In case anyone else forgot…

Attacks in Baghdad Kill 13 U.S. Soldiers in 3 Days

Thirteen U.S. soldiers have been killed in Baghdad since Monday, the American military reported, registering the highest three-day death toll for U.S. forces in the capital since the start of the war.

The latest losses — four soldiers who were killed at 9 a.m. Wednesday by small-arms fire — are part of a recent spike in violent attacks against U.S. forces that have claimed the lives of at least 24 soldiers and Marines in Iraq since Saturday, the military said.

Caldwell also announced yesterday that an entire Iraqi police brigade — comprising an estimated 800 to 1,200 officers — had been pulled out of service and placed under investigation for alleged complicity with death squads.

  1. ECA says:

    Love the numbers, but dont forget the wounded.

  2. Stephen Hill says:

    Pro-war or anti-war, it’s sick to say that you “love” the numbers of dead and/or wounded…

  3. Mike Voice says:

    Seeing Dubya in that shot reminds me of my post, from earlier this morning, which has already scrolled-off the main page.

    Comment #6

  4. AB CD says:

    13 in 3 days is the highest total for the whole war? That sounds a little low. There hasn’t been a single large attack, or a single day uprising?

  5. tallwookie says:

    /agree with #4 – theres gotta be stats out there somewhere to support that

  6. Mr. Fusion says:

    #4 & 5

    It looks like a small number until it is put into perspective.

    The American and allied military are well armed with massive armor, including Abrams Tanks, Bradly Fighting Vehicles, Striker Reconnaissance Vehicles, Armored HumVees, Black Hawk helicopters, Apache Gunship helicopters, F-16s, and whatever else. Each man (and woman) have individual personal armor (helmet and vest). The military have intensive first aid and hospital facilities available.

    The Iraqis have only some AK-47s, some Improvised Explosive Devices, and a few RPGs.

    If they were better armed and the allied troops were not as well armed then there would definitely be many more men killed. For 13 to be killed when one looks at the odds is a very high number.

    The best way to help stop any more injuries and deaths is to bring them home.

  7. TJGeezer says:

    This is a natural question to settle with Google’s proposed fact-checking technology. Of course you’d have to trust the Pentagon’s numbers.

  8. BHK says:

    It’s the largest number in the capital (Bhagdad) over a 3 day period, but not the largest number total in Iraq for a three day period.

  9. Jim W says:

    Agree or disagree with this administration and Republican policies, at least they have them, unlike Democrats who only seem to care about the next scandle and how they can pin it on Republicans

    From the Link:
    “According to two people close to (the) former congressional page (Name removed), the now famous lurid AOL Instant Message exchanges that led to the resignation of Mark Foley were part of an online prank that by mistake got into the hands of enemy political operatives,..”

    () = mine

  10. GregA says:

    I see your Drudge Report Link With this Fox news link: Hastert is getting toxic!,2933,218043,00.html

    And raise with a Raw Story link: There is more to come!

  11. AB CD says:

    I think the key is ‘in Baghdad.’ The big attacks must be happening somewhere else. If you look at 2700+ deaths in 3.5 years, you get about 2.2 deaths per day. One would expect a higher 3 day total based on stats alone.

  12. Jim W says:

    Point taken GregA, on the “Raw Story”. It is a “breaking news” item after all. But my point remains, based on Uncle Dave`s headline, that we are being distracted from an ISSUES debate by an over hyped SCANDEL. And that, IMO, the over hyping is coming from the Democrats, while the Republicans have been focused on issues.

  13. Sounds The Alarm says:

    AB CD

    For some one who hasn’t (by your own admission) ever served this country in any capacity – you sure like to kill other peoples children.

    How about enlisting? Or are you too important to get shot at?

  14. mxpwr03 says:

    To supplement this article/discussion, I’d check out this story, . Strategy Page is pretty good, and it’d be nice if the editors here would review some of their stories, or others like it, to balance out the war coverage.

  15. mxpwr03 says:

    Sorry forgot about those less than/greater than operators here is the link

  16. Mark says:

    9. This stuff is just chickenfeed compared to sex scandals of the past, both Democratic and Republican, I am glad to see that at least its out of the proverbial closet at the moment though. I dont understand how this could happen and be squelched so easily, this during the Reagan / Bush senior years.

    Our Leaders, follow them into hell, cause thats where they are surely headed.

  17. ECA says:

    The numbers point to the number dead…Not the suffering ones, not the kids that got wounded, not the citizan casualties.

    Army Maj. Gen. James D. Thurman, commander of the Multinational Division Baghdad, said two weeks ago that attacks against U.S.-led coalition forces in Baghdad had reached an average of 42 a day — with about six causing casualties or equipment damage — up from 36 or 38 attacks.

    The disclosure of heavy American losses came on another day of horrific violence for Iraqis, with at least 59 people killed in separate incidents across the country, Iraqi police said. The single deadliest attack took place at 11 a.m. in Ramadi, a Sunni insurgent stronghold in western Iraq, when a suicide bomber blew up his car at an Iraqi army base, killing at least 19 people and wounding 10, according to a police official.

    The average, I think, has been 10 bystanders, for every 1 US military….DEAD. And about the same for wounded.
    So, you guess!! How many woiunded are running around as civilians…

  18. GregA says:

    Jim W,


    This scandal is yet another case of Republicans knowing about a problem and doing NOTHING about it until it was too late. A common refrain for the last 6 years. Also it is not over hyped, this is about Republicans who were the guardians of these boys, and Hastert’s office let a predator, at the very least, sexually harrass them for at least three years. Additionally, after Hastert’s office refused to do anything about it, the Pages notified other members of congress, and they ALSO did nothing about it.

    Republicans have been saying for months about how they want to talk about anything but Iraq, everything is going swimmingly well in Iraq anyhow, and largly the media has been complicit with their desires. Well guess what, they got their wish. Next time I offer, be careful what you wish for, you just might get it.

    Besides, there is nothing else to say about Iraq AT ALL until Rumsfeld is fired and Bush changes course. Guess what, that isnt going to happen. The military will have to suck it up, and lose another 2000-3000 soldiers (never mind the injured) over the next 2.5 years until Bush is gone.

    So I repeat, your point does not stand. This is about Republicans who do nothing about serious problems. When they have a problem, they pass the Buck. Then blame Liberals and Democrats, and failing that try to change the subject. Wash, Rinse repeat.

  19. Milo says:

    So Jim W would have us believe that a Kongressman would resign, apologize and hire a lawyer because of an online prank? What kind of prank is this anyway? “Hey Foley, pretend you’re a child molester, it’ll be a riot!”

    I sure hope Drudge makes a lot of money…

  20. Milo says:

    On the other hand if it is another Rathergate than it just proves what tactics the Republicans will employ. I’d best explain that for the right wing. The document’s contents that Rather got were correct, the actual documents were faked to neutralize media hostile to Bush. This time, if the accusations are not true, the Repubs have gotten this guy to fake being a molester or fake circumstances in which he was molesting to show up the ‘liberal media bias’ and eliminate media that might report bad things about the Repubs prior to the elections. As I write this I’ve almost convinced myself. It fits so well with the Rs MO, right down to Drudge being the anus it’s squeezed out of!

  21. Awake says:

    The point that is being made is that there is supposed to be progress being made, but the ‘average’ per day now is higer than ever. Four US military dead per day on average at the start of this month. Last month average was just about as bad, with 3.3 per day dead.
    “Insurgency in it’s last throes” was proclaimed a couple of years ago.
    Iraq, the new ‘forgotten war’?
    The US is an occupying force. Once it’s stops being seen as that, and goes back to beig sen as a ‘liberation’ force, then things may improve. And for that to happen, the blockheaded Commander in Chief, his VP and the SecDef must be replaced with men capable of leading the way in an intelligent and insightful manner.

  22. REB 84 says:

    “Priorities … Priorities … We don’t need no stink’n priorities!”

    Its amazing how the American media works. We have lost at least eighteen more American service people during the first few days of October and Shiite Iraqi death squads are conducting small scale ethnic cleansing.

    So, what are all the talking heads and politicians focused on? Surprise! Its another sex scandal. And it wasn’t even real sex.

    Florida Republican Rep. Mark Foley’s instant message records indicate he is a dude who gets off on fantasy cyber sex with teenaged boys. I believe this is the first virtual sex scandal in Washington DC political history.

    Back here in the real world, American men and women are killed, maimed and scarred, both physically and emotionally every day. War is hell. Finally, the mainstream media is beginning to support our troops by speaking the truth about their sacrifices. more

  23. doug says:

    #23. and as scandals go, the Abramoff stuff is much more serious and much more typical of the US political system and it has gotten much less attention.

    Maybe if he had cybersex with some of the congressmen he bribed, it could have made it above the fold.

  24. doug says:

    at least someone has not taken his eye off the ball:

    “The Republican chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee yesterday offered a stark assessment of the situation in Iraq after a trip there this week, saying that parts of the country have taken “steps backwards” and that the United States is at risk of losing the campaign to control an increasingly violent Baghdad.”

    But Sen Warner is obviously out of step with the Administration, since he also actually takes responsibility for something:

    “Warner acknowledged that, before the invasion of Iraq, there was a lack of understanding among members of Congress about how much it would take to give Iraq full sovereignty. He blamed himself for not aggressively asking such questions before the war.”

    Sen. Warner, why are you so naive? Why do you buy into enemy propaganda? Why don’t you support our troops? Why do you hate America?

  25. Stephen Hill says:

    1, 17, 18:

    No one is arguing the “numbers” with you. I’m pointing out that it’s sick to cheer the deaths or maimings of American soldiers by saying you “love” them…

  26. Milo says:

    Meanwhile they’re on their way to Iran!

    U.S. warships are headed for the coast of Iran, just in time for a late-October war. Maybe even a nuclear war. A nuclear war started by the White House. You know, to make sure Iran doesn’t develop dangerous nuclear weapons that could be brazenly used against some country or another.

    Today, the USS Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group leaves port in Norfolk for the Persian Gulf. The group includes the USS Anzio, the guided-missile destroyers USS Ramage and USS Mason and the attack sub USS Newport News. Time and The Nation are among the mainstream mags saying this is the beginning of the war.

  27. doug says:

    #27. Well, at least the logic of this Administration is consistent. Afghanistan-based terrorists attack the US, so we attack Iraq. Now, if N. Korea tests a nuke, we’ll attack Iran!

  28. Mike Voice says:

    28 You know, to make sure Iran doesn’t develop dangerous nuclear weapons that could be brazenly used against some country or another.


    How many different ways can Dubya tell other countries to Bring it on!?

    Will he always be surprised when the response is Same to you, Bub!

  29. ECA says:

    I wouldnt mind ANY of them learning about Nukes…
    It took the USA 40 years to Learn it all, and alot of Wasted land, dead fish, and Fallout…

    Let them Glow in the dark…
    Its when they make an ICBM that WORKS…I would start to worry.
    But NOT if all of N. Korea is DYEING of radioactive poisoning.


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