In case anyone else forgot…

Attacks in Baghdad Kill 13 U.S. Soldiers in 3 Days

Thirteen U.S. soldiers have been killed in Baghdad since Monday, the American military reported, registering the highest three-day death toll for U.S. forces in the capital since the start of the war.

The latest losses — four soldiers who were killed at 9 a.m. Wednesday by small-arms fire — are part of a recent spike in violent attacks against U.S. forces that have claimed the lives of at least 24 soldiers and Marines in Iraq since Saturday, the military said.

Caldwell also announced yesterday that an entire Iraqi police brigade — comprising an estimated 800 to 1,200 officers — had been pulled out of service and placed under investigation for alleged complicity with death squads.

  1. James Hill says:

    One story about a congressman who likes boys and the nation forgets about the war.

    It’s almost too easy, isn’t it?

  2. SamW says:


    What if Dems new about the IMs 2 years ago too…? Shouldn’t everyone involved get the boot? It seems to me that Republicans new about it and stuck their heads in the sand and Democrats new about it and started rubbing their hands together and thinking what they could use it for to get back power. Why not have a full investigation see what turns up before throwing around partisan mud? Isn’t it the pages safety that is the most important thing here and not which party gets hurt the most?

  3. Milo says:

    Very perceptive ECA.

  4. ECA says:

    Do you want sick…You got it.
    A wonded person takes MORE to help then a dead one.
    The rest of his life,
    HE MAY,
    Need someone to wipe his Butt, As he has no arms.
    Pick him out of bed, as he has no legs.
    Have a nurse near as he has to piss thru a Tube, as everything below his Navel is GONE.
    Have others read for him, as he cant SEE.
    Pain that never goes away.
    Become Closed up and depressed, suicidal, and Soforth, as his life has changed, and he cant fix his own car anymore, make love anymore, Girls look at him funny, his family dont know WHAT to do, and the US Gov is cutting money to the Vets association.

    I would say that beuing DEAD is a much better choice then what is ahead for these soldiers that have become wounded OR the civilians that wont get 1% of the medical attention that the soldier WILL.

    PS, you are talking to a person born with a physical handicap, and had 12 years of Surgery as a child, and STILL suffers…

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #32, Sam

    Only the Democrats didn’t know about the IMs. Even on the House Page Panel, consisting of two Republicans and one Democrat, only the Chairman, a Republican, knew about it. No one on the House Ethics Committee knew about it.

    The Speaker knew about it. The head of the House Republican re election committee knew about it. The former page’s Congressman, a Republican, knew about it. But gee, not one Democrat has been told about it excepting for what they have read in the news.

    So Sam, ask questions. That is good. But don’t turn your unanswered questions into fact. That is a typical Republican ploy.

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    Tonight, this whole war came home. We visited a friend and the hostess spent over ½ hr on the phone consoling her daughter. The daughter, 7 ½ months pregnant, had just heard that a very dear friend, whom she had dated previously, had been killed in Iraq. No details. Just that he was dead. On his third tour.

    Sleep well Mr. President.


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