Think quality of education issues, guns, drugs and all the rest is the most important thing in this school? Ha!

Boys told no standing to urinate

It’s an entirely new definition of “Standing Room Only.” Or perhaps a new measure of “equality” has arrived.

Whatever it is, it has sparked a huge political debate at a school in Kristiansand, Norway, according to the Norwegian paper Fædrelandsvennen.

The trigger for the explosion of opinion? A decision in the local district that schoolboys must sit on toilet seats when urinating, not stand.

According to the news report, the rule was announced for boys at Dvergsnes School, prompting outrage from Vidar Kleppe, the chief of The Democrats Party.

He’s accusing the school of “fiddling with God’s work,” and now he wants the issue discussed at the executive committee level of the area council, according to the newspaper “Dagbladet.”

“When boys are not allowed to pee in the natural way, the way boys have done for generations, it is meddling with God’s work,” Kleppe, whose group is a splinter group of former Progress Party hardliners, said in the newspaper.

“It is a human right not to have to sit down like a girl,” he said.

On Kleppe’s contentious “stand” on making political waves, no comment was the response from school principal Lise Gjul.

But she did tell Norwegian Broadcasting NRK that the restrooms are used by both boys and girls, and the young boys are not “good enough at aiming” in order to have “a pleasant toilet.”

School officials are still listening to opinions on the issue.

  1. moss says:

    Cripes! This is liable to give our control-freak government another idea for an “education” regulation. Of course, they’d add “security” cameras to check up on whether or not rules were being obeyed.

  2. 0113addiv says:

    Figuratively speaking, this has what has been done to the male population in America: virtual castration. Women have won the war of the sexes. Almost all men believe in the one woman-one man theory of relationships. Women want that, and men have succumbed. Men do not have the balls to tell their girlfriends or wives that they wish to have extracurricular activities. They settle for pornography and fantasize about other women when they have senseless sex with their other half. Secretely, women detest this but because they are afraid to be alone (and lose their investment. hahaha– investment) they tolerate their squat-pissing husbands and boyfriends. Gentlemen, beat up your wives, leave your belongings and abandon the woman’s home. Build your own lair. And don’t invite women. Build it, and they will come. And cum.

  3. forrest says:

    I guess this is better then worrying about violence and drugs in the education system…

    Wouldn’t an easier solution be that they build separate restrooms for use by just boys with urinals? Or perhaps just separate restrooms altogether for the opposite sexes. Maybe…just maybe…teaching some of these kids how to aim…? It probably would cost a lot less then this political/ethical battle…

  4. Adam says:

    The real question is who was stupid enough to put only one bathroom in a school. I understand the rule in this situation, but the architect or builder that decided that there should only be one uni-sex bathroom was just plain stupid.

  5. Only if Girls stand when they pee.

  6. xrayspex says:

    Only if Girls stand when they pee

    Girls can pee standing up with no trouble whatsoever. Not even messy if they know how to do it. (Just like with guys.)

  7. Frank IBC says:

    Feminists have trouble facing the fact that “unisex toilet” is not a victory for women – all it means is that they have to sit on pee-drenched toilet seats.

  8. Smartalix says:

    I once had a neat-freak girlfriend in Berlin who insisted I sit to pee. That control issue was the most abrasive aspect of the relationship and one of the reasons I left her.

  9. curmudgen says:

    Does anyone know of a girl that sits to pee in a public restroom?
    My wife says NO!!

  10. Roger M says:

    The Aussie Dr. Karl recommends guys sitting down. (As heard on his podcast @ And I tend to agree. Aiming is one thing. Splatter another.
    And let’s face it; the stream of urine isn’t that much of a thin stream. It’s a wet center with a spray mist around it;) Do an experiment, don’t clean (eh, prevent your wife from cleaning) the toilet for a few days, and you’ll see what I mean.
    I know, urine is sterile, but it’s also nasty, and stinky.
    I know it’s very macho to stand peeing rather than sitting. And also very macho not to wash hands afterwards as I very often witness in public restrooms.
    And what is worse? “meddling with god’s work” of fumbling with it 😉
    What kind of institution is “Norway School” anyway?

  11. JimR says:

    Be honest guys. How often, when you visit the men’s washroom and unfortunately need to sit down, you discover a stinking septic tank. A-holes on a low-fiber diets don’t bother to flush, and there’s pee and toilet paper on the floor, seat, and everywhere in between. There are a LOT of disgusting jerks out there giving men a bad reputation.

  12. Terry says:

    #1 – not gonna happen. Remember, this is a unisex washroom that’s being peed on. Can you just imagine the furor on this side of the pond if anyone suggested that boys & girls share toilet facilities?

    #2 – WTF are you talking about? If you’re trying for humour, keep trying. You’re not there yet.

    #3 – Another suggestion – teach the little beggars to clean up after themselves.

  13. 0113addiv says:

    12. Terry, dissolution hurts, doesn’t it. Your days of MANipulation are over. Even the crying routines don’t work anymore. You’re running scared, pulling the “I’m a woman, protect me” scam because women’s reign is over. OVER.

    Note: No attempt at humour. This is a serious matter. The truth always hurts.

  14. Brian Kaufman says:

    As soon as I buy my own house I’m putting in a urinal!

  15. You Know It Ain't Easy says:

    Reminds me of the sign I saw in bathrooms as a kid:

    “We aim to please. You aim too, please.”

  16. Frank IBC says:

    0113 –

    Gentlemen, beat up your wives

    Why is a self-described Buddhist like yourself promoting domestic violence?

  17. Roger M says:


    “Come closer. It’s not as long as you think.”

  18. 0113addiv says:

    16. Frank, people who are asleep must be shaken. People who are dead must by beaten. It is not to be done in anger, but in compassion.

  19. Mike says:

    I’m a single guy, and I have to clean my own toilet, and you better believe that I sit down to piss. I really don’t like wiping stinking old urine off every surface near the toilet, ya know?

    And I’ve seen how poorly little boys aim. The fact that the boys and girls have to share a bathroom makes it even more necessary.

    They were doing it out of practicality. If it was about symbolism, or some silly attempt to make boys and girls “equal” in some way, I might think it wrong.

    But practically, it makes sense.

  20. Terry says:

    #13 Again WTF are you babbling about?
    You think I’m a woman? Guess what, I can write my name in the snow.
    And sitting down for a whiz doesn’t emasulate anyone. In fact, I can get an extra two minutes sleep in the morning and not have to worry about my aim.

  21. 0113addiv says:

    19. Mike, you also take baths instead of showers, don’t you?

    20. “You think I’m a woman?”

    Sure sound like one. And, you couldn’t write a . (period) in the snow if you’re life depended on it.

  22. RBG says:

    Has anyone thought to tell them to lift the toilet seat?

    But perhaps having boys sit down falls into the same type of “solution” as requiring towns dependent upon river water to reroute their sewage outlet upstream. You’ll have to think about that one a bit.

    Finally, I feel compelled to leave you with this:

    Ladies. What is all this fuss about men leaving the toilet seat up? Believe me, this is a good thing.


  23. Terry says:

    #21 addiv, you are are a complete waste of protoplasm.

    I don’t know just what your problem is and to tell the truth, I really don’t care.

    And if I sound like a woman to you, well, that just tells the world you don’t know any.

  24. MoparPower says:

    HaHa those crazy “Norrbaggar”, it’s the last Soviet state you know!

  25. 0113addiv says:

    23. Terry, send me a photo of your hand:

  26. John Paradox says:

    I recall, probably years ago, a device made of plastic tubes (NOT the Internet) that women were supposed to be able to use to pee (cleanly?) standing up. Could NOT tell you where I saw it, or how long ago, sadly, but this was considered a legitimate product. (I don’t think Dick DeBartolo has one in the Warehouse, sadly)


  27. spsffan says:

    What I want to know is how they find out if the boys are actually sitting……get some perv to watch?

    But, in all truth, I’m a single male who has to clean his own toilet. Even with perfect aim, three used beers coming down in a steady stream from 3 feet up into a bowl WILL create spray and splash, even with perfect aim.
    Not as bad as the seven beer “who cares is it hits the floor” mess, but an ordinary properly aimed whiz will leave droplets around, and after a while, they need cleaning up.

    And, NO, I won’t sit down just to whiz. As a male, I’m lazy. I just got up, and I’m not gonig to move the seat, sit, get up again and then lift the seat again. Too much work.

    And here I just read a while back that Norway has one of the highest standards of living in the world….not in that town…not if you are male.


  28. Terry says:

    #25 And that would prove … nothing. You’d just claim I’d sent a picture of somebody else’s hand.

    You’re still a waste of protoplasm.

  29. Frank IBC says:

    Wasn’t 0113 saying just a few days ago that there is no difference between male and female, it’s all just in the mind?

  30. Ballenger says:

    This is a bit out of scope of school bathrooms. In adult bathrooms, having managed a bar while in college, I wouldn’t give high points for bathroom marksmanship or hygiene to men or women. Guys were slightly worse about playing “Fireman Bob” in the stalls after four or five beers. Women have their own areas of specialization that keeps them in the running, like getting artifacts from Aunt Flow’s visit, hairdo peripherals and other stuff larger than their heads stuck in the plumbing, triggering a bio-hazard backup event. This is normally augmented by a Brittney who has had seven too many Cuervo and Diet Cokes and sees the upset tummy feeling as a “call Ralph/Weight Watchers” option play. This all takes place in a room that previously has been used to spill/squirt/apply 2.5 tons of different aerosol or goo-based make-up products. A 500-pound Silver-back locked in the same space for a week with 10 crates of bananas and a Wagner Power Painter would make less of a mess.


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