9 out of 10 shrunken heads love him

Parents vouch for teacher caught with porn

A former teacher accused of possessing child pornography and running a Web site devoted to the topic of torturing and cannibalizing children was actually a caring and devoted teacher who wouldn’t harm anyone, parents told a federal judge Wednesday.

Michael Kelly Reiner, 46, pleaded not guilty last week to federal child pornography charges in connection with images investigators say they found on his computers. Reiner, who had worked at the Long Island School for the Gifted in Huntington Station for 18 years, was fired last week after his arrest.

But this portrait clashed with the one painted by parents who testified at the request of U.S. Magistrate Kathleen Tomlinson. Tomlinson reserved decision on bail.

Nina Schaffer testified that Reiner was a sensitive teacher who bonded with her seventh-grade son and who wouldn’t hurt anyone.

Obviously, Reiner can’t be what he’s accused of because…

“The man they’re calling a cannibal is a vegetarian,” she said.

  1. Jane Dough says:

    Obviously, Reiner can’t be what he’s accused of because… fantasies are different than reality?

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Teachers are kinky, period.

  3. Mark says:

    He’ll be running for Mark Foleys seat next month. He certainly has the qualifications.

  4. Lauren the Ghoti says:

    How could he possibly be what he is accused of being? My extremely limited and emotionally-colored subjective impressions are unquestionably correct – and objective, demonstrable fact is wrong!

    (Now where haven’t I heard that sort of egocentric ‘reasoning’ in recent years, hmm?)

  5. Jägermeister says:

    The man they’re calling a cannibal is a vegetarian.

    All vegetarians that I’ve met this far in life have been chemically unbalanced nutcases.

  6. JimR says:

    Those parents are idiots.

  7. Michael Milewski says:

    This is what I have been warning people with un-protected computers for ages. Simply put, someone wants to get even with him and has used the perfect weapon, plant child porn on his computer.

    Lock down your computers NOW and if you do not know how just listen to Leo and Steve at security now. Thats http://www.grc.com/securitynow.htm (hmm not as catchy as dvorak.org/blog 🙂

    Otherwise put, if you do not like your neighbour with an open wifi connection, you now know how to get rid of them.

  8. jC! says:

    Just ran through Shields UP! on grc (https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2) running a very new installation of Vista (RC1 5728). Installed it a week ago on a formatted HDD. This PC is setup for VPN to my desktop at work, access the network remotely to my work network.

    Vista passed everything!! (Except UPnP….. so be sure to disable it)

    I’m impressed!! Vista is all ‘stealth’? Suprised? Me too!

  9. stalinvlad says:

    Being a (male) teacher looks like putting your head in the Lions mouth and your testicals into a goldfish bowl full of piranhas.

  10. rctaylor says:

    Since it’s Friday, some talented person with photoshop should turn some photos of well knowns into shrunken heads. Shouldn’t be too hard with the new distortion filters. 🙂

  11. Pfkad says:

    Well I’ve killed cops, raped women and run over pedestrians with my car. Oh, wait. I was playing GTA. Good thing people I know understand the difference between reality and fantasy.

  12. OmarTheAlien says:

    What twelve said plus; as long as this probably benign frutcake is indulging in his fantasies he’s not out stalking some kid. Of course, the danger is when his fantasies begin dictating real world behaviour. To date, his biggest crime seems to be stupidity; crossing national borders with a computer loaded with kiddie porn. Or maybe he felt he was losing control, and just wanted to be caught? Better love for a child hath no man…

  13. James Hill says:

    Babies aren’t a vegetable? Damn it!

  14. Mr. Fusion says:

    Fantasies are one thing. Possessing child pornography is definitely a crime. For the picture to have been taken, a child has been abused. This makes the possessor of any picture equally guilty of the abuse.


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