Luckily a cam phone pic was taken of the deed.

ITV News – Ticket after lines painted under parked car — This town should be ashamed of itself. The meter maid should have been fired immediately. A cam phone pic of the deed saved the motorist from a fine. Now you know why the police generally do not like people taking pictures.

A driver has been left stunned after returning to his parked car to find yellow lines painted underneath it and a ticket on the windscreen.

When Nasser Khan left his vehicle overnight in Chapel Street, Salford, he was certain he had parked in an unmarked stretch of the road.

So he was left bemused the next morning after discovering he had been handed a ticket for illegal parking.

But workmen had been captured on CCTV crouching underneath the car to paint in the gap, almost melting the tyres on Mr Khan’s car. A waiting parking warden then issued the ticket.

found by Sergio Gasparrini

  1. hotdog says:

    That’s is really messed up! I was never a fan of the parking violation people, this just proves my points of views on them.

  2. joshua says:

    The Salford council has stated that he would have to prove his tyres were damaged by them. What arrogance.

  3. Robert Gale says:

    The Sun have a video of the incident –,,11021-10043,00.html

  4. @$tr0Gh0$t says:

    You also have to give thanks that in the UK video can be presented as evidence in a court of law.
    I have been told that in Venezuela the only type of electronic evidenve that can be accepted is teletype (anybody remember those old machines?)

  5. sirfelix says:

    New Orleans had the same problem with it’s meter maids a few years ago. Almost every cop in New Orleans is corrupt in some way, they come to the job like that. Imagine how a disgruntled, “rejected from being a real cop” meter maid ends up? Even more corrupt.

  6. John Paradox says:

    teletype (anybody remember those old machines?)

    Yep. Worked with them in the late 70’s-early 80’s. I think we might even still have an old machine at the station I work at.
    [can’t check until Monday.. am vacationing]

  7. Jägermeister says:

    Amazing story… 🙁

    #4 – …teletype (anybody remember those old machines?)

    Yes, from the early 80s.

  8. AB CD says:

    They’re just being more blatant, but it happens all the time. Cities pass laws that you’re not allowed to build certain things after people buy land. Look at Lake Tahoe, or anyone hit with the Endangered Species Act.

  9. 0113addiv says:

    All creation goes awry. Meter maids were created not to fine people but to help control the hording of limited parking spaces. Once created as an entity, however, that entity follows the Natural Law of survival. It will do whatever it has to do to keep its organization alive (keep people employed and feed the municipal coffers). It loses sight of its intended purpose. It becomes a monster. Same goes with mankind. God created man so that man could watch over the Creation of the Universe. But, man has taken over, not watched over.

  10. Noam Sane says:

    I drove a delivery van in San Francisco for 3 years. I can attest to the fact that meter maids are generally on a power trip. I have a million stories, but here’s one that happened after I stopped driving professionally.

    I volunteered to drive a co-worker to the UPS building to pick up a package. I sat in the unoccupied handicapped spot while he ran in, my engine running, fully prepared to move if someone needed the spot. A meter maid pulled up behind me and beeped the horn on her little scooter.

    Annoyed, I whipped my car out of the spot an into a spot across the street that had just become available. Then, I flipped her the bird.

    A week later, a ticket for parking in a handicapped spot came in the mail. $275.

    Of course, I fought it. Of course, I lost.

  11. 0113addiv says:

    #10. I was unloading groceries from my car which was double-parked in front of my building. I was also with my 4 year old kid. I went up to the apartment to leave him with his mother and bring up more groceries. Within those 5 minutes, a New York Pig Department police office fined me $115. No one was complaining that I was blocking them in and I wasn’t blocking any large truck or bus trying to get by. It was a side street in a residential building with very little traffic. $115 just because the pig in the blue uniform wanted to fill his quota not taking into account that $115 is a lot of fucking money for some people. This is why people hate police officers. They harm the public. They’ve never protected me.


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