The article provides the locations of them and the list of executive orders that set them up and allow them to be run.

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders

There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on Ashcroft’s list.

The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.

Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.

  1. doug says:

    28. And the facilities nearby Chicago are patently inadequate if they are, as brother James Hill states, for liberals.

  2. Milo says:

    Apparently joshua et al can’t see that there’s not a word about Bush in the post or the site it links to. An excellent representation of the average Republican’s reading ability.

  3. jw says:

    I remember seeing a TV show about this type thing years ago…during the Clinton Administration….so it’s not just a republican or Bush thing

  4. Mr. Fusion says:

    I am about 10 miles south of one the camps mentioned. Ya, right.

    I happened to be up that way around the end of May and I can categorically state that there just ain’t nothing there. The “industrial park” is so decrepit to be unusable for much, it is only about 20% utilized. The area south is overgrown and a deer hunter’s paradise.

    No fences, no towers, and rail line out of service.

    I call bull crap.

  5. Luke says:

    Milo, did you ever stop to think that he could have been responding to the many Bush bashing comments on this post? The first 3 comments are anti-Bush. It seems your average Democrat/Liberal friends aren’t representing their parties reading ability very well.

  6. AB CD says:

    2 million person camp isn’t unreasonable. That’s just a half mile by half mile area giving everyone 2feet by 2feet to stand in.

  7. ECA says:

    Load up the Guns, the kids, and the Cow…
    We are movin to the Woods.

    The Politicians WONT, get rid of a president, in the middle of WAR. That is the only thing that will keep him in, UNLESS he does something REALLY, REALLY, REALLY stupid. Like declare war on Sweden.

    800 locations with 2,000 capacity?? 1,600,000??
    thats a good 0.5 percent of the USA population.
    Strange fact #1…
    In Oregon it is estimated that 60%+ work for some sort of governement facility.. City, county, State, federal…

  8. I wonder who is going to post these crackpot posts after Dave and the rest of the crew is “interned?” But wait, if they are interned then this is not a crackpot post. But wait…

  9. James says:

    “Garden Plot is the program to control the population.”
    ^– thats my fave ^_^

    I once had a baby garden on my balcony… It was halloween! DON’T JUDGE ME!

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    Now that all you right wing reactionaries have vented your spleens on the article and on me for posting it, there are a couple of things I’d like to point out.

    1) Bush bashing: Milo seems to the only one who noticed Bush is not mentioned once in the article or my comments.

    2) Orders are old: That’s right. Says so right in the article — “These Executive Orders have been on record for nearly 30 years and could be enacted by the stroke of a Presidential pen”

    3) The article is about the fact that FEMA will run them if martial law is enacted and that this sort of thing exists.

    4) The one aspect that may seem exaggerated from the article is the state of the facilities and numbers they can handle. My guess is what’s mentioned were what were expected when they were set up. Over the years, many have deteriorated, some got funding for them initially as Senatorial or Congressional pork and deteriorated, and so on.

    5) I was shocked many years ago when I learned that the late Senator Hubert Humphrey, a liberal Democrat who ran for president, was responsible for a bill to set up these kinds of camps back in the 50’s. So, it wasn’t just Republicans who are responsible.

    When I found this, I realized that this would make an excellent experiment in the psychology of the right wingers here. Would they fall into the trap of thinking this was a knock at them and the current prez despite Republicans and Bush never being mentioned? Turned out hook, line and sinker. Boy, you guys are easy!

  11. Eideard says:

    Uncle Dave — you rock!

  12. Hal DeVaney says:

    Good grief Uncle Dave! You went to all that trouble just to flush out us right wingers? A sorry ass experiment in psychology me thinks. Just looking at the responses I would say the first flamers to take your bait were your radical left wing buddies! “Uncle Davie your doing a hell of a job”

  13. doug says:

    actually, I think it was a worthwhile experiment, and Uncle Dave should let memories fade for a while then see if he can trip up us liberals, triggering a bunch of knee-jerk postings.

  14. GigG says:

    There is something very BS about this whole story. The article talks about Pine Bluff Arsenal in Arkansas and the Nerve Agents stored there. Well yes they are being stored there with a lot of other really nasty things because that is where the are destroying them under a law passed by congress.

    The government in general and FEMA in particular have lots of plans for lots of different events. This is the stuff that the survivalists were harping about back in the 70’s and 80’s.

  15. AB CD says:

    What about the plan to replace Congress with appointed officals, passed after 9/11?

  16. Timbo says:

    If the economy collapses from within, Bush will be out and Hillary would be in. Remember her, the unelected “co-president” for two terms? She can’t WAIT to be in power.

    Does anyone have that list of people who died mysterious deaths who were associated with the Clintons during their presidency? Hillary would not have trouble with the capacity of FEMA camps; dead bodies don’t take up much room at all. Alaska is a natural refrigerator.

    The liberals who think someone else would be in the camps than themselves forget that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Other leftist leaders include Robespierre, Stalin, Mao and Pol Pot. These leaders worked right up the food chain until communists were being killed.

  17. doug says:

    Hmm, how many communists did Robespierre kill?

    I find this idea of Hiliary as tyrant-wannabe just a scream, considering the fact that the Clinton administration accomplished so very little.

  18. joshua says:

    #41….Uncle Dave….Geez…..I guess I must have jumped to my conclusion based on my natural right wing paranoia, my bad.
    But whoaaaaaaaaaa nelly(I heard my Grandpa say that once)….whats this? Why it’s comment #2……..and it says……


    There were some funny comments for this post though. JD….yours was great.

    And I have to love #43…Hal’s comment. Like you have to go through all this to flush out the right wingers…..rotflmao

    You flushed out everything Uncle Dave…right, left, tin foil, and even got ECA to make a funny.

  19. joshua says:

    Ok…..why didn’t my copy and paste for Uncle Daves comment take????

    try again…….

    Makes you wonder about Bush. He may seem like a bumbling idiot, but what if that’s all a ruse to disarm us into accepting each reduction in freedoms that could never come from a good ol’ boy like him. He’s just “protecting the country at all costs” while he’s really setting things up for a right wing dictatorship. Think that’s crazy talk? Could anyone have imagined what’s happened to us as ever happening before Bush took office?

    Comment by Uncle Dave — 10/7/2006 @ 5:11 am

  20. woodie says:

    “Flush” sure is the right word.

  21. hdavis says:

    OK, I’m as concerned as anyone about these ‘security’ measures, but this is 30 year old stuff!

    The CURRENT NSA and CIA issues are more important that this history lesson.

    We should be concerned with the WAR. I agree we were attacked. That the attack was a STATE OF WAR attack.

    BUT, it is a new kind of WAR. Who will we defeat? What will the peace treaty look like? Who will sign it for the enemy.

    While we are at WAR, we must not loose who we are or we will defeat ourselves!

  22. Mr. Fusion says:

    Uncle Dave
    Now that all you right wing reactionaries have vented your spleens on the article and on me for posting it,

    My spleen always feels so good right after venting. I know, I shouldn’t abuse my spleen like that or I will end up with hair on my palms, but I can’t help my self.

    Note to self, buy more razors.

  23. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47 & 49. Didn’t that feel good to vent your spleen like that? After you posted, didn’t you just go aaaaahhhh? I know it is total babblegook, but it does feel good doesn’t it.

  24. AB CD says:

    Just about every Clinton scandal was Hillary’s fault, except the one that got him impeached, and even that was related to Whitewater.

    FBI files of Republicans were being held by one of HIllary’s appointees, the Rose Law firm billing records that disappeared for two years was all her, and probably the rest of Whitewater too, the Travel Office people they brought in were her friends. The whole Vince Foster ‘coverup’ was because aides were worried about a rumor floating around that she was having an affair with him.

    Doctors going to jail had nothing to do with federal insurance, and was more like Canada’s rulas about offering private service.

  25. doug says:

    57. none of those scandals show any totalitarian tendencies, just hints at the usual Washington “its not the scandal its the cover-up that gets you.” And, as usual, without any proof whatsoever. Point to me the section of the proposed Clinton health-care bill that said doctors would go to jail if they offered private service.

    This whole Hilary as Stalin-wannabe is just standard right-wing wankage. The only evidence that she has authoritarian tendencies is the fact that she has voted for various GOP security measures ….

  26. Timbo says:

    dem Dems — Your loyalty to Hillary and everything Democrat is shown by name-calling and ridicule — emotional counterattacks instead of intelligent rebuttals.

    I was asked to prove Hillary would jail doctors who helped the sick & injured outside of her program. I googled for a couple of seconds to find: ” What is today considered normal patient advocacy would have become a federal crime under the Clinton Plan. For example, if a doctor tried to get an early date for surgery for a sick patient in his health plan, and took “anything of value,” he would have been subject to stiff fines and a 15-year jail term. (G. Arnett, Washington Post, 12/19/93)” Sufficient evidence for Democrat dittoheads?

    BTW, if Hillary already served two terms as “co-president”, can she serve a third term?

  27. doug says:

    #59. I still don’t see a link to the text of the bill, Timbo. perhaps this is what you were looking at:

    Hardly an original (or objective) source. And noting how hysterical the right-wingers get about Clinton hardly makes me an loyalist. If you will note, in my original posting stated that the Clinton Administration “accomplished so very little,” that it was ridiculous to think of her as some sort of tyrant in the making.

  28. wolf says:

    Where is the FEMA camp in Cincinnati?


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