New research shows that the active ingredient in marijuana may prevent the progression of the disease by preserving levels of an important neurotransmitter that allows the brain to function.

Researchers at the Scripps Research Institute in California found that marijuana’s active ingredient, delta-9- tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, can prevent the neurotransmitter acetylcholine from breaking down more effectively than commercially marketed drugs.

THC is also more effective at blocking clumps of protein that can inhibit memory and cognition in Alzheimer’s patients, the researchers reported in the journal Molecular Pharmaceutics.

The researchers said their discovery could lead to more effective drug treatment for Alzheimer’s, the leading cause of dementia among the elderly.

Those afflicted with Alzheimer’s suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills. The ultimate cause of the disease is unknown, though it is believed to be hereditary.

Marijuana is used to relieve glaucoma and can help reduce side effects from cancer and AIDS treatment.

I have special respect for scientists who dedicate themselves to research on substances that provide help and health for the needy — when their use is defined by law and “values” of opportunist politicians and a claque left over from the Dark Ages. Though, I guess the knowledge may help someone in another land.

  1. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    So, those of us who were teenagers in the 70’s are in good shape?

  2. Kent Goldings says:

    How ironic. I guess Nancy should have told Ron to “Just say yes!”

  3. Abram Nichols says:

    Is there ever going to be a time when we can objectively look at a substance and weigh its benefits against its disadvantages? Maybe if we disregarded stigmas and stereotypes we could actually go with the better choice, as opposed to the politically correct one.

  4. Mark Derail says:


  5. munchies says:

    The researchers also noticed weight gain amongst the research subjects. 😉

  6. James Hill says:

    …and don’t forget the increased cancer risk, even when compared to cigarettes.

    That being said, I’m glad guys like Abrams are around: The “Being a stoner is OK.” crowd is slowly dying out… literally.

  7. Cognito says:

    #1 I’m O.K.. Are you O.K.?

  8. Improbus says:

    I am, like, totally OK, dude. Now pass it. LOL

  9. Eideard says:

    My favorite bumper sticker down Silver City way is — “Hey, man — don’t bother. I’ve been this way since 1969.”

  10. Smartalix says:


    Do you have links to statistics on marijunana deaths casued by cancer? Or from any other ailment linked to Marijuana use?

  11. fezzik says:

    Actually, recent studies show a lower risk of cancer from pot than from cigarettes.

  12. munchies says:

    #6, do you really think anyone would create a medicine that can only be delivered via smoking?!? There are numerous drug delivery mechanisms that are *way* more efficient than that!

  13. Miguel Correia says:

    Wow… The Dutch are right after all… smoking pot is legal in the Netherlands. 😀

  14. John Urho Kemp says:

    Does it have to be smoked to get the benefits? I mean, we could cook up a nice batch of hash-brownies for the non-smokers.

  15. John Paradox says:

    #11 fezzik:
    Yes, I recall an article from the BBC, I believe, that showed a positive effect on the marijuana smoking, and WebMD has an article. Also found a Washington Post and !?Weekly World News?! article in the Google search.

    Also, Those afflicted with Alzheimer’s suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills.

    Maybe the ‘smokers’ just become accustomed to it?



  16. John Paradox says:

    oops.. this could also be a defense for this later post?

    Excuse me, I need to take my anti-Alzheimer’s medication.


  17. Smartalix says:

    If it can be proven that it really staves off Alzheimer’s watch it become legal quick. There are lots of aging baby boomers out there.

  18. Jim says:


    tobacco = horrible effects on your health with no benefits, yet legal

    alcohol = pretty bad effects on your health, no benefits, and legal

    pot = at few benefits, not as bad on your health, yet still illegal

    makes sense to me!

  19. Mark says:

    18. Shhhh! We really dont want the govt. to leaglize it, they will only reduce its potency then tax the shit out of it. I’m OK the way things are. Here in Colorado, under an ounce, its a parking ticket type fine, $100.00, not even a misdemeanor, and no criminal record. I can live with that.

  20. John Paradox says:

    Here in Colorado, under an ounce, its a parking ticket type fine, $100.00, not even a misdemeanor, and no criminal record. I can live with that.

    Time to head northeast!


  21. tallwookie says:

    I say make it legal and tax it too – just like tobacco. even if that was to happen there’d still be a lot of people who’d grown their own (just like they do now), and there would still be a black market for the potent shit (just like there is now) – AND there’d be more money for the state govt to put into schools and roads and whatnot…

    Plus, the last time I checked the govt was losing the “war on drugs”

  22. Tom says:

    Rocky Mountain High, babyyyyy!

  23. James Hill says:

    Does info from the ACS count? [edited: c’mon james — you know how to use tinyurl]
    There are a number of studies out there claiming a decrease in cancer, but nothing on the ACS’s site to that tune.

  24. joshua says:

    #15….John Paradox….

    ……..”Also, Those afflicted with Alzheimer’s suffer from memory loss, impaired decision-making, and diminished language and movement skills.

    Maybe the ’smokers’ just become accustomed to it?”………….


    I was thinking the same thing. Would anyone notice?

    My Doctor here in California arranged for me to have Medical marijuana while I was doing chemo because I wasn’t eating, and my stress levels where way to high. My parents, who were 60’s hippies before they got respectable, just loved the idea. I met many people who have the medical pot cards and met a lot who grow there own bwcause they don’t live close enough to a collective to purchase it, they are allowed 50 plants and the state and local cops don’t bug them as long as they have their medical pot growing permit posted on the fence. Anyway….the stuff works, I was able to keep my weight at a healthy level and I didn’t give a damn what they did to me.

  25. TJGeezer says:

    #17 – I think you’re dreaming. Congress is full of former prosecutors eager to make more behaviors illegal unless you’re a cop or prosecutor, in which case they’re busy making more illegal behaviors legal. The only way they’ll start fighting the black markets and black-market violence instead of pretending to fight drugs (however the hell THAT is supposed to work) will be if people wake up and actually think about it. And vote a few prosecutors out of office. Yeah, like that’s gonna happen. Welcome to the Land of Preachers and Feardom.

  26. James Hill says:

    Yes, I do, and so do you. If it was big enough of a deal to edit the post, you could have edited the link instead of deleting it.

    Discussion marked as lame. Wait, this isn’t Digg… got confused there for a minute.

  27. Uncle Dave says:

    Um, James, how about clicking on the link on the word ‘info’?

  28. Jägermeister says:

    It’s always interesting to see the pro-pot crew getting warm and fuzzy when someone presents something that says that pot is good for you.

    Btw… How many of you guys got kids? And how many of those kids are healthy and normal?

  29. joshua says:

    #28….I don’t have kids….but my parents smoked pot and I’m realitively healthy and according to my friends and family….i’m 60% normal 🙂

  30. John B says:

    I have kids and smoke pot. I take it as an offence that you would deem my kids “abnormal”. My kids are just as normal as any other person their age.
    I’ve been smoking pot for 9 years now, I’m as healthy as I ever was and its right wing idiots that won’t let this medicinal herb be legalized.


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