Apparently Jim McGreevey, the out-of-the-closet ex-gov of New Jersey was supposed to come on Letterman to perhaps read the top ten list. He stiffed Letterman (sorry) and this is the result. I can assure you that this top ten was much more harsh than the one originally planned. Over the years Letterman has not been kind to people who are scheduled to do his show then never show up.

  1. Dallas says:

    That was fantastic. A riot.

  2. Angel H. Wong says:

    Looks like Letterman is catering to a Republican audience with these homophobic comments… And this idiot still wonders why Leno has a bigger audience?

  3. Tom says:

    I don’t think he is catering to anybody but himself, Mcgreevey said he was going to be there and he didnt show up, and he paid the consequence, whether it was too harsh or not.

  4. Joel Housman says:

    Letterman is highly liberal. Have you not seen him have Bill O’Reilly on and rip him a new one? He hates Bush. This was just Letterman being pissed off at a guest who dissed him.

    Angel H. Wong, try to be a little more informed next time.

  5. Named says:

    Letterman is an entertainer. Hasn’t anyone learned from Arsenio Hall what happens to truly politicised comedy?

  6. Ryan says:

    homophobic??? no…..funny??? yes

  7. Zuke says:


    p.s. Angel, please. Not everything on this planet is Republican vs. Democrat. Besides, I know plenty of Democrats/Liberals who do not support homosexuality. Does that make all Democrats bigots?

  8. 0113addiv says:

    Top Ten Reason Why Homosexuals Make Better Mates Than Women:

    10. They dress better and more expensively.
    9. Their bodies are physically more in shape.
    8. They are, by far, more intelligent.
    7. They are, by far, far, wittier and funnier.
    6. They have more political clout.
    5. They have better professions.
    4. They have more money.
    3. You don’t have to worry about in-laws.
    2. You don’t have to worry about condoms.

    And the number 1 reason:

    1. Sex is never used as a weapon to even out power.

  9. Good for letterman…cool video.
    Jim McGreevey a fool to leave that little sex pistol wife of his.

    #8 Sex is one of the many gifts of life Think of it more in terms as an aphrodisiac.

  10. joshua says:

    This is the first tape I’ve seen of the list, it’s really funny. One of my oldest friends, who is gay but thinks McGreavy is a scumbag told me about this on Friday, he gave me a link to a well known Gay blog and said go read the article. I did, and as you might imagine the reaction was a bit different there than here. The blog asserts this is the list sent to Mc Greavy and it’s why he didn’t show. I also read the comments section and most of the comments were all anti-Letterman, but a couple gay guys did point out that the former Gov was a hypocrite at least and a scuzzy asshole(no pun intended) at worst. I tend to agree with the worst claim.

    Gay politicians have a habit of hiding behind sham marriages(at least the male ones do) and when they get caught doing something wrong they destroy their families, but not usually themselves because they do Oprah and other shows make sad faces and clean up in speaker fees and book sales. My friend and I also agree about how sad it is that such a vocal and large segment of the gay community embrace people like McGreavy as *Gay Icons*, instead of objectively looking at what they did to their families, and others(in McG’s case, the state of New Jersey). Foley made a mockery of the very law he wrote and got passed, McG. hired his boyfriend to fill a position the guy had no treaining for or idea how to do, but paid him well. And these aren’t the only ones. Think Barney Frank and his hustler boyfriend who ran a house of prostitution out of Franks Washington home.

    I wish, but know it won’t happen, that people like McG. and Foley and other criminal politicians would be prosecuted for their wrongs and go to jail. But when I wish upon a star….all I is a sore neck.

  11. Mr. Fusion says:

    10, joshua, so you’re visiting gay web sites now. Even if I ever did visit one, I wouldn’t admit it.

    Getting serious though, Letterman was not being homophobic in my opinion. I seldom watch his show but I do believe he is more tolerant then most people.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    homophobic??? no…..funny??? no

    It didn’t make me laugh once. Those were the kinds of jokes that drunk college guys make up… not professional writers.

  13. Ryan says:

    “2. You don’t have to worry about condoms”

    ha! that’s laughable!

  14. John Urho Kemp says:

    #12 is really cool. He’s SO above all this all. Everyone look at Greg Allen, see, he likes to point out that HE didn’t find it funny and how droll it all is. That’s great! He has the courage to stand up and give his opinion. He’s probably the type of guy that hates everything that other people like…just to be different. What a trend setter he must be! I wish we all could be a little more like him.

    Bravo sir…bravo! Say it loud, say it proud!

  15. Anyone who has followed Letterman knows that he’s a traditional Republican and not a “Liberal.” But whatever.

  16. Cognito says:


    So what is it an aphrodisiac for?

  17. Frank IBC says:

    A gay man named “Bruce”? How stereotypical. 😛

    0113 –

    Gay men “don’t have to worry about condoms”? Where have you been for the past two and a half decades?

    As for the rest…

    10. They dress better and more expensively.
    9. Their bodies are physically more in shape.

    Than the average heterosexual male, yes. Than the average heterosexual female, no.

    4. They have more money.

    No, just more disposable income. And that advantage disappears if you compare to a childless heterosexual couple. And not all gay/lesbian couples are childless, either.

    3. You don’t have to worry about in-laws.

    100% of all gay men and lesbians were born to parents. So the vast majority of gay and lesbian couples will have living “in-laws”.

  18. James Hill says:

    You guys are missing that when a liberal disagrees with someone, he assumes that person is a conservative. It’s this cute little reflex the left has retained from the days when being a “conservative” was a bad thing, and leaves them unprepared for today’s world where being a “liberal” is a sign of maintaining a dated ideology.

  19. Frank IBC says:

    LOL, Bruce. 🙂

  20. joshua says:

    #11…Mr. Fusion…..I’m just secure enough in my sexuality not to care 🙂

    #15…John… he really a Republican? I have never seen his show or Leno’s…..I just always assumed from what I’ve read about Letterman that he was a Liberal.

    #17….Bruce….I agree with you. But in McGreavey’s case, he wasn’t just married once…..he did it to 2 wives and families. The guy is a calculating politician, always has been….they know how to do what they need to do for themselves, and make you think it’s for you. Right now he’s suddenly a *Gay American*….because it will sell his book and make him a fortune.

  21. Angel H. Wong says:

    And I thought you guys had me on ignore or something, finally I stir a beehive in this place 🙂

    I still stand on what I think about Letterman, regardless of how sleazy McGreevey is. It all starts with apparently “innocent” jokes and things end up escalating in tone.

    I have to agree with Greg Allen, Letterman is not funny at all. I guess it’s because Leno has better Jewish writers and Leno had to do it on his own rather than rely on the late Johnny Carson for help 😉

  22. Frank says:

    Wow Angel, you are the typical Democrat dumbass, taking something that’s simply funny and politicizing it. That skit was a riot.

    But hey keep the Dem view of “what’s wrong with Kansas?” versus “what can the Democrats do to win in Kansas”. It will guarantee the Republicans the White House for another 50 years.

    In case you didn’t get it, read comment #17.


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