government spending it on stupid things.

    Geeze, that darn military budget is the biggest waste. We don’t need anymore stinking armored HumVees, Haliburton still has some unfinished contracts.

    And education is a bottomless pit. Why should we educate these kids today, they will only grow up to be homeless bums when they can’t get a job that’s been outsourced. And we all know how that leads to substance abuse.

    Medicare and Medicaid should be scrapped. If people can’t pay their own way then let them die. Besides, they use up precious oxygen.

    Maybe I should mention you do have a RIGHT to be a total dickhead too. Oh, I see you are already taking advantage of that RIGHT.

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    J, I agree. TNG is my favorite as well. I wouldn’t want to pick just one favorite episode or even one favorite character. I liked TNG because it was good Science Fiction and the effect that the Prime Directive had on the scripts, which totally differentiated it from the original series.

  23. Pmitchell says:

    I do have a right to spend my money the way I see fit and the govt does waste money your argument is not logical
    1. the military is the one thing the U.S. Constitution says the federal gov is supposed to pay for and we do need it to keep the world safe from liberal idiots out wanting to just talk it over and hug frikin trees

    2. education is a huge waste of tax payers money not because it is not needed but because it has turned into a buracracy with the teachers union that teaches everything but how to read write and do math. lets blow money teaching kids how to put condoms on bananas or how bout islamic studies but dont you dare read a bible or even speak Gods name or you will be expelled. how bout the bloated budgets, here in Texas our lottery has supposedly put 8 billion with a B into education in the past 8 years but our schools dont do any better a job of teaching our kids that they did before and the administration is getting raises every year, do you tink the principle of a highschool in lubbock texas should make over 100k a year! I sure dont , I also dont think that a city with 250k people needs an administration building 1 block long and 3 stories high full of administration to oversee less than 30 total schools who each have thier own on site adminsitration

    3. MEDICARE AND MEDICAID are the main reason medical costs are out of control ( who cares what it costs the govt is paying for it ) I agree we need to offer medical attention to those who need it, but not for runny noses and colds in an emergency room turn those people away and make them go to a pay clinic there cheap and there good

    so as i said to #7 bite the wall and get a life you bleeding heart liberal

  24. Angel H. Wong says:

    And what’s the difference between a gay trekkie and a straight trekkie? A gay trekkie is virgin by choice 😉

  25. AB CD says:

    All but one of the offenders they have arrested in the last four years was a hard-core Trekkie.

    Det. Constable Warren Bulmer slips on a Klingon sash and shield they confiscated in a recent raid. “It has something to do with a fantasy world where mutants and monsters have power and where the usual rules don’t apply,” Bulmer reflects. “But beyond that, I can’t really explain it.” [Emph. added]

    [link deleted as it was too long and I’m getting tired of telling people to embed links or use tinyurl. – Ed.]

  26. J says:


    The more you type the more you prove my point.

    Mr. Fusion

    Yeah TNG is my favorite too but I do like certain episodes better than others.

  27. Smartalix says:


    gquaglia, Ouch! It took a while to warm up, but its last season was as good as any other trek I’ve seen (IMNSHO).

  28. J says:

    #27 Smartalix

    Enterprise was a great show that was pleged by bad time slots.

  29. Pmitchell says:

    J tired of the fight your wont convince me I wont convince you

    but as far as startek goes I agree enterprises’ last season was in my opinion very good but the previous season was kinda weak . I watch startrek for the suspense and shootem ups whick the first 2 seasons of enterprise was rather lacking, the best rated and most loved tng was the borg episode i loved it because it a shootem up but also one where intellilect one the day

    but truefully my fav in the series was voyager it was almost always great and the cast was really good also

  30. J says:

    make that…… plagued


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