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Does anyone (other than right wing professional nutjob Ann Coulter) still believe the networks and newspapers — owned by conservative corporations — are the “liberal media” when they do things like this?

Media Matters – ABC, CBS, CNN aired Bush’s “cut and run” attack on Democrats, ignored Democratic response

On September 28, ABC’s Word News, the CBS Evening News, and CNN’s The Situation Room and Lou Dobbs Tonight all aired a clip of President Bush’s September 28 attack on Democrats as “the party of cut and run” but failed even to mention the Democratic response to Bush’s comments. Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid (NV) issued a September 28 press release in response to Bush’s comments, stating that “the failure of his [Bush’s] policies has made the American people less safe.” In contrast, NBC’s Nightly News aired a clip of Bush’s attack, after which anchor Brian Williams noted: “Democrats responded instantly, saying it’s the president’s failed policies that have made this country less safe and have increased terrorism elsewhere.”

  1. PMitchell says:

    I still do. They are very liberally biased they only rarely show both sides of the issue ie wall to wall coverage for the last 2 days of perv congressman from fla who is a republican but when the clinton buddie stole classified documents and conviently lost them from the national archive hardly a word was ever said and to my chagrin the white house gave him a pass also. Dont fool your self

  2. Jim W says:

    Whats so news worthy about the Democrat response? They have been saying that stuff for years. I think its the only thing they are capable of saying. lol

  3. Tom says:

    number #1 I think that pedofilia and losing some documents are a bit unmatched in importance, who would i rather have as a civil servant? hmmm a pedofile or some who misplaces some documents, that is a tough one.
    Number #2 It hasnt been years since the NIE came out and blasted the iraq war for creating more terrorists. And it beats hearing cut and run all damn day. Seems that the only republicans know how do is to say scare us with incompetency.

  4. RTaylor says:

    They’re out to sell commercial time and the country is migrating more to the middle. The truth is there’s very little difference between moderate Democrats and Republicans.

  5. Improbus says:

    Liberal media my shiny hiney. The media conglomerates that own the media are anything but liberal. I can only assume that the New Your Times is not owned by any of them. Since they seem to be the only ones doing their job.

  6. malren says:

    You think destroying evidence from the national archives is small potatoes compares to FLIRTING with a young girl online over chat?

    Jesus CHRIST.

    He didn’t misplace a goddamed thing, he STOLE DOCUMENTS and shredded evidence that made Bill Clinton look bad, and he got away with it because of all his influence with Congressional Democrats.

  7. Bob says:

    3 – 5 -6 It’s still not safe to vote for Democrats. National Security is just not important to them.

  8. doug says:

    #6. “and he got away with it because of all his influence with Congressional Democrats.”

    At least for the next few months (and probably for at least the next 2 years), “influence with Congressional Democrats” will get you an earmark in a budget bill, but not a lot else. certainly not immunity from prosecution by a GOP Justice Department if the malefactor did something prosecution-worthy.

    face it, we all have hobby-horses that we can use to “prove” bias in the media one way or the other. The president gets more attention than his opponents because he is the president.

    The media’s true bias is towards the noise, towards simple, stupid stories they can fit in between tampon and laxative commercials. That and anything caught on tape – a liquor-store robbery that is buried on page 20 of a newspaper gets play and replay on the local news because they have security camera video.

    The stuff shoveled out by giant media conglomerates like FOX or CNN only skims the surface. You want good reporting, you generally have to go elsewhere, and steer away from TV.

  9. algo29 says:

    #7 – Gore & Kerry are Vietnams veterans, Kerry a hero. Bush got daddy to get him in the National Guard. W. couldn’t even handle that. He deserted the National Guard! Cheney is a serial draft dodger, doing whatever was necessary to stay a foot ahead of the draft. How can you feel safer with these cowards in charge?

    We had Bin Laden in Afghanistan, but our idiot-in-chief fought the wrong war. Do you feel safer with these idiots in charge?

  10. Steve Gerber says:

    Something’s happening in your pants, Mr. Jones, and you don’t know what it is.

    Do you?

    Vote Republican and find out.

  11. DeLeMa says:

    #6. The Fla. Senator sent email to a young boy.
    #7. I hope the Pubs’ brand of Nationalist Severity does not pass but if so, it gets overturned after the elections when the Dems get back.
    Note: That may not happen. I have no faith that absolute power leaves anyone without ideas for creating their version of heaven on earth….Dems or Pubs.

  12. Greg Allen says:

    The media just haven’t figured out how to deal with the “liberal media” charge.

    So, they go for “balance” which, of course, plays into exactly what the conservatives want them to do.

    So, in the name of balance, they go for a “he said she said” approach to issues like global warming, torture, creationism, ending habeas corpus, etc giving the two sides equal merit when they aren’t equal at all.

  13. doug says:

    #12. Exactly – the whole “there’s two sides to every story” thing is particularly destructive, when there really isn’t. I mean, given that the vast majority of scientists believe in human-induced climate change, and they still think they have to “balance” that person’s opinion with a Petroleum Institute shill.

    Of course, this only goes so far. Holocaust deniers and 9/11 conspiracy theorists would otherwise have permanent employment “balancing” those stories. But really, why shouldn’t they? If creationism and global-warming denial are legitimate viewpoints that deserve airing in the middle of serious news pieces, why not the idea that the Holocaust was just propaganda or that Cheney was planting bombs in the WTC?

  14. Ab Cd says:

    Do you really think everything Bill Clinton said was balanced with Republican responses? How many of these reporters and editors would you say voted for George Bush? About the only time the corporate ownership matters is when they are reporting on the corporations. I didn’t see too many articles about the government giveaway of spectrum rights to broadcasters

  15. joshua says:

    #11…he was a Congressman(Represenative), not a Senator.

    #12 and 13….yep….your right…..who the hell wants 2 sides to any story? Lets just do away with criminal and civil trials….just let one side or the other give their view and settle it. How dumb are you guys???

    Media types mostly vote Democrat, most, but not all, corporations that own media are owned by or run by Democrats. But it dosen’t matter who owns or runs them when it comes to profit, the Liberal ones as well as the Conservative ones will sell their Mothers for audience share and ad revenue. Networks like CNN and even Fox realise this….it took CNN a few years to figure it out, but they finally got the message. If you think being a shill for one party or the other or one ideology or the other is profitable….just look at the New York Times…..leftest/liberal for 60 years or more and going broke, having to sell off even it’s money making holdings to keep the paper itself afloat, and it’s not working. You can’t flog one ideology and make money, their isn’t enough Liberals to keep the Times afloat or nough Conservatives to keep Fox afloat.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – They’re out to sell commercial time and the country is migrating more to the middle. The truth is there’s very little difference between moderate Democrats and Republicans.

    Comment by RTaylor — 9/30/2006 @ 11:54 am

    Moderate Democrats vs. Republicans? That phrase alone implies a fractured group vs. a monolith, which isn’t very accurate… But yes, there is a big difference between Democrats and Republicans, and every time someone claims that there isn’t it furthers the creep of apathy just a fractional amount forward.

    There are big differences bewtten all the players in the sphere of elected officials and all you need to know that is to listen to the statements Congressmen and Representatives make and reconcile them with voting records. Look at amendmends offered, listen to interviews, read editorials and news, read opposing views with an ear to understand, bla bla bla

    Everytime some kid hears that none of it matters, they are all crooks, they all lie, your vote doesn’t count… it’s just one more nail in the coffin of The United States Of America. An engaged and interested electorate with a right to free speech, and a willingness to use it proactively, is the only real safeguard against tyranny we have.

    Why undercut that?

  17. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 It’s still not safe to vote for Democrats. National Security is just not important to them.

    Comment by Bob — 9/30/2006 @ 2:01 pm

    That’s just an out and out boldface lie. And, it’s deserving of no more than being called out. Anyone who isn’t a cheap partisan hack knows that.


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