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  1. Smartalix says:

    This war is destroying the soul of our country.

  2. Andrew says:

    Why doesn’t the army go back, kill everyone involved and burn down that neighborhood. Maybe that would motivate them not to try that again.

    We either need to leave or initiate “Operation: Pseudo Genocide.”

  3. moss says:

    Very good, Andrew. Between you and Kissinger, we are on our way to a newer, bigger VietNam.

  4. Wally the Engineer says:

    Just another reason we need to get ALL of our people out of there.
    Bush’s greed and hard-on for Sadam have killed THOUSANDS of people. Americans and Iraqi all needless deaths!

  5. Prophet says:

    Unfortunately, moss, we are not going to win the “hearts and minds” of the Iraqi people. Optimally, we need to get the hell out and let that hell hole de-evolve in to the warlord tribal states that have been around for thousands of years or go in there full force and bring the country to its collective knees. This half assed crap is ridiculous and was the exact reason Vietnam turned out the way it did in the 70’s.

    My vote: Go back in time with my wayback machine and give a collective head smacking to 53% of the population for voting for President Idiot Stick a 2nd friggin time.

  6. Tom says:

    I agree with number 1, how long before we no longer resemble a democratic country, before we are a totalatarian dictatorship which can prosecute anyone they deem a terrorist without giving them the right to defend themselves. I guess the our idealistic country was going to have to crumble sooner or later. This on top of is starting to give me the chills.

  7. doug says:

    #2. Ah, the true spirit of the Iraq war: “At least they got to vote before one of our bulldozers pushed all their bodies into a mass grave …”

  8. Named says:

    Why doesn’t Andrew go to Iraq and try just that? You talk the talk, but do you walk the walk?

  9. Mr. Neocon Fusion says:

    Watching the video made me feel ill. Then the driver is fired by Haliburton two months later. The worst part is the Pentagon doesn’t know what happened. In other words, no head rolled for this one.

    Would someone explain to me how we can support our troops when the troops don’t care about the civilians they are supposed to be helping?

  10. doug says:

    Also, one may well wonder who we are “saving” Iraq for, now that 6 out of 10 Iraqis favor attacks on American troops:

  11. 0113addiv says:

    A fact is a fact. The world over hates America. That is a fact. George W. Bush brought that to us as a gift. America is the enemy of the war regardless of what your opinions are. America is hated. When an opportunity opens up for those outside America to express it, you get what happens in this video. More is to come. Bush’s epitaph: I WAS A SUCKER.

  12. ChrisMac says:

    It seems some of the troops are able to excercise the “cut and run” idea.

  13. Jägermeister says:

    Bush should be impeached.

  14. Fabian says:

    Ahh, halliburton.. corporate crap at it’s finest.. I can’t believe they up and fired the guy without even some monetary compensation.

    This whole thing stinks very bad.

  15. Smartalix says:

    “They” hate us for our hypocrisy.

  16. Skully says:

    This is despicable!

  17. Eric Phillips says:

    Well, the drivers are getting paid far more than the military who are protecting them. Sad.

  18. Smartalix says:


    So they are expendable?

  19. Me says:

    Maybe we could kill two birds with one stone here with a little creative thinking!

    Lets let G.B. and D.C. form the dictatorship they really want. Lets let them play Dictator of Iraq! No silly courts to worry about. No real constitution, just absolute power.

  20. DeLeMa says:

    Hypocrisy or stupidity ? We seem to be quite similar to the Iraqi’s in that we have demonstrated the same willingness to sell ourselves for impossible to keep promises from our leadership. Terms like lazy thinkers and instant gratification addicts come to mind but, the one overiding bit of insanity I have yet to grasp is how *anyone* can find *any* means at all to justify the last 8 years ? The continuous lying is so obvious that even the countries with the most to gain from any success we could possibly convince ourselves we could attain turn their heads away from us. Take all the analogies towards Vietnam and shove ’em !! This is now and we need make no apologies for the past but, we need a true and honest approach towards recognizing who and what WE are now – then, do something that’d make George Washington and friends proud to know us..again. We are, supposedly, a democratic republic. Not a democratic corporation. Our motives for making war should be based on the whole truth not half assed assumptions and “faulty intelligence” reports of sneaky shell games in the desert with wmd’s that couldn’t be proven then and were therefore, no real justification for the war we have now. It’s been a scam since day one. Our leaders are only partly to blame, many of us know who has the most blame and I truly wonder if that is the real reason for the personal attacks on the character and private lifestyles of those with differing political viewpoints instead criticising the actual job these people were supposed to be doing ? Kinda like, “you can’t be reliable because you like sex with someone other than your wife” . ohboy..stats show over 70% of most American males cheat at least once in their marriage. I bring that up only to illustrate how the crapola began. Talk about setting a precedent no one can live with but those in power can cover up..tell me which Publican left office for similar reasons ? He was kinda large in the Senate ?!? I’ve had enough from BOTH sides and I do not believe either one has an answer, except the answer they can give to you about the problems they have created. Vote for Piracy !

  21. doug says:

    oh, and one more thing. aint it wonderful to be sharing our freedom (or, as our ‘President’ would say, our ‘liberty’) with the Iraqi people:

    “Under a broad new set of laws criminalizing speech that ridicules the government or its officials, some resurrected verbatim from Saddam Hussein’s penal code, roughly a dozen Iraqi journalists have been charged with offending public officials in the past year.”

    (courtesy of the NY Times 9/28/06)

    between this, the resumption of prisoner abuse in Abu Gahraib, the death squads that moonlight as Interior Ministry troops (or vice versa), the Iraqi leaders’ visits to Iran, the Iranian subsidies to the militias affiliated with major Iraqi political parties, how long before Iraq rejoins the Axis of Evil and we have to invade again?

  22. RBG says:

    What kind of military vehicles were they? Were they armored against RPGs? I couldn’t tell from the footage. Was that an enemy stronghold they went into? Could they have won that fight? Were they ordered back into the village by the brass watching via the predator? (Obviously not.) Could and should they have leveled that village attempting to save the drivers? What did the drivers understand would happen in the event of an ambush? What are the military standing orders under those circumstances? Why did the military rescue the civilian with helicopters instead of the ground vehicles they had in the vicinity? What did the soldiers who appear to cut and run have to say in their defence? Why do civilians continue to do those kinds of war-is-hell missions?

    Answer those questions first, then you can cite the end of Western civilization or this as clear reason to vote for Hillary.


  23. Charbax says:

    Bush and his neo-con friends will always invade Iraq. It’s all because of the OIL.

  24. Max Bell says:

    Wait a minute. Were these “civilians” like the Blackwater mercs that got strung up on the bridge by the Mahdi army were “civilians”?

    Didn’t we just have footage of “civilians” firing indiscriminately into Iraqi freeway traffic?

    Can anybody tell whose propaganda is whose any more?

    Let’s put it this way: who’s down for another ten years of war to avoid admitting this has gotten totally screwed up?

    We’ve lost the war, kids. The Americans won. We simply were not prepared for an enemy who was completely irrelevant in the face of the superior strength and scope of our own incompetence.

    We wouldn’t hear that it was stupid at it’s outset. We won’t hear that it is stupid now. We’ll be twenty times as stupid in ten years. Clearly we must redouble our efforts until the outcome changes.

  25. V says:

    There will come a point where we’re so hated that we’d be better off to have the Iraqi government to set a refferendum asking the people whether we should go. And they’ll say yes, and we will, and then it won’t be our problem. It’s over. You can’t win the hearts and minds of the Iraqi’s. There comes a point when every Iraqi had someone close to them die because of American “freedom” that there would be no way whatsoever to make them stop hating our guts.

  26. kev says:

    god-damn we’re stupid….

  27. joshua says:

    2 long, long years before Bush, Cheney and Rumsfield are gone.
    I agree with RBG that a lot of questions need to be answered before we take this at face value. There has to be answers as to why civilians keep going there to work when they know what the dangers are. But once we have answers to all the questions……then what?
    Nothing is going to change for 2 more years…..then President McCain will do whats needed and it will be over.

  28. JohnnyM says:

    i got an idea from the old west..

    whenever we caputre insuregeants known to have killed someone after a investigation a trial(or for fatser service make the iraqi police do it) if they are found guilty we publicy execute them and hang them in plain view after seeing this video it just pissed me off how they treated our guys in their its time for the gloves to come off we must show them that we are not fooling around and that we will not tolerate attacks. Im a moderate democrat who thinks cut and running is a bad stragey we need to at least become brutal in dealing with these thugghish terrorist scum.

    We receive no quarter we should give no quarter

  29. Max Bell says:

    … we publicy execute them and hang them in plain view…

    Excuse me, but you have a phone call on line one from somebody calling themselves “the Discovery Institute”. It seems they want to use you as proof that natural selection doesn’t actually work.

  30. Ryan says:

    So what if the world hates us? They hated us looonnng before Bush came on the scene. The hatred started here with the anti-Vietnam crowd who treated our own soldiers despicably. Europe is spineless, so of course they hate anyone who doesn’t take the appeasement route. Muslims hate us and will continue to do so as long as Israel exists and probably longer. My point is that world opinion shouldn’t determine our standing as a nation. Granted, we’ve made mistakes; Iraq has been botched, my brother’s there and it kills me. But the consensus of the world’s nations doesn’t dictate what’s right or wrong. The world would have hated us if we had stood up to Hitler before WWII broke out. Still would’ve been the right thing to do.


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