The article provides the locations of them and the list of executive orders that set them up and allow them to be run.

FEMA CONCENTRATION CAMPS: Locations and Executive Orders

There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) should Martial Law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general’s signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. Ask yourself if you really want to be on Ashcroft’s list.

The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a “mass exodus” of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.

Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.

  1. Gillz says:

    U don’t need 800 camps for a few Mexicans crossing the border. This is for the influx of rounded up Americans they are expecting to receive now that Bush has been given the power to pick and choose who he considers an “enemy combatant” without needing to explain to the supreme court. The next time ur getting ready to protest the latest war or attack on civil liberties, be prepared to end up in one of these camps. The United States has crossed the Fascist threshold and it’s gonna be a real battle to take it back.

  2. Uncle Dave says:

    Makes you wonder about Bush. He may seem like a bumbling idiot, but what if that’s all a ruse to disarm us into accepting each reduction in freedoms that could never come from a good ol’ boy like him. He’s just “protecting the country at all costs” while he’s really setting things up for a right wing dictatorship. Think that’s crazy talk? Could anyone have imagined what’s happened to us as ever happening before Bush took office?

  3. Wally says:

    But remember, he’s doing it for DEMOCRACY

    Impeach Bush!

  4. Eideard says:

    I don’t mean to lessen the danger this crap presents. Just to remind folks this nation has moved this close to Fascism before. It was turned back, then — people of courage and principle have to rally the ignorant majority.

    The McCarran-Walter Act, rolling back to the days of McCarthyism, provided for concentration camps. They were a bit more overt in those days. The fascist-minded creeps of today play at PR a bit more, that’s all.

    They still rely on fear and patriotism as their watchwords.

  5. RTaylor says:

    The best way to maintain political power is by fear mongering. All during the Cold War the Pentagon and intelligence agencies consistently overstated the military threat of the USSR. Everyone played along because they didn’t want defense budget cuts, especially the contractors.

  6. Lorenzo says:

    Thank you for conveniently leaving out the part that states that these laws have been on the books for over 30 years so that we Bush-haters can mindlessly bash the current administration without remorse.

  7. AB CD says:

    >don’t need 800 camps for a few Mexicans

    Castro has dumped thousands of Cubans at a time.

  8. god says:

    Isn’t it a riot how dittoheads follow the copouts of their Fearless Leaders?

    Non-denial denials > off-topic is always better than addressing a serious question.

  9. Jimmy the Groundhog says:

    Will they have WiFi? How about enough power connections? I don’t wanna go if I can’t surf the web.

  10. OmarTheAlien says:

    Not to worry, they’ve placed FEMA in charge. You know FEMA, they’re the ones that helped, along with “The Chocolate City” Mayor and LA governor, orchestrate the Katrina debacle. They’ve probably forgotten to buy locks for the gates.

  11. Hal DeVaney says:

    It appears that this story lacks evidence to support your theory. 800 camps fully manned and ready? I doubt it. Give us more information or is this simply your way of provoking left wing flamers and Bush bashing? I’m no fan of Bush, but lets be objective, ok?

  12. Mark says:

    Hey Hal, its real buddy. You’ve been sleeping, its OK to wake up at any time. KBR and Halliburton built them with your money. You say give us some evidence, Its all over the web, stop being lazy and look. Sorry, change your homepage from Fox News because you aint gonna hear about it there.

  13. Tom says:

    I Got one in my neighborhood, about 15 miles away, aint I lucky? I wonder if we’ll have canoeing and archery and sing around the campfire. Oh, its not that kind of a camp?

  14. gquaglia says:

    Give us more information or is this simply your way of provoking left wing flamers and Bush bashing?

    BINGO Just more Bush bashing. Par for course for Uncle Dave.

  15. Jarin Udom says:

    Argh that Bush I hated him 30 years ago when he drafted this law

  16. andrew says:

    I read the article and the list of cites mentioned as internment camps. Then I used Google Maps to look at a couple.

    This is the alleged facitily at Vandenburg AFB
    [editor: when you have a long url, people. Use it.]

    Yes there is a complex there, but there are no fences or other items which would indicate a ‘prison’ type facility.

    Can I just assume that this is more left wing paranoia like the Christian Paranoia during Clinton’s administration?

    Mind you I do think that President Bush is doing a horrible job, and there is enough to be getting upset about without making stuff up.

  17. Ballenger says:

    Even if you interpret the purpose of these detention locations in the most sinister fashion, the problem still exists, as to how they would be used without generating a shit-storm. Which crack team of implementers would accept the responsibility to spearhead an action that included as a bonus, the distinction of being immortalized as American Gestapo?

    Sure, there are enough delusional bullies to give this a short term go. But, a characteristic MO of power crazed lunatics is not seeing the long term risk of going too far and ending up having your head and ass handed to you by angry voters or in a worse case, mob. Civil unrest at this scale is the last thing corporate America would tolerate also. If these facilities were put into play and the results jeopardized cash flow and profits, Captain American Business would step in swinging their campaign contribution club and the next residents of these camps would be the ones who offended Wall Street.

    Supporters of this line of thinking I suppose don’t see that the likely outcome is, “OK, everyone we don’t like is locked-down, what-ta-we- do now?” And these are the same action figures who couldn’t even get people into Katrina shelters THAT WANTED TO GO. At best, this is bad planners having a physician fantasy and picking amputation as the solution procedure for a headache.

  18. John Urho Kemp says:

    Ok, I hate bush just as much as the next guy…but doesn’t it seem that every crack-pot conspiracy “they’re turning this country into Nazi Germany” story from every dark corner of the web makes it’s way here to

    I mean, in the past week the editors here have posted stories from questionable “news” sources like this one, and the one about “If you say anything bad about the Bush administration you could be labeled an enemy combatant and thrown in Guantanamo Bay”.

    Come on Uncle Dave…you’re better than this. Stick to real news sources.

  19. Tom says:

    18. “If you say anything bad about the Bush administration you could be labeled an enemy combatant and thrown in Guantanamo Bay”.

    nuff said?

  20. Milo says:

    Whatever happened to the right wing that didn’t like wasting money? Isn’t it rather a waste of money to build a bunch of things for no purpose?

  21. Mark T. says:

    I wanted to see when these executive orders were signed. That latest one on the list, #11921, was signed on June 11, 1976.

    These are not new “Bush” executive orders. I have concerns about all of these executive orders but this is not a Bush conspiracy. The government has been preparing for the eventuality of martial law since World War II. This was it great part due to the fear of nuclear war, not Mexican illegal aliens.

    We have been living under these executive orders for decades and under the FEMA act for about twenty years. Why the concern now, a couple of weeks before a national election?

  22. Mike Voice says:

    6 Thank you for conveniently leaving out the part that states that these laws have been on the books for over 30 years…


    Its like a lot of people have never heard of something called “Martial Law”.

    Or is it just that some people are afraid that a lame-duck President like Dubya will invent, or stumble into, a reason to declare martial law?

    A reason that our troops will un-questioningly support?

    Hell, even if he repealed the 2nd amendment tomorrow, there is no way they would not have a civil war on their hands… 🙁

  23. doug says:

    #22. And there is no way to ‘suspend the Bill of Rights.’

    I would also note that the blogger seems to know all about these ‘Executive Orders’ but does not link to any texts.

    I am also somewhat reassured that FEMA will be in charge – I could sit on their front steps with a ‘Buck Fush’ tee-shirt and they probably could not find the paperwork to arrest me, although given the post-Katrina reforms I could probably be provided with a MRE and a bag of ice.

  24. doug says:

    oh, one more thing:

    “The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.”

    interestingly, under Alaska, he has:

    “Wilderness – East of Anchorage. No roads, Air & Railroad access only. Estimated capacity of 500,000
    Elmendorf AFB – Northeast area of Anchorage – far end of base. Garden Plot facility.
    Eielson AFB – Southeast of Fairbanks. Operation Garden Plot facility.
    Ft. Wainwright – East of Fairbanks”

    So, Wilderness is off the list as only having a capacity for 500k, so one of these AFBs or Ft. Wainwright supposedly has a capacity of housing 2M people in a ‘mental facility.’ Thats a lot of straight jackets.

    Gotta run – there’s a black helicopter landing on my roof …

  25. Mark says:

    Uncle Dave,

    It would be nice to see this on the main blog page, I think it deserves attention in light of the detainee question of last week, keep up the good work.

  26. Uncle Dave says:

    #26: I saw that story a couple of days ago, but didn’t post it because the guy did apparently touch Cheney. The Secret Service was well within their rights to arrest him if he did.

  27. Mark says:

    That is reported on the Denver Post, although I have read other accounts (and heard him in an interview) stating he never got more than 3 feet from him, so I dont think thats a true statement. Anyway, we should find out in the lawsuit.

  28. Mike Voice says:

    Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus – FEMA detention facilities. Data needed.

    I’m now waiting for Loose Change, 3rd Edition to state that the passengers who were off-loaded from Flight 93 and moved to the evacuated NASA facility * were then moved to the FEMA “detention facilities” nearby…

    * see Loose Change 2nd Edition Recut, ~ between 00:56:00 and 01:00:00

    24 …so one of these AFBs or Ft. Wainwright supposedly has a capacity of housing 2M people in a ‘mental facility.’ …

    Yup.. stack’in ’em like cord-wood… 😉

    I just can’t get past the idea of keeping 500,000 people in wilderness

    What is the guard-to-prisoner ratio needed for that scenario? Chain-gangs?

    What were they thinking, Siberia??

  29. joshua says:

    Geez…..this is a sorry story. With all the things going on in and outside this country that are truely alarming… post this crap. There was nothing on this site that had been done under this administration. This stuff has been in place, some of it from 1916, most of it after WWII.
    The former WWII prisoner camp in Florence, Az. happens to now be the state prison complex at Florence. It’s where the worst state prisoners are and the executions take place, it’s not a concentration camp for anti-Bush public.

    I may argue with you about some of the things said about Bush or various laws that get passed or are in the process of being made, but this is just pure bashing for the sake of bashing.

    This is one of the reasons why so many people are just turned off completely about politics and don’t give a rats ass about all the really bad things going on. When you are fed a steady diet of tin foil hat fantasy’s and just plain untruths by all the far left and far right whack jobs in this country at some point you just shrug your shoulders and say….*screwum all*.

    I’m too young to remember it, but my Dad says at one time not all that long ago people could talk politics in a much more civilized way, without all of crazy stuff. Partisanship was there, but the viscious hatred wasn’t.

    I don’t think there ever will be a leader or a leadership that can please half the population and do a decent job anymore. The hard core haters and doubters and the nutjobs won’t let them. And this article and some of the others posted here this past couple weeks show that.

  30. James Hill says:

    All of those beds aren’t for illegals, they’re for liberals. Once you’re all ‘contained’ politics in this country will become a lot more civil.


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