Yes, “this video is old.” (I saved you some typing.) But every time I watch it, I am dumbfounded. Accidents happen, but cripes!
Did she have to turn in her bullet? Oh wait, I forgot, she already fired it!
Yes, “this video is old.” (I saved you some typing.) But every time I watch it, I am dumbfounded. Accidents happen, but cripes!
Did she have to turn in her bullet? Oh wait, I forgot, she already fired it!
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holy crap!!! she’s lucky she didnt shoot that guy in the head… cuz thats a lot fo paperwork…
Lucky she didn’t hit the other cop
No wonder people are trying to run from the police…
I will add to #3: if you don’t have a gun (or is it a gub?), you can’t shoot anybody with it.
She must have watched the movies where they always keep their finger on the trigger.
You’re absolutely right.
But only in America are guns as ubiquitous as cars and blunt objects.
Blame this on liberals and the feminists. Women have no business carrying guns. They have no business being police officers. In some ways, the conservatives are right about Liberals destroying America. I repeat, women must never carry guns. Their triggers are based on emotion, not intellect. I repeat, women must never carry guns.
Reminds me of a dumb LT that was in my unit in the army. There was a bullet catcher by the door of the chow hall, and everyone had to dryfire into it before going in. ( Firstly your not supposed to walk around with a loaded magazine in the weapon in the camp.) But then you walk up .. charge and dryfire into the catcher..
Well the LT walks up and unholsters his pistol and jacks the slide.. and pulls the trigger.. WHAM!!!!
Your supposed to remove the magazine first sir… (not to mention your not supposed to be walking around with a loaded magazine in the pistol in the first place)
0113addiv, the best fighter pilots in the world are women. Why?
The only reason there are women in the police force, is because they make it through the training and apply for the jobs, in Greater Numbers than the men.
IOW, there are not enough men making it through police training. Same thing for fighter pilot training.
Emotion also enables better endurance.
Here we bash the female cop accidently discharging. What about the male police Srgt that shot his foot, in a class full of toddlers Grade School ????????
Real stats on number of Women on the Police Force that made mistakes, versus the Men.
Compare apple with apple.
I’ll bet that that the women win!
Actually that was a DEA agent.
I’m familiar with that video. I’ve come close to blogging it a couple of times. The story that developed *after* the incident is at least as interesting as the video itself.
Maybe I’ll blog it sometime, but a lot of people are familiar with it already.
I thought men made the better fighter pilot, but women were better overall pilots.
Just one of those things I heard, yet have no actual data to back that up.
#12 and #13, you are both castrated males. you’ve been pussy-whipped by the female strategists in believing what you do. you probably cry too, when your girlfriend leaves you for a real man, like me. have you seen these women in uniforms? some of them weigh 90lbs with a uniform that looks two sizes too big. who do you want protecting you one day? a tiny woman or brawny man who’s very physical presence is a detterent? Look at the video, AT POINT BLANK RANGE, SHE COULDN’T EVEN FUCKING SHOOT HER TARGET!
…and then 0113addiv jumped out from under the bridge and ate the goat! No, wait, that’s a different kind of troll.
Bernice Fife should have better sense than to be using an automatic pistol with that light of a trigger (any weapon for that matter). I bet the next time the officer on the ground calls for back-up, if she responds, for his own safety he will release his suspects, screaming “run for your life!!”.
He’s a classic troll…not a very good one because a good troll in a forum would almost make a little sense to keep it just over the edge, yet still piss everyone off.
0113addiv is certainly a classic troll, just not a very creative one.
Moving on, people….
Actually.. 0113addiv seems to believe the crazy garbage he spouts.
Sometimes he’s normal too… go figure.
#17, #19, and #20. Thanks guys, you helped me learn something new today. Seriously, I didn’t know what “troll” meant. Wiki has a great write up on it. (Note the part where it says that usually, actual trolls are the ones who call others by that name 🙂
Really, interesting read:
(P.S. can anyone direct me on how to make tinyurls? thanx)
NEVER EVER place finger on trigger, unless you are willing and ready to pull it. And suffer the consequences.
She wasn’t aiming, and was actually backing away.
Probably a nervous reaction / twitch, like when you left click a link you hovering over with your mouse, but you didn’t want to click.
Oh yeah, I’m definately pussy-whipped. Married 16 years! I need Internet Blogs to assert my maleness, or will degenerate into nothingness.
#12 – women are good pilots becasue they have more usability features than men (aka tits & ass)
#6, Yeah, yeah yeah. And if you don’t have a car you can’t run someone over. If you don’t have a blunt object you can’t bash their head in. Whatever.
Comment by BryanP — 10/5/2006 @ 4:42 am
Glad to see you’re with the program.
Go to the web site. Follow the directions. On the left side of the page are instructions. Once you have a TinyUrl button on your browser toolbar, all you need to do is visit the site you want to link to, click the Tiny Url buttton, then copy and paste the tiny url posted.
This is the URL for this page. It will take you there too.
Not only do they try to rip you off, they send your email out and you get a ton of junk mail.