Kinda reminds one of Ms. Spears and her man, don’t it?

Low livin’ doll to storm US

GO FIGURE! A new doll is set to take the US by storm — farting, beer-swilling Jer Wayne Jnr.

The 12inch, £20 toy is boyfriend to the world’s first trailer trash doll, pregnant Turleen launched last year. Jer Wayne has a mullet, missing teeth and an earring.

A button in his chest lets him say phrases, including: “Fifteen of them beers and yer still ugly.”

Makers Arsenic and Apple Pie explained: “It’s having a laugh at stereotypical American images.”

In more sedate doll news, a Barbie collection sold for £111,000.

  1. Improbus says:

    Finally, I real American doll that loves America. Next doll, G.I. JerWayne.

  2. Smartalix says:

    …limbs optional.

  3. Jim says:

    I thought the Bratz dolls were the original trailer park dolls.

  4. Jim says:

    #5, I agree.

  5. kballweg says:

    And are they anatomically correct?

    If yes, left in a dark room will they breed?

  6. Uncle Dave says:

    “If yes, left in a dark room will they breed?”

    Are you kidding? If either are holding a beer while the other is holding an empty, they’ll breed.

  7. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    #7, too late. Tureen already has a bun in the oven and apparently the Bratz collection might be their first, second, or third cousins. Or all three together.

    Ya gotta love it.

  8. 0113addiv says:

    The Billy doll has been famous for years. You can pick one up from the many on display in the Village in NYC. Or try The Homo Depot:

  9. RTaylor says:

    I can laugh at the, but can you imagine what would happen if this company marketed a minority stereotype doll?

  10. John Paradox says:

    Bratz collection might be their first, second, or third cousins. Or all three together.

    Aren’t JerWayne and Turleen already first cousins?


  11. Mr. Neocon Fusion says:

    #13, Aren’t JerWayne and Turleen already first cousins?
    and second cousins too. Don’t ask, its complicated.


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