Wisconsin school principal shot by former student — Seems like there was good reason to expel the kid.

A recently expelled student armed with a shotgun and at least one other gun shot and wounded the principal of his former school in western Wisconsin on Friday, authorities said.

The student was taken into custody by police and did not harm any students, school district employee Kathy Stoltz said.

Principal John Klang, 49, who oversees the Weston school district near Cazenovia, was shot three times, including in the head, and taken away by helicopter ambulance, authorities said. The school was being evacuated.

“All the students are safe,” Stoltz said.

Witnesses quoted by local media said a janitor confronted the student and grabbed the shotgun, but the suspect pulled out a .22-caliber gun and fired several shots, striking Klang.

Klang tackled his assailant and a teacher and other students came to help, holding the suspect until police arrived.

The unidentified student had recently been expelled from the school, the witnesses said.

  1. ECA says:

    The problem DIDNT start in high school.
    It started long ago, between HOME and school.
    someone NOT teaching this kid conduct and resolution.

    Looks like we dont have ALL of the story yet, as we dont know WHY the kid was expelled.

  2. gquaglia says:

    I’m curious to know the home life of this troubled youth. Single parent family, both parents working, alcoholism, father in jail or did the parents simply not give a shit. I often wonder what causes such violent behavior.

  3. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I don’t know what causes such violent behavior, but I’m certain that a whole bunch of airchair psychologists, educated at the school of life, will make lots of assumptions based on bad information and guesswork, and tell me what causes violent behaviour.

    Despite the fact that my own son has never lifted a hand in anger in his whole 19 years, I’m sure the fault will have something to do with liberals or athiests or both.

  4. I am curious, what violent games/movies have came out recently? We can blame that. How about Eminem, he is a good scapegoat.

    In this country you have to have get a license to:
    own a gun…
    own a pet…

    but not to have kids… hmmm. I blame the parents.

  5. smacky says:

    I live about 1hr from this place.

    I’m placing my bets on the source of the weapons being from his drunk-ass white trash hunting “mom’s boyfriend” who proababy beat the shit out of him and his mom every sunday after church while getting drunk watching foot ball.

    long live rural wisconsin.

  6. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #5 – I take offense to the comments you are making about James White!

  7. Jägermeister says:


    Can you please explain why working parents is on your list.

  8. smacky says:

    #6 – pfffft!

  9. WinD'OHpain says:

    Why did you singlethis story out John? There’s no legs or discussion value, just more sad CNN fodder. Another brick in a falling Roman wall.

  10. Tzvi says:

    According to MSNBC, the principal died. It also states the whole issue was over the kid bringing tobbaco to school.

    So we have a man just doing his job and because some kid didn’t like to be repremanded, that man is now dead. What a sad world we live in.

  11. Mr. Neocon Fusion says:

    Why did you singlethis story out John? There’s no legs or discussion value, just more sad CNN fodder. Another brick in a falling Roman wall.
    Comment by WinD’OHpain — 9/29/2006 @ 4:21 pm

    So why would someone comment on something of no interest? Is it because they want to see their name on a blog that gets hits?

  12. every little boys fantasy

  13. gquaglia says:

    Can you please explain why working parents is on your list.

    Easy. Both parents working often means, no or little supervision since the child is home alone after school. If both parents have high pressure jobs, the child will still be alone as both are so absorbed by their career. As a result the child doesn’t get the proper attention and is often left to fend for him/herself.

  14. joshua says:

    #5…smacky….well aren’t you glad you have that hour travel time to keep you from being a redneck sleeze ball? Having been to Wis……there isn’t a whole lot more than *rural Wisconsin*….but you obviously are one of the lucky ones not to have such an affliction as being rural.

    #9…WinDO….because it’s his blog and he can do that.

    #11..Mr Fusion….geez dude….aren’t making comments about the posts one of the reasons for blogs? If you don’t like something that is posted or a comment that is posted, you certainly have no hesitation in letting us know how you feel….so why shouldn’t ole WinD’O?

  15. Jägermeister says:


    It all depends on the parents. I was raised by two hardworking parents, so were most of my friends. All of us turned out to be successful individuals. If the parents actually do their duty as parents when they are at home, there should not be a problem. On the other hand, I’ve seen kids who grew up with mommy at home, turning out to be a menace to society.

    One of the kids got expelled from school in grade 2, because he couldn’t behave, didn’t show up to school and never did his homework. You know, being home with a mom (daddy working) that spoils you rotten, doesn’t really turn you into someone that fits into society. This kid was moved to a school for trouble kids.

    Another, more recent case, is similar to the first one in that the mother was home and the father was bringing home the cash. This kid have become the biggest bully at his school (not my son’s school). The principal has now suspended him for a week. It will most likely turn out the same way as the kid above.

  16. gquaglia says:

    #15, I agree. I just stated it could be a reason, didn’t say it was the reason.


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