Seen in Berkeley.

  1. Busterx2000 says:

    There are a couple of these arround SF.

  2. RTaylor says:

    I remember reading a horror novel years ago which included a bunch of people on Northern California coast that glued sea shells all over their cars. Can’t remember the title or the author.

  3. 0113addiv says:

    To know a person’s true colors, one only needs to see what car he/she drives and observe their driving style, habits and courtesies (or lack thereof).

  4. tallwookie says:

    I saw one the other weekend here in Seattle – it was covered in pennies – must have been like $20 in pennies on that car… it was a vw hatchback

  5. Floyd says:

    I’ve seen several decorated cars like this recently in Albuquerque, and some in Santa Fe (the other SF).
    The most imfamous one in Abq. was a pickup truck decorated like an adobe house, but that one was either moved/driven elsewhere or redecorated about 5 years ago..

  6. ChrisMac says:

    If you like it soo much.. why don’t you buy it JCD?

    or at least photoshop you face in the window..


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