
The Raw Story | Foley IM’s appear to be 3rd degree felony — I find it peculiar that a state that is essentially filled with retirees and strippers with one of the worst school systems in the country figures that this is the way to protect teens — from chat rooms. An unusual law. Apparently we have not yet seen all the raunchy notes as yet.

However, by acknowledging his Pensacola, FL location, Foley may have offered evidence of his violation of Florida state law Statute 847.0135, which says:

“Any person who knowingly utilizes a computer on-line service, Internet service, or local bulletin board service to seduce, solicit, lure, or entice, or attempt to seduce, solicit, lure, or entice, a child or another person believed by the person to be a child…commits a felony of the third degree.”

An article in Monday’s New York Times referred to another Florida law, Statute 847.0137 which prohibits the “transmission of pornography by electronic device or equipment.”

“A Florida law makes it a third-degree felony, punishable by up to five years in prison, to transmit ‘material harmful to minors by electronic device,'” Adam Liptak reported for the Times. “The law defines the material broadly to include descriptions of ‘nudity, sexual conduct, or sexual excitement.'”

related link:
Foley into sexual rehab, whatever that means.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    Podesta –

    The definition of pedophilia is “sexual feelings directed toward children.” It can apply to anyone defined as a child. In the U.S. definitions of childhood usually mean anyone under 18.

    By your definition, if you’re driving by a high school, and happen to see some sweet young thing in a halter and low jeans, and you get a little funny in the pants, by your own definition you are a “pedophile”.

  2. Mark says:

    Frank, stop trying to justify the sick fucks behavior. This asshole acted on his impulses, and he is going down (sorry the pun) the tubes. Good riddance to trash.

  3. Calin says:

    Ok, why is it when this guy talks dirty to a 16 year old boy he’s a sick fuck that should be locked up; but when a florida teacher has sex with a 14 year old boy, she gets house arrest? I thought the liberals were all about equal rights and shit.

  4. Frank IBC says:

    Saying “he’s not a ‘pedophile'” is not “justifying his behavior”, you moron – anymore than pointing out that someone who commits manslaughter is not a “murderer”.

    Apparently you didn’t read my #22?

  5. Frank IBC says:

    Calin –

    The liberals couldn’t give a damn about the victims. I mean, just look at OFTLO – he’s just salivating at the possibility that Foley may have more victims.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Frank… From #22, “I also find the knee-jerk use of the word “pedophile” to be disturbing.”

    Of course you do. He’s your team’s guy. But your team never found it disturbing when they made speeches in favor of their hateful anti-gay marriage laws to be fast and loose with facts and definition about homosexuality and pedophilia. When right wingers protesting school teachers who were gay, one objection was always that they might rape children (which was a crock of shit, but that’s what was said)

    Your team has NEVER had a compassionate word to say about homosexuality, and your team has never missed a chance to smear a political enemy with sexual scandal if given half a chance.

    The Republicans have made their bed… Now they can lie down in it.

  7. Roc Rizzo says:

    I heard he pled the 21st amendment.

  8. Frank IBC says:

    #36 –

    Pathetic partisan hack.

  9. Smartalix says:

    For the record, I used the word Pederast.

    Frank, I agree. Let’s throw everyone out, regardless of party, who was involved in this. However, your hair-splitting is frankly disturbing. I have two teenage daughers, and if some middle-aged dickhead sent them suggestive emails I’d castrate him. You hurt your position and my respect for you with your attempt to spin this positively.


    Not consenting adults
    Not a fellow teen

    There is NO defense.

  10. Frank IBC says:

    Smartalix –

    Sorry, but there is a difference.

    For a powerful adult contacting a 16 year old, with the intent to seduce them, they deserve up to several years in prison.

    For any adult molesting a child (under 13), they deserve life in prison or death.

    If Foley had done the latter, I would be the first to be calling for his permanent imprisonment or execution.

    I don’t think it’s an unreasonable distinction.

  11. Mark says:

    Frank, your an imbecile. The “boy” in queston is a child, asshole. That makes him a pedophile, and you an enabler. If he had succedded, he could have screwed up that kids life permanantly.

    What a jack ass.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #33 – Ok, why is it when this guy talks dirty to a 16 year old boy he’s a sick fuck that should be locked up; but when a florida teacher has sex with a 14 year old boy, she gets house arrest? I thought the liberals were all about equal rights and shit.

    Comment by Calin — 10/3/2006 @ 12:21 pm

    #35 – The liberals couldn’t give a damn about the victims. I mean, just look at OFTLO – he’s just salivating at the possibility that Foley may have more victims.

    Comment by Frank IBC — 10/3/2006 @ 12:33 pm

    You can both put that strawman back where you got it. The nebulous, undefined, bullshit “liberals” you speak of as though just saying will kick in the fear response of the Republican rank and file everywhere have nothing to do with this totally unrelated case.

    But if you need a reason, I’d ask the judge and jury in the Florida case and I guarantee that have nothing to do with the Foley incident… So what the hell are you bitching about? Why are the cases different? Because they are and the world ain’t fair. Buck up and wear a helmet.

    And fuck your statement that liberals don’t care about victims. Your boy was using his position in the United States House of Representatives to try and sway a teenage boy to have sex with him, so you don’t get to fall back on your usual canard about liberals being evil.

    Of course liberals care about victims, that’s why we are liberals.

    run on sentence warning—> I’m not convinced that the Republican Representative from Florida, Mark Foley, who just resigned for being a pedophile who sent sexually explicit emails to teenage boys, with, it turns out, the tacit approval of Republican Majority Leader Dennis Hastert and plenty of other Republicans, actually had “victims” per se… There is no evidence that I’m aware of that he actually had sex with they boy…

    But you know damn well that every right wing nutball organization in the country runs soft money direct mail campaigns accusing liberals of promoting the recruitment of homosexuals in schools (which is bullshit) and saying that liberals want to teach athiesm to your kids, or give live sex demos in class, and any other fear mongering lies…

    So when your guy gets caught, do you think there is a snowball’s chance in hell we’ll shut up about it? Foley is a Godsend. He’s worth five to ten million easy in soft money contributions, not to mention adding to that icky Republican taste the voters already have in their mouth.

    And you want paint liberals like we are the bad guys? Your guy wants to fuck boys and your leadership covered it up. Protest all you like, you guys can do nothing but lose on this deal. The words “Republican” “Congressman” “lied” “cover up” and “pedophile” are gonna be joined together in damn near everything written and spoken about this for a while…

  13. Frank IBC says:

    Mark –

    So according to you, when does a person cease to become a “child”?

  14. doug says:

    #42. “that icky Republican taste the voters already have in their mouth.”

    oh, man ….

  15. Mr. Fusion says:

    Ok, you really pissed me off. Every darn point I wanted to make you already made. I really hate having all the intelligent points already taken.

    BTW, good run on sentence in #42. A little tweaking and it could be great, but still worthy of admiration.

    I understand your splitting hairs over the definition of pedophile. My definition is simple. If we allow the kid to vote, they are of the age of consent. If they can’t vote, they are a child and deserving of societies protections. Precise and definitive even if there are enough variations in the real world.

  16. Smartalix says:


    I’m disappointed in you. That’s all I have left to say on this topic.

  17. Frank IBC says:

    Mr. Fusion –

    That’s a sensible proposition, except for the fact that most states have an an age of consent that is lower than 18.

    Smartalix –

    I’m not sure what you would have me say. It seems that because I refuse to concede that a 16-year-old is the same as a 13-year-old is the same as an 8-year-old, somehow that means I am giving a free pass to this sleazeball, who, I will repeat for at least the third time, I am glad he is out of Congress and I hope he gets put in jail for several years.

  18. Smartalix says:


    Yet you still attempt to spin it into something less than it is.

    I said this on the other post, but it also applies here.

    here’s what Foley said about the Clinton/Lewinsky matter: “It’s vile,” said Rep. Mark Foley, R-West Palm Beach. “It’s more sad than anything else, to see someone with such potential throw it all down the drain because of a sexual addiction.”

    Hypocrisy on top of perversion

  19. Frank IBC says:

    Hypocrite, yes, Pervert, yes. Harasser, yes. Sex addict, probably.

    “Pedophile”, no.

  20. Mr. Fusion says:

    #47, true, but most states also have a drinking age of 18 or 19. You need permission to join the military under 18. And you are still considered a juvenile. But the last one is Federal law prohibits porn using models under 18. So if they can’t model, they shouldn’t be having sex either.

    I also believe consensual sex between those of near age should not be considered statutory rape. Such as a 16 and 19 yr olds.

  21. Rob says:

    FOLEY IS A SICK F#CK…..let’s “massage” little boys, and toy with them sexually while they’re drugged. sick, sick, sick. this is exactly why i DON’T vote, I don’t want to be responsible for all the crooked congressmen that end up running our country in their own interests. look into what foley did to that poor boy that became a priest. good idea to cover it up republicans, too bad the democrats won’t be focusing on any of the real issues this election season – just make the other guys look bad.


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