This is hilarious!

I, Left Gatekeeper

What is the theory of the crime, according to the 9/11 Truth movement?

Strikingly, there is no obvious answer to that question, since for all the many articles about “Able Danger” and the witnesses who heard explosions at Ground Zero, there is not — at least not that I could find — a single document anywhere that lays out a single, concrete theory of what happened, who ordered what and when they ordered it, and why. […] But the funny thing is, when you put together all of those disparate theories, you get the dumbest story since Roman Polanski’s Pirates.

The specifics vary, but the basic gist of what They Say Happened goes something like this:

A group of power-hungry neocons, led by Dick Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Bush and others and organizationally represented by groups like the Project for the New American Century, seeks to bring about a “Pearl-Harbor-like event” that would accelerate a rightist revolution, laying the political foundation for invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq.

Your basic Reichstag fire scenario, logical enough so far. Except in this story, the Reichstag fire is an immensely complicated media hoax; the conspirators plot to topple the World Trade Center and pin a series of hijackings on a group of Sunni extremists with alleged ties to Al Qaeda.


  1. jason says:

    If George and Dick are devious enough… smart enough… and powerful enough to purpotrate 9/11 – there is no hope at all.

    IF that’s true…. I’m going home and crawing under a rock and never coming out.

  2. OmarTheAlien says:

    The last few sentences pretty well nail it:
    “It may be that America has become too big and complicated for most people to deal with being part of. People are longing for a smaller, stupider reality. Some, like Bush, sell a prepackaged version. Others just make theirs up out of thin air. God help us.”
    Our beaucracies are torpid, non-responsive bloated monsters that suck in massive amounts of tax dollars and ensnare the people in ever more restrictive regulations and laws written for whoever has the money to rent the government pen. Our elected leaders are caught up in their frenzy to get re-elected, and totally disconnected from the plight of the people except for where it affects the copy of their spin doctors as they go about concocting highly imaginative nightmarish, but mostly fictional, scenarios that only their candidate can rescue us from.
    It’s an old Russian saying that “A little revolution is a good thing”, and maybe we’re overdue.

  3. AB CD says:

    How could you deny the truth? Don’t you know Goerge Bush’s brother was in charge of security? What about the Carlyle Group?

  4. 0113addiv says:

    What’s more ridiculous? Believing in the official story of 9/11 or believing that Jesus Christ was the son of God?

    Man, reality ain’t what it used to be.

  5. Charbax says:

    Bush did it. Off course he did. With his oil billions he paid some actor to do the role of Osama Bin Laden, the evil guy who shows up on fox news the day before every election.

    Al Quaeda did not exist before 9/11. It basically has gotten all the power it has today thanks to Bush. And Bush totally lets Al Quaeda do what they have to do, since Al Quaeda lets him stay for as long as he wants in Iraq, all the while he gets to pump all the free oil he wants.

    Anyone seen the numbers for the oil that has been pumped out of Iraq during the last 3 years? Anyone knows which oil people get to take all that oil for free? Anyone seen the numbers for military equipment spent the last 5 years?

  6. Smartalix says:

    It is easy to ridicule the conspiracy theorists if you thread all of the theories together, because many are conflicting. (I have no conspiracy position, I just like to play devil’s advocate.)

    For example, f you simply believe, as many do, that the government knew of the attack (Bin Laden determined to attack within the United States) you don’t need any special vehicles, commandos, or confluence of plans. You simply need to stand by and do nothing.

    Some conspiracists feel that the plane strikes happened, but the building collapses were ensured by additional explosives in the structure. Others believe the planes were radio-controlled mockups.

    But to lump everyone who thinks that something is fishy with 9/11 into one basket and ridicule them as a group is being disingenuous.

  7. gquaglia says:

    I think Uncle Dave and his band of lefties did it to dis-credit the President.
    That is about as plausable theory of 911 as the one posted above.

  8. Frank IBC says:

    For example, if you simply believe, as many do, that the government knew of the attack (Bin Laden determined to attack within the United States)

    While I disagree with that point of view, I don’t lump it in with the other conspiracy theories, as it is not making up a scenario that is fundamentally at odds with what thousands actually saw that day.

  9. Matt H says:

    The thing I don’t get is that there is NOTHING fishy about 9/11, it all looks pretty clear cut to me what happened. (and no, I’m not a Bush lover…, well, yes, THAT Bush, the good Bush, not the President Bush).

    1. Poor intelligence. Is this any suprise, since the CIA was being downsized? And no kiddies, the FBI didn’t have the biggest presence overseas.

    2. Poor Communications. It was a gihugungous wake up call that we were unprepared – for any type of attack. We got lax after the end of the Cold War. ANG bases that could have launched fighter *gasp!* lost their alert mission in the 90’s.

    3. Laziness. America as a whole was generally lax. Somalia, Africa, Saudi, Yemen. There were attacks, but our response was to do nothing. I dunno, it doesn’t take a genius to see an escalating series of attacks against American troops or interests.

    I think my favorite thing in the world is seeing conspiracy theorists and Bush haters claim a man in power for 7 months was responsible. No one says it was dirtbag Clinton and the Democratic Party aka the folks who enjoy tearing down the foundations this country stands for.

    Lol, life

  10. 0113addiv says:

    #10. Only people with a background in University Physics and a higher than average level of AWARENESS would see the anomalies of 9/11. As a matter of fact, if you can’t see the lies of 9/11 you are asleep, my friend. There’s nothing else that could be said about you, except that you are asleep. Don’t worry there are people who CAN see and are doing something about it.

    Reality is a thin line between denial and paranoia.

    If you haven’t ever ridden that line, you don’t know reality. Trust me, you don’t know.

  11. Gig says:


    “Don’t worry there are people who CAN see and are doing something about it.”

    Yes, they are posting blogs. Thank God they will keep us safe.

  12. Jeff says:

    “I think my favorite thing in the world is seeing conspiracy theorists and Bush haters claim a man in power for 7 months was responsible. No one says it was dirtbag Clinton and the Democratic Party aka the folks who enjoy tearing down the foundations this country stands for.”

    The problem is that you are a Bush lover. Your last statement proves it. Anyone on the job for more than a month should have caught this. It is pretty shameful to blame it on a prior president.

    That being said I do not believe in a conspiracy, but rather in political actors taking advantage of an opportunity to make their careers.

  13. Mike says:

    “Yes, they are posting blogs. Thank God they will keep us safe.”


  14. JimR says:

    I can’t tell who is being serious and who is being sarcastic any more.
    Uncle Dave, please say you didn’t do it.

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    JimR, what’s the difference? It’s the same arguments either way, only the names have changed. 🙂

  16. Uncle Dave says:

    #15: I could tell you, but I’d have to kill you with a cruise missle coated with anthrax launched from my Office of Truthful Disinformation located in G Gordon Liddy’s old office in the White House.

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #10 I think my favorite thing in the world is seeing conspiracy theorists and Bush haters claim a man in power for 7 months was responsible. No one says it was dirtbag Clinton and the Democratic Party aka the folks who enjoy tearing down the foundations this country stands for.

    Lol, life

    Comment by Matt H — 10/2/2006 @ 12:15 pm

    I wouldn’t say that “no one” says it was “dirtbag” Clinton and the Democratic Party…

    More accurately, I’d say that just about square jawed, Bible thumping, right wing nutjob son of a bitch with an axe to grind blames Clinton and the Democrats and makes ignorant claims that our response was to do nothing all those years…

    It is aggregious to imply Bush had a hand in 9/11. It’s beyond the pale. No matter how much one may hate his policy or politics… No matter how incompetent you think he is… he did NOT have a hand in hijacking four civilian airplanes and slamming them into buildings.

    But he was asleep at the switch and his response has been wrong at every turn and he needs to be replaced as soon as possible.

    You neocons can go about your liberal bashing wank fest till you’re blue in the face. You aren’t patriots. You are just knee-jerk jingoists with nothing to say. I don’t care, but I’ll say this… Had Gore been elected (well hell, he actually was elected) this business would have been taken care of without digging ourselves into a hole in Iraq and compromising our security for many years to come.

    Clinton kept the country safe for 8 years and he left Bush with the best trained and most prepared fighting force this country or the world had ever known… It’s a shame that Bush wasted his chance to be a good president.

  18. doug says:

    #7. “But to lump everyone who thinks that something is fishy with 9/11 into one basket and ridicule them as a group is being disingenuous.”

    I don’t think so. 9/11 was aided and abetted by a veritable ballet of incompetence on the part of the FBI and CIA who – having all the tools they needed, despite what the Patriot Act proponents will tell you – could have shared what they knew and stopped the attack.

    There is not one shred of evidence that the US government deliberately looked the other way with the intent of using the attack to justify invasions of Iraq or Afghanistan. Knowing that ‘Bid Ladin Determined to Attack US’ is one thing. Knowing where, when and how is another. So is getting a couple of disfunctional bureacracies (FBI and CIA) with other priorities off of their asses to do something about it.

    Deliberate indifference is the mild conspiracy theory.

    The hard line conspiracy theory (that the USG actually carried out the attack, and pinned it on terrorists in Afghanistan in a ridiculously convoluted plot to eventually invade Iraq), if sincerely believed, could be prima facie evidence of mental retardation on the part of the proponents. There is no point in arguing with these people since they will dismiss actual evidence (like the Pop Mechanics article) as merely the bleating of ‘sheeple,’ or the propaganda of The Conspirators.

    Both theories detract from a great national tragedy.

  19. Frank IBC says:

    Reality is a thin line between denial and paranoia.

    If you haven’t ever ridden that line, you don’t know reality. Trust me, you don’t know.

    You keep using that word… it does not mean what you think it does. Hint: psychedelic drugs leave you less in touch with reality, not more.

  20. Paul says:

    Lately I’ve had the feeling that the truth about what on 9/11, when it is finally known, is going to make all the conspiracy theories look tame. Frankly, the reason for this feeling is that the Bush Administration never ceases to amaze me with their ineptness, their callousness, and their willingness to use any situation for their own personal.

  21. Mr. Fusion says:

    #20, Frank,
    You keep using that word… it does not mean what you think it does. Hint: psychedelic drugs leave you less in touch with reality, not more.
    Comment by Frank IBC — 10/2/2006 @ 3:13 pm

    I don’t think psychedelic drugs might be the problem. It might be a lack of psychotropic drugs. They could leave some more in touch with reality.

  22. 0113addiv says:

    #20. Frank, the reason the government takes hallucenic drugs away from the public is so that you never experience true reality. They know true reality. You don’t. Drugs can aid in increasing awareness. I don’t need drugs. I can put myself in that state just by thinking it. A friend of mine once saw me in this state and he swore I was on PCP, which I wasn’t. There is no way to explain to you the difference in reality. There is no limit to what the mind can do. Fantastic things happen all the time. You are just not aware.

    A W A R E N E S S. gET sOME

  23. Frank IBC says:

    I have some news for you, 0113 –

    The Sixties ended 36 years and 10 months ago.

  24. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    0113addiv must be the cute and cuddly side of Charlie Manson.

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Chronologically, yes… But I place the beggining of the 60’s at 1964 the end of the 60’s at 1973.

  26. Ab Cd says:

    Kept the country safe for 8 years? What do you call the Atlanta Olympics bombing? The bombing of TWA 800? And of course 9/11? The head of CIA’s Bin Laden team says Clinton and Berger are lying about getting Bin Laden, and that they passed up 8 opportunities. And this is the guy who wrote a Bush-bashing book by Anonymous.

  27. Mark T. says:

    Thanks, Uncle Dave! That was pretty funny! Good find!

    OhForTheLoveOf, if you think 0113addiv’s comments are interesting here, go see what he is proposing on the Diebold comments link:

  28. Frank IBC says:

    Oh for the Love of –

    The following could be the “start” of the Sixties:
    -Assassination of President Kennedy, November 1963
    -Berkley Free Speech Movement, 1964
    -Gulf of Tonkin Incident/Resolution, 1964

    And the end:
    -End of Vietnam war, 1973
    -Resignation of Richard Nixon, August 1974

  29. doug says:

    And one more thing – they can plan out 9/11 (without getting caught), but they can’t plant ONE lousy canister of nerve gas in Iraq?

    geez, talk about not having a second act ….


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