As if the families don’t have enough grief and the outside world to deal with. This guy and his followers makes Limbaugh, O’ Reilly and the guy who eats lightbulbs seem normal.

Bible-Spouting Group Plans to Picket Amish Funerals

A Kansas-based group that says “God hates fags” plans to picket the funerals of the Amish girls killed by a disturbed man in Lancaster County, Pa.

The Westboro Baptist Church — described as a hate group by the Anti-Defamation League — has made a name for itself by picketing the funerals of U.S. troops killed in Iraq. The troops are dying as punishment for America’s tolerance of homosexuality, the group says.

The Westboro group says the Amish school girls were “killed by a madman in punishment for Gov. Ed Rendell’s blasphemous sins against Westboro Baptist Church.

A number of states have passed laws to keep groups like Westboro away from grieving families at funerals, but last month, a federal judge ruled that a Kentucky law barring protests within 300 feet of military funerals and memorial services is too broad and may not be enforced.

  1. Improbus says:

    That man needs to die a slow and painful death but I would settle for a bullet in the head.

  2. plankton says:

    I don’t offend easily, but I was actually sick to my stomach when I read this. What an asshole.

  3. masteroffm says:

    FTA – Westboro Baptist Church said it is “continuing to pray for even worse punishment upon Pennsylvania.”

    I wasnt aware that if you prayed hard enough God would do harm to others. Guess you learn something new everyday.

  4. Drew says:

    What a monster. He gives Christians a bad name.

  5. DWright says:

    Here’s one Christian who is having many un-Christian thoughts right now.
    What a monster.

  6. bquady says:

    Improbus: agreed, he’s an asshole for wishing harm on other human beings. Do you ever do that? Oh, wait, you just did.

    Was that a metaphorical bullet in his head you are hoping for, or a literal one? I hardly think the latter is the proper response to someone who goes around trying to hurt other people’s feelings.

    Seriously, that’s some un-american bullshit you just said. If the guy commits a crime, let’s deal with him through the legal system. If not, you need to start taking it like a civilized human being, not a brownshirted thug.

    Your thoughts?

  7. neozeed says:

    Well.. Hurray for freedom of speech. No really. If nut jobs like this guy get put away we are only going to join him (in closed quarters!) for not liking der fuher…


    Remember this is how a ‘free’ society works.

  8. Joe says:

    oh, hes gonna burn in hell

    trust me

  9. RBG says:

    But we defend to the death his actions (and others much worse) because otherwise the government stormtroopers will next be coming for us. Uh-huh.


  10. malren says:

    Free speech doesn’t mean freedom from responsibility. What Fred does is hate speech of the highest order, and he attempts to incite hate AND violence.

    Too bad no one is ballsy enough to arrest him or punch him in the fucking mouth.

  11. bquady says:

    I wonder if wishing someone a horrible (fictional) afterlife, rather than a horrible reall life, makes one less of an asshole?

    Damn, some of you people really seem bent on outdoing this Phelps prick with your own bile. Do you feel big and tough when you say that stuff? I only ask because you seem very very small to me…

  12. Tom says:

    Are these people satin or what? They get pleasure in death, it doesnt matter who it is. Reminds me of the Texas Chainsaw massacre family.

  13. Improbus says:

    Bquady, mine is just the voice of frustration. In actuality, I dislike Fred Phelps just a little bit more than all the other xenophobic hypocritical “Believers” of any religion.

  14. bquady says:

    Malren: show me where the man has incited violence, and I’ll show you the law that puts him away. Then we’ll be done with it.

    In the mean time, I (thankfully) don’t live in a country where trying to change someone’s mind about moral issues is a crime. I don’t live in a country where I can’t legally say that other people ought to hate who I hate. I live in the US. In what dungeon of a country do you live?

    I don’t agree with ONE SINGLE position taken by Phelps, and I think that he’s a slug, but really, if we can’t show others a better example of moral behavior than FRED_FREAKING_PHELPS does, then shame on us. And by us, I mean, primarily, you.

  15. meetsy says:

    too bad the MEDIA doesn’t ignore Phelps and his wimpy followers, as they ignore a great many other things, and let this moronic band of attention seekers protest all they want.
    They are misguided dingbats with a crazed leader…..maybe we should give them our pity….as they are clearly powerless without media attention.
    Just like Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, Tom Cruise, Anna Nicole Smith……
    So, the question becomes…how do we get the media to stop reporting what the idiots do?

  16. bquady says:

    Improbus: we’ll go with “metaphorical bullet”, then. Thanks for clearing that up.

    I propose, with all friendliness, since you seem amenable, that you take a different approach than fantasizing about someone coming to harm in order to end their iniquity. The approach is this: how about fantasizing about a world in which people try to be decent to each other, not because their natures have changed, but because they have learned how and why they should?

  17. Mark says:

    15. The only way to get the media to stop with the fluff, is financially. When their ratings drop, then and only then will they change. So its really the fault of the public who enjoy this crap. I dont think you can change the below average publics’ mind.

    Brrrrrrrp! Now go get me a beer. The games coming on.

  18. woktiny says:

    With things like this, I wonder if anyone will learn the difference between Christ and ‘Christians’… I wonder if anyone even knows what it means to be a ‘Christian’ anymore.

    Just a little reminder not to confuse God for the people who claim God’s name.

    #15So, the question becomes…how do we get the media to stop reporting what the idiots do?

    Answer: we convince 300 million americans to stop watching/reading/buying that media.

  19. woktiny says:

    #17 I dont think you can change the below average publics’ mind.

    I hear that 75% of people think they are of above average intelligence. Does anyone else find that interesting?

  20. Mark says:

    Well, at least more interesting than, Paris Hilton, Jessica Simpson, Tom Cruise, Anna Nicole Smith……, (insert bimbo here).

  21. tallwookie says:

    religious folks like that a fuckin crazy

  22. 0113addiv says:

    This is where citizens must come in and take the right stance (fuck the law) into our own hands. The solution is for a man to rape Fred Phelps and catch it on video, which would be disseminated on the internet. This would officially make him a homosexual and, perhaps, he will take his own life after that. Nobody get physically hurt in the process. The psychological effect would mend the hurt that he causes.

  23. Ryan says:

    these people need to drop any reference to Christ. if they at all understood his message they wouldn’t be so full of hate.

    hopefully the patriot guard can make a special appearance at the funeral to keep the phelpses at bay.

  24. woktiny says:

    #22…. fighting for peace, like f___ing for virginity. no good could come out of that

  25. J says:

    It sickens me to see people like this.


    It also sickens me how quickly people would move to prevent him from his constitutional rights.

    #10 malren

    He does have the freedom to incite hate and speak what he believes. I am very weary of those that want to stop someone from expressing what they believe with violence or arrest. This is the difference between those on the left and those on the right. We, on the left, really believe in the constitution.

    If he steps over the line and incites violence or creates a disturbance of the peace then fine arrest him and let the legal system deal with it.
    If he stays with in the law and does his hate speech he is protected by the first amendment.

    We can’t start telling people we don’t like what you say so you are not allowed to say it. That approach ends very badly.

  26. JFStan says:

    The only cure for this nut and his following is MORE publicity.. How many of us actually agree with this freak? None on this list apparently.. And there’s no doubt that the VAST majority of human beings, religious or otherwise, would also disagree with his views. The more people that know about him, the more will be against him.

  27. John says:

    Thankfully our free speech allows us to shout this idiot down. If you live nearby, do it. Or, spray them with fox piss (a hunting accessory commonly available at sporting goods stores in PA).

    ….and let’s not kid ourselves….who would grieve if he got hit by a truck or struck by a bolt of lightning?

  28. bquady says:

    I very much appreciate the comments of neozeed, woktiny, J and JFStan. It’s nice to see a counterweight to the mindless ghastly violence of malren, 0113addiv, etc.

    I’d like to add the observation that the left DOES try to censor ideas, and that it disgusts me no less than right-driven censorship. For a boatload of examples, try Nat Hentoff’s book, “Free Speech for Me–But Not for Thee: How the American Left and Right Relentlessly Censor Each Other”.

    Let’s not be afraid to call BS when someone who is on the same side of the aisle as us gets it wrong. Which, sadly, is often.

  29. plankton says:

    I am also a firm believer in freedom of speech, even when it is ugly. Yeah, this guy has the right to say what he wants. So do I. He’s an asshole. I would go into more detail but I don’t believe he deserves it.

  30. Pfkad says:

    I recall these idiots coming to Michigan for one of thier repugnant demonstrations at the funeral of a local soldier. Some biker club also attended and acted as a human barrier between the dumb-assed protesters and the graveside service. No violence occured, but the family was left in relative peace.


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