The Happy Cows Defence

This was the belief of five Romanian farmers who are now subject of police investigation after they were found to have been feeding cannabis to their cows.

The farmer aged between 57 and 82, claiming they didn’t know they were doing something illegal by growing the drug in their field, tod the police officers that the drug actually help the cows in producing more milk.

One of the farmers, Ion Astarastoaie said: “We grew it because the cows seemed to like it, and happy cows give more milk.”


  1. Smartalix says:

    Since THC is fat-soluble, I wonder if their milk contained any?

  2. David Kerman says:

    I’m not sure this entirely makes sense.

    The THC in marijuanna is contained in the oils on the plant, and in order to release it the oils need to be heated, which is why just eating weed doesn’t get you high.

    So unless the farmers were baking the marijuanna into something and feeding that to the cows, the cows wouldn’t actually get high.

  3. Mark says:

    Thats an expensive way to feed your cows. What a shameful waste of good ganja.

  4. James Hill says:

    I’d like to add that cows from California support terrorism.

    Buy milk from Wisconsin cows. Thank you.

  5. Roger M says:

    #4 🙂

  6. Victor says:

    I agree with “cows from California support terrorism”. It is very clear from the “Happy cows are from California” commercials. They often feature cows that feel very well when earthquakes shake them.
    Good one!

    Actually I know a true story when a Romanian peasant went to the seed store and asked for cannabis seeds. The clerk told him that he has to order them and that he’ll have them in a few days. He called the police, of course.
    When the village policeman asked the old man why he wanted to cultivate cannabis, the answer was “I just heard that it sells very well! I have a pretty small patch of land, so I’m looking to maximize it.” The policeman told him to forget it and to stick with “regular” grain. In that country you actually have to do what the police tells you to.
    The story did not go any further. A friend of mine knows the old man personally and he is convinced that the old man did not know what he was getting into.

  7. B. Mule says:

    Actually, there is truth to the “happy cows give more milk” idea. My wife worked in the organic dairy industry for quite some time. The dairies that produced the most milk took steps to make their cows happier, such as brushing them down (like you might do with a horse) or playing music for them. Seriously.

    As for cannibus – I only know that it can make people happy. I have no idea what it does to cows.


  8. Ballenger says:

    Does that mean the milk is a Moo’ed altering subsance?

  9. James Hill says:

    #8 – Sometimes for both the giver and the receiver…

  10. GregA says:


    Yum, more brownies for me then. hermelsll morf snarf! Oh no, you ate three!!! Omg you are going to sleep for like 20 hours!

  11. Billabong says:

    In response to 2 acows complex digestive system would be able to break down some of the active parts of the plant.But maybe they just like the way it tastes.I have a friend who has been feeding fresh leaf to his chickens and they are happy little cluckers.

  12. Ballenger says:


    Romanian Dairy Association Ad-Cheese you can smoke!!!

    PETA Campaign-“This makes cow tipping too damn easy!”

    Romanian Dairy Farming for Dummies-Tip-The hose with smoke coming out the end goes in the cow’s mouth and not on an utter.

    Gateway shipping department advisory-“Although our boxes look like cows, sticking your head in one filled with pot smoke and re-breathing is against company policy”

    Fast Food Customer-“I would like a triple dip Romanian Ice Cream Shake for here and 17 hot-dogs to go please.”

  13. MikeR says:

    …And in a related story – Romanian dairy product exports increased 5000% over last year…

  14. Gig says:

    #7. Are those brownies uncooked. If not they were heated.

  15. Gig says:

    Not # 7 #10

  16. Mark says:

    I accused my cow of getting high once, she said she tried it, but didnt inhale.

  17. Hedgehog says:

    I read something once that said birds that eat hemp/cannibis seeds tend to sing more often…

  18. Frank IBC says:

    The THC in marijuanna is contained in the oils on the plant, and in order to release it the oils need to be heated, which is why just eating weed doesn’t get you high.

    I’m not sure where you’re getting your information. If you’re eating the plant, you’re eating the oils therein as well, and they will be released in the digestive tract.

    Apparently you’ve never heard of brownies or Indian Bhang punch?

  19. Frank IBC says:

    I love the picture of the cow, BTW. 🙂

  20. domc says:

    I work for a dairy and the one thing with milk is that, whatever you feed the cow there is a possibility of the taste entering the milk products.

    I’d like to try that milk.

  21. Aaryn says:

    @Frank IBC:

    When you make brownies the heat is what releases the THC, if you do some research you will find out that your digestive tract isn’t enough to make it active. There are many plants with psychoactive effects that can be eaten without doing anything to you but when smoked it actually has the effect. Try to cook some brownies and stuff some uncooked weed in it than eat it if you don’t believe me 😛

  22. Jägermeister says:


    She must be using needles… 😉

  23. Frank IBC says:

    Sorry, I don’t see anywhere that heat is required to “release” the THC.

    You may be confusing this with solubility – alcohol and lipids (fats) dissolve the THC out of the leaves much better than water.

    But if you ingest the leaves, the leaves will be dissolved down in the stomach, and the THC will be released.

  24. KB says:

    “I love the picture of the cow, BTW.”

    Thanks for noticing, Frank. 🙂

    The pic can make or break a post, IMHO.

  25. Great now we have cows with the munchies!

  26. The oils in Maryjane do not need to be heated to be injested nor do the oils in coca leaves need to be heated.
    By smoking, injecting, or snorting it it goes directly into the blood stream.
    Directly to the brain. by eating it more is stored in the cells.
    You will still get high by eating it! just have to eat much more becuase the digestive track breaks it down.
    “Go ask Ask alice”
    Many farmers eat coco in columbia eat coca leaves because it numbs the stomach and stops hunger pains.

  27. ECA says:

    2, not it can be eaten, as the HCL in the somach HEATS it.

    3. you are stupid, its called WEED and GRASS for a reason…IT IS A WEED, it can grow almost anywhere on this planet.

  28. Frank IBC says:

    Richard –

    Yes. In the Andes, you will see many of the locals chewing coca leaves, and most restaurants serve coca leaf tea. While the effect is similar to the powder or crack, the onset is much less abrupt, and the overall effect much milder, as it is absorbed by the body, and travels to the brain, much more slowly. And also, in spite of the bulk of the leaves compared to the powder, the amount of drug involved is much less.

  29. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #27 – 3. you are stupid, its called WEED and GRASS for a reason…IT IS A WEED, it can grow almost anywhere on this planet.

    Comment by ECA — 9/28/2006 @ 10:01 pm

    You realize you just called a guy “stupid” because he made a joke about the price of weed?

    Yes, it can grow anywhere… but it isn’t all that common due to a massive and draconian, global law enforcement effort and governmentally directed misinformation campaign. And it is expensive.

    My point is, the guy didn’t say anything stupid. He just made a joke.

  30. cristi from romania says:

    You are an idiot!


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