With all the laws being enacted to restrict our freedoms and giving the government unprecedented powers, this should not be a surprise. Expect it to become more common as the Bushization of the nation marches on.

Eminent Domain Protester Canario Held In Gitmo Style

Lauren Canario, Free State Project member noted for protesting against REAL ID and most recently, the eminent domain taking of Mrs. Kelo’s New London, CT home, is being treated inhumanely in Connecticut’s high-security York Correctional Institution.

According to close friend Kat Kanning, Canario, arrested Sept 22, on a mere charge of trespassing (on property she had a valid lease agreement with the owner for), is being held in shackles under bright lights 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While she can receive mail, she can neither make or receive phone calls, nor send out mail.

The shackling and lighting treatment is one that has historically been used by oppressive governments to break the will of political prisoners and spies, prior to mind control indoctriation or interrogation. That she is being held in solitary confinement in the prisons psych ward is indicative of Soviet era reports of political prisoners being institutionalized as psychiatric patients. Prison officials allege that they’ve put her in the psych ward because she refuses to talk.

Thus, she is being treated as a psych patient only because she is exercising her right to not cooperate with her oppressors and her right to not speak.

Nor, apparently, does she have a lawyer. Bill Von Winkle, a Fort Trumbull homeowner from whom Canario rented an apartment, helped her get a lawyer, but “when she saw that I wasn’t walking, that I was dragged, she decided she didn’t want to represent me,” Canario said.

  1. Mark says:

    30. Bullshitski, The Neoconservative agenda owns this “culture of fear”
    Gave birth to it, cultivate it, shove it down our throats. I, for one would rather take my chances with the terrorists.

  2. doug says:

    31. Oh, yes. I mean, the ‘war for civilization’ line that Dumbya fed us essentially says that this group of loser dead-enders, born and bred on the wrong side of human history, can actually threaten the existance of Western Civilization. Portraying them as great a threat as the USSR or Nazi Germany based on … what? I mean, their big score, their one in a million, take advantage of our bureaucratic ineptitude and national complacency, everything for them goes right and everything for us goes wrong, shot was … 9/11.

    three thousand dead. horrible destruction. cannot pass a day without thinking about the people who wake up every morning, knowing that their spouses or sons or daughters are dead.

    but Western Civilization plows onward. The terrs should have taken a lesson from the Japanese – don’t hit the USA unless you can knock us out.

    all it does is piss us off.

    and the terrs CANT knock us out. I mean, they had control over a whole country sitting right next door to a friendly power that owned nukes (Pakistan) and near another one that has a mixed record of keeping track of them (Russia), and they tried like hell to get a nuke and they couldnt.

    threat to Western Civilization? Hah!

    they are the rear guard for an ideology (radical Islam) that is on its way out. all we have to do is keep them from hurting us as they die off. And, BTW, we really should not do anything stupid like give them lots of targets to shoot at and a major recruitment tool. But we already did that, we invaded Iraq.

    And the fear that the neocons planted and stoked will keep us all in line. But not forever.

  3. AB CD says:

    So doug how would you send this message that you shouldn’t attack America? Would you invade Afghanistan? This would serve as a recruiting tool for terrorists too. So would trying to stop Iran’s nuke program.

  4. doug says:

    #33. Wrongo. The ease with which the US and the Northern Alliance knocked over the Taliban demoralized Islamists. That was the only country the Sunni rads had control of and was supposed to be their base, but it collapsed like a house of cards. After the fall of the Taliban, Islamists web sites were wailing and talking about being put through a time of testing like Mohammad’s original followers.

    Smacking down AQ and the Taliban in Afghanistan was not only necessary, it was the smart move.

    And the US cannot militarily stop the Iranian nuke program and bring stability to Iraq. Bomb Iran and the Shiites in Iraq turn the burners up to high, and you probably get 10k Revolutionary Guards crossing the border with TNT strapped around their midsections.

    One of the many, MANY reasons that invading Iraq was such a damn stupid idea.

  5. Mr. Fusion says:

    #34, But we didn’t know that it was a stupid idea. At first it was a flimsy excuse to get the guy who threatened Shrub’s daddy. Later we thought it was a bad idea. Only recently has it become a stupid idea.

  6. doug says:

    #35. Interestingly, Shrub’s daddy appears to have thought it was a stupid idea from the begining (per Woodward’s book), but did not pipe up.

    Apparently, letting the little tyke make his own mistakes is more important than … well, you know the list. Most of us just scrape our knees when dad takes off the training wheels. Others derail US foreign policy and cause the deaths of thousands.

  7. AB CD says:

    Afghanistan created terrorists too. The Iraqi regime fell quickly too. Yet, we are still bogged down in Afghanistan right now fighting the Taliban. If Iraq hadn’t been invaded, Afghanistan would be their main recruiting tool, and they also border Iran.

  8. doug says:

    #37. perhaps, but invading Afghanistan was necessary. Invading Iraq was, well, “gratuitous.” One of the few purely optional wars in history. One should not gratuitously make more enemies.

    Also, the Iranians (1) dont have a dog in the fight in Afghanistan like they do with Iraq’s shiites; and (2) actively despised the Taliban. Without the Iraqi invasion, the primary support for the insurgency in Afghanistan would still be (as it is now) from Pakistanis, perhaps including elements of the Pakistani government.

    Right now, Iran has provide the shiite militias in Iraq (associated with the parties in the government which US troops are dying to keep in power) with $50 million in cash and arms. There is no such analogous effort in Afghanistan.

    Face it – Iraq was a mistake at the time and is a mistake now. The only remaining question is when and how to get out.


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