With all the laws being enacted to restrict our freedoms and giving the government unprecedented powers, this should not be a surprise. Expect it to become more common as the Bushization of the nation marches on.

Eminent Domain Protester Canario Held In Gitmo Style

Lauren Canario, Free State Project member noted for protesting against REAL ID and most recently, the eminent domain taking of Mrs. Kelo’s New London, CT home, is being treated inhumanely in Connecticut’s high-security York Correctional Institution.

According to close friend Kat Kanning, Canario, arrested Sept 22, on a mere charge of trespassing (on property she had a valid lease agreement with the owner for), is being held in shackles under bright lights 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. While she can receive mail, she can neither make or receive phone calls, nor send out mail.

The shackling and lighting treatment is one that has historically been used by oppressive governments to break the will of political prisoners and spies, prior to mind control indoctriation or interrogation. That she is being held in solitary confinement in the prisons psych ward is indicative of Soviet era reports of political prisoners being institutionalized as psychiatric patients. Prison officials allege that they’ve put her in the psych ward because she refuses to talk.

Thus, she is being treated as a psych patient only because she is exercising her right to not cooperate with her oppressors and her right to not speak.

Nor, apparently, does she have a lawyer. Bill Von Winkle, a Fort Trumbull homeowner from whom Canario rented an apartment, helped her get a lawyer, but “when she saw that I wasn’t walking, that I was dragged, she decided she didn’t want to represent me,” Canario said.

  1. sh says:

    Ah poor thing….I’ll volunteer to water board her.

  2. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Can we get a real source to back up this blog site?

  3. Tom says:

    I second number #2, maybe its because if the national news people report on it they might be burned at the stake too, but I need a credible source to believe this.

  4. Smartalix says:

    Here’s a story on the arrest. People get abused in jail worse than this, why not her?

    Squatters evicted from Fort Trumbull neighborhood

    The Fort Trumbull neighborhood probably thought all the drama ended when the owners of some disputed homes left this summer. Not so. It seems several homeless people moved in on their heels, and Friday some demonstrators were carried away.

    In a show of defiance activist Lauren Canario refused to leave the porch of an abandoned home being boarded up in New London’s Fort Trumbull neighborhood to keep homeless people out.

    The former Las Vegas woman moved here to join the fight against eminent domain which went all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. Today Canario kept silent and let her body go limp as her husband videotaped her arrest.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    Found these two articles. There’s another one that requires payment, so I didn’t get it.

    Source 1
    Source 2

  6. Tom says:

    That article doesn’t tell of ill treatment in the prison, though amnesty international have had some run ins with this prison.

    [edited: pls use tinyurl for long links]

  7. catbeller says:

    Blogs not a news source? Then why was Dan Rather’s rather excellent report on Bush’s AWOL era so successfully questioned by Powerline, a right wing blog, even though he was refuted point by point? Bush was AWOL, they had tons of witnesses, but because of a superscripted character that Powerline stated was impossible, the entire report is mocked, even by John Stewart. That superscripted character appeared in many other source documents from the Army in that evidence packet, but somehow that information didn’t seem to gain any traction. Apparently the media gods only read rightist blogs.

    Why are anti-neocon blogs held as mad until proven sane while rightists like Drudge and Powerline treated as credible news sources? Drudge just yesterday blamed sex-crazed teenaged predators for Foley’s downfall. WHY is anyone listening to this liar? Powerline lies, constantly, yet none seem to question his veracity.

    I appreciate the need to verify this sole-sourced datum, which may or may not be true. But keep in mind that the new media gods do not like negative coverage of Bush’s war on, um everything, and drag their feet for months or years to report on even the worst offenses. Being labeled liberal is a death sentence today at the networks and most newspapers. The neocon bosses are looking to purge the “biased”, and have s-canned quite a number of people in the last six years. Olbermann himself seems to be skating on thin ice, high ratings or no.

  8. woktiny says:

    the interesting question for me is this: If the country comes to be oppressive, will more people find religion? Will there even be a religious underground of *good* people who take care of each other in ways the Gov’t doesn’t?

    I ask this without regard for whether they should, or whether religion is good or bad.

    I ask this with insight into the influence of Rome in Jesus’ day, and how that affects the gospel.

  9. AB CD says:

    What has Drudge lied about? For the most part, he doesn’t even run a real blog, but just links to other articles, sometimes running the details before they are published.

    Those national guard fakes had a lot more problems than a single superscript, for example kerning. You should look it up rather than listening to Mary Mapes’ talking points.

  10. Thorndike says:


    If she can not get information out, how do we know that this is even happening?

  11. woktiny says:

    #10… I was wondering that myself.

    oh, the lawyer mentioned… that might be it

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Ok Catbeller… I don’t know who you are ranting at but one random blog does not a truth make… and so far, that’s all I see in this thread.

    I believe the woman was arrested, and I agree with her political position and I agree with law enforcement’s right to arrest her but I see nothing yet that indicates that the claim made in the OP is anything close to true… and I hope it isn’t.

    It isn’t that I do or don’t believe it, it’s just a matter of needing evidence. Dave and Alex, two upstanding guys, offered links that satisfy me in so far as the event being real and the arrest made… but the shackling is not backed up… Further, the article in the OP notes that Canario had a lease on the property and that just isn’t true.

    It takes a lot of energy for me to express my deep sense of self rightous indignance 🙂 so you can understand if I want more info.

  13. John Urho Kemp says:

    Oh COME ON! What has Drudge lied about? Give me a fricken break. He is only a blogger that got famous and had his 15 minutes and now went back to being a loser blogger.

    His page wouldn’t be half bad if he just shut his idiot mouth. Just have the links to the various news sources with NO HEADLINES.

    He’s not a reporter, he thinks he’s the Internets version of Walter Winchell with the stupid fedora he wore on his cancelled TV show. His name is such a joke now it’s used to describe bad, made up journalism. Hey, I’m no fan of the media and any news organization, but they’re bastions of truth compared to that loser.

  14. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Drudge has lied about anything I know of or bother paying attention to, but he is a flaming asshole.

    And Bush was AWOL, and a coke head, and a crappy student, and he is currently a shitty president who should be impeached.

    I’m glad that’s settled.

  15. woktiny says:

    Impeached? I hear that a lot… if so many people want it, why isn’t it happening? seriously, what does it take?

    just asking.

  16. Donald Silva says:

    I’ve been reading this blog for over a year, and I enjoy the insightful remarks of everyone -left or right. This story/entry was very revealing as to the depth of thought that is given by many readers, and I am grateful that these are expressed. Just feeling happy and grateful that there is some light in a world that seems to be getting darker each day. Mahalo

  17. TJGeezer says:

    What does it take? Start with a Congress that takes its Constitutional duties seriously. Add clear media reporting on the issues that led to the question of impeachment, unimpeded by media moguls who have their own right-wing agendas. Oh, and an uncorrupted Supreme Court to back up Congressional rights to information and the people’s right to know every detail of evidence and deliberation.

    Doesn’t look like we have any of that at present, does it.

  18. Mark says:

    The eminent domain issue is a huge one. Consider the Nafta Superhighway, 6 footbal fields wide and govt can seize property in area 10 miles on either side of it. This highway will run from Mexico to Canada. Consider if your property, in you family for generations was seized for this. Enjoy the New World Order!

  19. gquaglia says:

    #18 your only part right. Eminent domain has been and should be legal for government projects such as highways and such. The problem is now, local governments are using it to take away your land and give to private developers for such things as luxury condos and shopping centers. Not what he law intended.

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    You are 100% right.

    Too bad we don’t have enough liberal activist judges on the Supreme Court to interpret the law that way.

  21. Sounds The Alarm says:


    Whats your mouth – if we have more “liberal activist judges”, we might be on the dangerous edge of freedom & justice.

    Did anyone see Moyers piece on Abramoff?

  22. Mark says:

    19. Yes, I see nothing but trouble in this, Any corporation will be able to steal your land through poltical payoff and cronyism. I beleive this is going to be the biggest land grab in history, well at least since we did it to the Native Americans. And its all going to be funded by us (US Taxpayers), to benefit the North American Union.

  23. doug says:

    wow. does anyone think that inhumane prison conditions are a post-9/11 condition in the US? or politically motivated imprisonment.

    think Susan McDougal, folks.

  24. Matthew says:

    Article and comments speak to the fact that America is broken.

  25. Angel H. Wong says:

    Keep voting Republican..

  26. AB CD says:

    >Too bad we don’t have enough liberal activist judges on the Supreme >Court to interpret the law that way.

    Stop listening to Howard Dean and co. The guys on the Supreme Court who voted against this sort of eminent domain were Scalia, Rehnquist, Kennedy, and Thomas. Souter, Ginsberg, O’Connor, Stevens, and Breyer voted in favor of eminent domain.

  27. Smith says:

    #26 Actually AB CD, O’Connor was very much against the ruling. It was Stevens, Kennedy, Souter, Ginsberg and Breyer that voted in favor of eminent domain. Hmm, doesn’t that list include all of the liberal justices?

  28. doug says:

    think outside the box – conservative activist judges. they get the outcomes they want while refusing to acknowledge that they are pulling the ‘original intent’ stuff out of their rear ends. note conservative judges striking down affirmative action plans and campaign finance reform.

    The conservatives don’t want an end to ‘judicial activism,’ they just want it going their way. They have their eye on striking down environmental laws next, calling them ‘takings’ without compensation.

  29. Russell Kanning says:

    We don’t really know what is going on in the prison. When we call they will not answer some questions like “Is she in shackles?”. They treated her like this a year ago, so we can guess at some of the conditions. I am sure she is not the only one receiving this kind of rotten treatment, but it hits home because she is our friend and she hasn’t hurt anyone.

    If you want to check it out for yourself, give the CT state women’s prison a call and ask about her. They really love that. Their favorite phrase is, “I am just doing my job.”

  30. Coyote says:


    I wouldn’t call it Orwellian, Fascist, or “Bushified” but yeah, this country is getting blind to the problem this so called “war on terror” is causing.

    This article, however, is sensationalist rumormongering. Please don’t perpetuate everything you read on LewRockwell, Prison Planet, or any other kook blog. At least without getting the other side of the story.

    It’s not just you. Boing Boing did a story on the torture bill that panicked everyone. Their source? Eric Siva, A certified conspiracy theorist kook. At least they later moderated their initial mistake by copying some comments into the story.

    I don’t like Bush either, but sensational media is what has created the “culture of fear” that is letting the right-wing run rampant.


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