The problem is that both sides have a point. I hate the idea of abortion as birth control, but I recognize that early-term abortion is sometimes neccessary for the health of the mother or to spare the child from unneeded agony (I don’t mean screening for “nice” kids; I mean serious genetic damage in the fetus).

At a pivotal time in the abortion debate, Ms. magazine is releasing its fall issue next week with a cover story titled “We Had Abortions,” accompanied by the names of thousands of U.S. women who signed a petition making that declaration.

The publication coincides with what the abortion-rights movement considers a watershed. Abortion access in many states is being curtailed, activists are uncertain about the U.S. Supreme Court, and South Dakotans vote Nov. 7 on whether to ban virtually all abortions in their state.

However, if you really want to reduce abortion, you have to teach contraception.

  1. Smartalix says:


    So would you agree that teaching contraception is the best way to prevent abortion as birth control?

  2. Mr. Fusion says:

    Abortion as birth control? So what? It isn’t my body so it is none of my damn business.

    If someone else’s body becomes public business then do expect me to weigh in with a few choice comments about how it is spent Sunday mornings before you rush off to the restaurant for Sunday brunch.

  3. Mr. Fusion says:

    0113, if you need a break, take one. Just stop blaming others for what you are part of.

    If a woman becomes pregnant, then the man is just as responsible for the actual pregnancy as she is. 18 years of child support might not be appealing, but paying that is still a hell of a lot cheaper then raising the child as a single mother.

  4. ChrisMac says:

    0113addiv = 007

  5. JohnnyM says:

    Im sorry that you were too stupid to use birth control to keep from having a baby but be an adult and deal with it, its not the babies fault you gave in to passion while this is a complicated issue it just sickens me when women have abortions beacuse it puts their careers on hold……..

    Still abortions should be used to end the pain before it begins for genetic disorders

    No should have the power to end anothers persons life not even parents over their children at least put it up fpr adoption give them a chance…..

  6. Mr. Fusion says:


    Each state has thousands of children needing homes as it is. Giving them up for adoption isn’t an option until the backlog of children waiting for homes is reduced.

  7. JohnnyM says:

    They still have a chance.. your saying being dead is better than being in foster care?

  8. JohnnyM says:

    ausblog i heartily agree

  9. FRAGaLOT says:

    [Comment deleted – We have a zero-tolerance policy on any comment having to do with discussing death threats of any nature or targets of such. – Ed. ]

  10. 0113addiv says:

    #3. Smartalix said: “So are you agreeing with me that we should teach contraception, or has your rant distracted you from the point? What part about teaching contraception is unempowering to the woman?”

    That’s the whole point about my rant, we don’t have to teach about contraception, people already know about the pill and condoms. What’s there to teach?: pop a pill daily and roll this profalactic over that phallus? That takes two minutes, and even a two year old could understand that. So, I am disagreeing with you that we should teach contraception because people already KNOW it. What people DO NOT KNOW is that pregnancy is 100% a woman’s responsiblity. THAT is what has to be teached. That is what my rant is about. You didn’t get it. That is why I have to use strong language to get my point across.

    Empowerment comes only through SELF responsibility. SELF is 100% isn’t it? Are you 50% Smartalix and the rest of you is us? Actually, that is where society is today. By telling women that pregnancy is part a man’s responsibility then when she gets pregnant because she is confused she then seeks out to take responsibility for the accident, namely abortion.

  11. Smartalix says:

    “So, I am disagreeing with you that we should teach contraception because people already KNOW it. ”

    And I would argue that most don’t, especially teens. It is that very uncertainty and fear which springs from ignorance that causes irrational action.


  12. 0113addiv says:

    #7. greg said: “Somewhere within you’re rather strangely presented opinion you seem to be saying that men do not need to use condoms, or like much of the retarded unproductive ranting that surrounds much of this whole debate, am I taking you out of context?”

    greg, that’s absolutely right. condoms should not be used. using condoms SEPARATES a couple. using condoms is coitus masturbation. There is NO INTIMACY in using condoms. IT IS A BARRIER. Jack Nicolson recently did an interview where he said he never uses condoms. That is what real men are like. HE MAKES LOVE to women. If you use a condom you’re merely fucking a body. It is, I repeat, coitus masturbation. It is against God.

  13. 0113addiv says:

    #14, I’mmmm Baaaackk….

  14. 0113addiv says:

    #18. All three of your questions are answered when we take the stance that women are 100% responsible for pregnancy. I’m not saying anything about AN AGREEMENT for pregnancy. I agreed with my ex that I wanted to have a baby with her. I split from her, but I see my kid often and supply them with 66% of my salary BECAUSE I AM RESPONSIBLE. BUT, if she had had the baby WITHOUT MY CONSENT THEN it would be UNFAIR for her to ask for me to be a father when the baby was born.

  15. 0113addiv says:

    #20,J, thanks. your comment helped bring me back to this blog.

  16. 0113addiv says:

    #26 “Sounds like addiv wants to f**k with abandon and at every opportunity.”

    That is God’s intention, not mine. If I could get castrated without the other side effects, I would, honestly. Sex is just not worth it in this world of selfish women.

  17. 0113addiv says:

    #36, 007 and a half.

  18. Mr. Fusion says:

    0113, you need help. You are way to caught up in your own self importance.

  19. Mr. Fusion says:

    #40, ausblog

    I have no idea where you found your numbers. Would you care to cite them?

    But regardless of where you got your numbers, who the eff are you to decide what another person does with their body?

    Are you going to tell my brother that he can’t have his cancer surgery next week because the tissue they will remove is living?

    Are you going to insist that a pregnant mother be put into a jail cell if she happens to smoke or drink while pregnant?

    Are you going to line up and help adopt the children all ready out there in need of a loving family.

    You see, once we were all just an egg and some sperm that happened to join and attach to the uterine wall. The decisions that were made in the months between that time and our births is irrelevant. None of us have any conscience memory of that time and IF we had been aborted, obviously would not be commenting today.

    And in case you didn’t realize it, up to 2/3 of all fertilized eggs DO NOT attach to the uterus wall. So how does that fact fit in with your theory about life beginning at conception?

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ausblog, you still didn’t cite your numbers and I couldn’t find any reference to how many abortions are because of a lack of birth control. Your fact is too hard to accept. Simply because that is medical information that is not collected and would not be released even if it were simply because it is private and personal.

    Now, I suggest you re read your post and think about how much you intrude upon the lives of others. Your arguments are phony and or irrelevant. Asking what if your mother aborted you is as silly of an argument as one can come up with.

    What if you were born into a body with only a mind and no motor abilities? Would you still be suggesting that your conscience would want to live as your skin blistered inside your diaper? As an unscratchable itch that couldn’t be communicated drove you crazy? As pain that only you are aware of was your existence? Think about that.

    You don’t want to talk about jailing women. So please explain why you want to control their bodies other ways? How would you enforce a woman from not having an abortion?


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