“Sorry, I thought you said animal tights.”

Boston Globe – 9/29/06:

A fire that killed more than two-dozen exotic snakes, frogs, fish, and other reptiles in a Cambridge pet shop Wednesday night was deliberately set, perhaps by the person who spray-painted the message “No more exploitation of animals” on the store front, fire officials said yesterday.

Store owner Dianne San Filippo took offense at the message. “One of our largest snakes was found melted in his tank,” she said, standing outside her gutted store yesterday morning. “Is that kind of death better than exploitation? I don’t think so.”

Borgal said 14 animals, mostly reptiles, and up to 75 fish were carried out of the fire alive. The number of fish that died was unknown; Borgal said those that survived were taken to an emergency hospital set up at a Petco store near the Cambridgeside Galleria. Rainforest Reptiles in Beverly took all the reptiles. The Animal Rescue League of Boston took the rats.

Sort of related to the earlier story of animal rights loonies freeing farmed fish only to have them die!

  1. James says:

    It’s difficult to believe that the animal rights people would burn down a store with pets inside. They really do care about the animals, far more than the pet store owners.

  2. Dallas says:

    I bet this was done by ANTI- animal rights groups. Burning down a place with live animals and spraying it was done by animal rights groups seems to me like a sick, cunning act. It really makes you wonder just what goes on in the minds of these people.

  3. Michael says:

    The people who burnt down this store were vandals, pure and simple. Animal rights activists save lives – they don’t destroy them. The next time one of you get a dog from the humane society – thank one of the animal rights “loonies” who probably found and brought your dog or cat the shelter.

  4. gquaglia says:

    Reminds me of anti abortion types who think abortion is murder, but have no problem blowing away the doctor or others that may be in the way. Just another psycho with a cause.

  5. Chad says:

    John, since you live near San Francisco, how about getting a little vegetarian education at World Vegetarian Weekend http://www.sfvs.org/wvd/ – see how vegetarians are changing the planet – and saving it – from the meat eaters destroying the earth (McDonald’s – one of the main reasons for the destruction of the rain forest – providing grazing for cattle for their purchase).

    Better to mingle among healthy people – not chained to their computer – who are making a difference in the world, one forkful at a time.

  6. gquaglia says:

    #5 You wouldn’t by any chance sit to pee, do you.

  7. Jargon says:

    “(McDonald’s – one of the main reasons for the destruction of the rain forest – providing grazing for cattle for their purchase).”

    Wait a minute… Cows eat grass not forests…

  8. Hoo Hoo Nick says:

    Animal rights people are also known to occasionaly set free some lab rats and mice, in hospitals. Without thinking about the health risk for humans, or the actual animals since an hospital is not really an ideal place to live for a little mouse.

  9. joshua says:

    There are far left loonies in any organisation….just look at the Democrats!!

    Ok…sorry…but I couldn’t resist….ground me.

    These people aren’t really animal rights people, they are nothing more than criminals using a cause to be what they really are.

    I’m an animal rights person. My area of the law is Enviromental, Habitat and Species protection issues. But I would never do something like this or the fish incident last week. I have no problem with meat eating, where I get angry is people who hunt for sport, not food, abuse animals or destroy natural habitat just to make profit or because it’s there.

    Sometimes I’m actually hesitent to mention what I do because of people like this and groups like PETA, they make it hard for those of us who are trying to change people’s way of thinking about animals and habitat in a peaceful and thoughtful way. I support strongly groups like WWF and Nature Conservancy, and IFAW…..who don’t use these methods.

  10. sirfelix says:

    This is all Bush’s fault. I’m sure he had a hand in this somehow.
    Thats all I have to say. Talk amongst yourselves.

  11. Barrett Johnson says:

    #9 The farmers cut down the rainforest to provide graze land for their cattle. Thus McDonald’s=destroyed rainforest.

    Anyway, I’m not surprised; Peta equates pet ownership with slavery. These “animal rights” nutjobs seem to have no concept that these animals are completely dependent on humans. Those of you who campaign for more humane farming and slaughter, God bless you. Please distance yourself from these crazies so we’ll actually listen you.

  12. Angel H. Wong says:


    1.- Just because PeTa did one good thing it doesn’t mean that it will allow them to perform nasty things, like the ill fated propaganda of comparing animal farms to the Holocaust which to me is a sign of not only bad taste but disrespect to the victims of it.

    2.- Go here http://tinyurl.com/kah3t and check comment #21. To be honest I’d rather eat a mutant Taco made with mutant corn and transgenic beef because there’s no point in eating all natural stuff if it means wiping out virgin land.

    3.- PeTa KILLS ANIMALS BECAUSE THEY DON’T DEEM HUMANS WORTHY OF TAKING CARE OF THEM. Even their biggest leader got herself sterilized because she doesn’t give a damn about humanity.

    4.- Believe it or not, mear eaters have an even bigger variety of meals since most of what vegetarians eat are just like 20 or so different breeds of lettuce and beans plus heavily processed soy leftovers.

    5.- Again, PeTa KILLS ANIMALS BECAUSE THEY DON’T DEEM HUMANS WORTHY OF TAKING CARE OF THEM. Plus they use Pam Anderson’s huge jugs to distract the ones who really care about these animals.

    I’ll go with South Park and agree that those who don’t eat meat tend to grow vaginas all over their bodies.

  13. “thank one of the animal rights “loonies” who probably found and brought your dog or cat the shelter.”

    The video on Penn & Teller that showed PETA protesting against the animal shelter turned me away from them all together.

    I had heard bad stuff about them before, but protesting against the people who save these animals just shows how stupid they are.

  14. STW says:

    Angel Wong, you shouldn’t fall for either sides propaganda, whether it is Animal Rights or the anti animal rights groups. If you are more then willing to listen to one side attack another it is only fair to get the other side of the story before you pass judgment on another group, right?

    Vegetarian diets use up less land then meat eaters because it takes a lot of crops to raise and feed the farm animals until they are ready for consumption. Ingrid Newkirk (the president) chooses not to have kids, that is her personal choice, just like anybody else who chooses to live a child free lifestyle. The variety of edible vegetation far out weighs the variety of meat. Also, a large majority of the people at PETA have rescued animal companions and actively promote adoptions and rescue over buying.
    Which brings me to another point. For those of us with experience in animal rescue work, the idea of an organization that euthinizes animals is not anything surprising to us. In my area, the local shelters kill hundreds of animals every day. It’s not the fault of the people who give these animals a humane death that other people continue to breed for profit when there are not enough good homes for these animals to live in.

    Companion animals die by the millions in shelters, fur animals are shocked to death by their genitals, and I am sorry if this offends you but farm animals really do live in holocaust-like conditions on factory farms. I feel if did sufficient research and saw the evidence for yourself, you might begin to understand, if not sympathize, with why PETA sometimes uses such extreme tactics to call attention to the suffering of animals.

  15. Angel H. Wong says:


    The question is: Do you have the nerve to tell a holocaust survivor that his ordeal is comparable to the one of a ferret?

  16. STW says:

    Angel H Wong,
    Where do you think fraises like “they treated us like animals” comes from? That specific campaign was supported by those Jewish survivors, descendents of, and those who work on the memory of the holocaust. It’s natural that we value our own species more then we do others, I am sure that is the same for any other animal.

    From what I know, PETA never said the holocaust was the same thing. They were just trying to show how the conditions of the holocaust, which we would never accept for humans, are similar to the conditions that farmed animals live in.

    Do chickens and cows experience suffering the way someone did in the holocaust? Unlikely. We do know that they are able to suffer, physically and psychologically. These are basic functions that every animal is capable of. The whole point of the campaign was to try to get people to give consideration to the suffering and abuse of these animals.

    The other part of the problem is that most people are either poorly informed or do not have much access to information on animal intelligence. It’s a whole different story when people know that these animals are not just machines. They are creatures with unique and individual personalities that use complex language, teach their young, are capable of problem solving, and have a need, just as much as us, to play and socialize with their own. That’s just a small bit of what we have been learning recently from studying them.

    PETA never intended to hurt anyone’s feelings with the campaign (and they apologized if it did) but they still stand behind their work. You don’t need to go to an animal rights group as admittedly radical as PETA to find those who talk about our treatment of animals as being on the level of a holocaust. Even the tamer dog/cat rescue groups will tell you that what PETA is openly campaigning about (at least in terms of companion animals) is accurate in terms of suffering.

    To answer your question, no I would not say that. Especially not in that way. I would never demean or belittle someone who had an experience like that. However, at the same time, I don’t think it trivializes the holocaust to learn from it and seek to prevent suffering on that level anywhere by anyone. Whether it is a Jewish, gay, conservative, or liberal human, a cute and fuzzy animal, or an ugly one; they deserve respect and the consideration of our kindness torwards them.

    The is no loss in trying.

  17. STW says:

    that should read, “There is no loss in trying”

    Also, I wanted to point out that historian and award winning writer Charles Patterson, (author of Anti-Semitism: The Road to the Holocaust and Beyond) also wrote “Eternal Treblinka” (now in six languages). It was written about the holocaust and goes into great detail on this subject. There are also Jewish organizations that you might be able to find online that talk about and address the issue of the holocaust and how it relates to the Animal Rights cause.

  18. Angel H. Wong says:

    Hmm.. We’re getting out of context, my point is: Animal rights activist who become fanatics will do everything for the animals, even kill them just because they deem those who don’t belong to their group of people.

    My mother when through hell thanks to Mao’s “revolution” in China, and as someone who grew up listening to what she had to suffer through it, I would be *very* angry that someone compared her ordeal with the one of a farm animal.

  19. Chris says:

    Update – The store manager did it !!!


    I think a follow up thread should be made or at least this one edited at the top.

  20. BirdAdvocate says:

    Animal rights activists save lives? Tell that to the minks they turn loose to die of hunger, thirst, or traffic.

  21. Tyler says:

    This was not done by animal rights groups. This was done by an ANTI animal rights group. Do you think they are that stupid, as to burn these animals alive? Obviously they wanted to frame an animals rights group by spray painting that on the side.


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