Men are more intelligent than women, claims new study | the Daily Mail — This should create an interesting debate. Ha.

It is research that is guaranteed to delight men – and infuriate the women in their lives. A controversial new study has claimed that men really are more intelligent than women.

The study – carried out by a man – concluded that men’s IQs are almost four points higher than women’s.

British-born researcher John Philippe Rushton, who previously created a furore by suggesting intelligence is influenced by race, says the finding could explain why so few women make it to the top in the workplace.

He claims the ‘glass ceiling’ phenomenon is probably due to inferior intelligence, rather than discrimination or lack of opportunity.

found by Aric Mackey

  1. raddad says:

    Well, my wife and daughters are great. No intelligence issues here.

  2. Mrs. Fusion says:

    Make me laugh !!!

  3. Kim Helliwell says:

    Whenever someone tries to make a claim like this based on “IQ scores,” I apply a large dose of skepticism. No one has ever been able to prove that an IQ test measures anything objective.

  4. Bruce IV says:

    Sounds fishy – I’m a guy, and I find this hard to believe. There’s too small of a difference, who knows how accurate his survey method is, and as Kim said, how accurate is IQ as a measure of intellegence (or any other single measure for that matter – I do quite well academically, but have no common sense – does this mean I’m smart, or stupid? — Depends which measure you use …)

  5. Victor says:

    My wife agrees. And she is very intelligent. I guess it takes real intelligence to acknowledge that there could be differences between different people.
    In the near future all human beings will be branded as being as intelligent as any other human being. No more or less intelligent, because someone’s feelings may be hurt!
    Is 4 pints in IQ a lot? I guess it depends how the test is made or what is considered intelligence. The truth is man and women are different when it comes to how they think and how they see the world. So the test can be made to favor one or the other.

  6. David says:

    Even if true, I dare you to say so in a room of 2 or more women.

    I agree with IQ tests, only test on narrow ranges of intelligence.
    Of course if mine was over 160 I would have a different opinion.

  7. tallwookie says:

    lol – as if there was ever any question

  8. Jägermeister says:

    Same guy, different research:

    Results from IQ tests all depend on how the tests were performed. In for instance East Asian (Japan, South Korea, China et al), they emphasize on education (nothing wrong with that!), but they generally lack in creativity, since it’s not emphasized at school (especially in the Chinese schools). In other words, they’ll score very good in academics, but they’re not very creative. IQ tests tests mainly on academics (at least of what I know about them). I believe we would see a different ranking if they added creativity to IQ tests.

    The talk about creativity is not a lame excuse for the degrading IQ in most western countries. I believe changes must be made to the traditional school in order to improve these scores. It’s not just to make the students work harder, but to benchmark teachers. Teachers who doesn’t make the cut would be replaced with someone who can do the job better. But hey, the teacher’s unions are very well organized, so I guess this won’t happen over night.

    As for women having lower IQ. Yet again… it all depends on how the tests were performed. Men are better than women at some things, and women are better than men at others. Is it due to biological or environmental reasons?… your guess is as good as mine.

  9. Mr. Neocon Fusion says:

    #8, You hit on a sore point for me. APTITUDE. We should all accept that not everyone is at the same strength or level in math and that some an build a schooner in a bottle. Some have an eye to interior decorating while others can rebuild a V-8 engine with just a pair of pliers. Shoot, the best checker player I ever met could barely spell his own name.

    How can you measure intelligence when aptitude also affects our ability to rationalize and think?

  10. jim says:

    4 points! That is probably within the realm of error of the study! I read the study as there isn’t any signifigant difference on average between men and women with regards to intelligence. Are their differences between men and women? Yes, glad that there are.

    On average men are better at some things than women (eg spacial relationships) and on average women are better at other thaings than men. (eg verbal skills) However, the overlap between the two is so broad that the differences in averages in either case aren’t that large. (certainly not large enough that we should discriminate against one or the other in certain jobs because of an average.)

  11. It is a bit of a wash. The IQ curve for women (in general) is more narrow than that of men’s; so although there are many more brilliant men than brilliant women, there are also more stupid men than stupid women.

  12. Ben says:

    If you read further, you’ll see that single men are always smarter than the women they date, yet somehow all married men lag behind their wives. Fascinating.

  13. ECA says:

    17 and 18 year olds???
    4 points???

    It really isnt much of a difference

  14. John Paradox says:

    Ironically, reading the local morning paper, I found this about how excess testosterone causes brain cells to die!


  15. Mike Voice says:

    Has anyone asked Marilyn about this?

    For those who don’t get the joke:

    Marilyn was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for five years under “Highest IQ” for both childhood and adult scores.

  16. Jim Smith says:

    Hey, my wife has a mesured IQ which is much higher than mine. Personally, I like it that way. Take it from me, there is nothing like being married to a woman who is smarter than you.

  17. Smith says:

    Four point difference when the sample size is 100,000? For damn sure 4 points is statistically significant.

    “He claims the ‘glass ceiling’ phenomenon is probably due to inferior intelligence, rather than discrimination or lack of opportunity.”

    Hmm, I seriously doubt the “glass ceiling” is an artifact of IQ difference. I’ve seen little evidence that senior management have an IQ much over 120.

  18. 0113addiv says:

    Men are more intelligent, that’s for sure. A beautiful, naked woman right in front of you is more powerful. Look at all the dumb things we, men have done for a woman. “Marriage” ring a bell?

  19. Tom says:

    If men are more intelligent than women than they wouldnt say they are more intelligent that women, that is just not a smart thing to do, remember the guy at harvard who said that, and immediately after he took a “sabatical”, or fired, so ya not smart.

  20. Podesta says:

    Rushton is a wingnut known for being an advocate for white supremacy. He almost lost his job as a result of his habit of stopping men of color at shopping malls and other public places to ask them the size of their penises and how far they could ejaculate. According to Rushton, penis size is related to intelligence. Hopefully, no one here is foolish is enough to take him seriously.

  21. xully says:

    Does race matter? The FDA approved a drug that reduces the chance of certain types of heart-attacks by 50%, but it only works on black men. Clearly race matters. Does race impact intelligence? There are politically correct and correct answers to that question.

  22. Andrew says:

    Everyone is right this is baloney!

    The fact that men have dominated politics, business, and science since the dawn of civilization and women were nothing more than objectified baby makers until the last 100 years is just a very unlikely coincidence.

    It has nothing to do with genetics.

    We are all the same men, women, black, white, brown, or yellow regardless of the many differences in our physical appearance all of our brains are wired exactly the same as everyone else; we all share exactly the same amount of intelligence. Also everyone is as physically fit and and strong as everyone else. Men are no stronger than women, Africans are no stronger than Asians. Only evil hatemonger racists and sexists pigs would say something like that.

  23. Any Idiot says:

    To claim these results provide an alternative explanation to the “Glass Ceiling” bias against women in the workplace shows me that this guy is either just trying to be provocative or is really too dumb to spot a pony in a roomful of kittens.

  24. ChrisMac says:

    yet we continue to bitch..

  25. Max Bell says:

    What this will lead to is men with inferior IQs who assume that they are superior to all women because of this finding.

    The ability to understand WHY this is so might even serve as an accurate litmus test for same.

  26. ChrisMac says:

    if you understand why.. you might explain why.. cripes!
    we’re all good

    where’s my friggin ark…

  27. bquady says:

    Just to muddy the waters a bit, here, and have a bit of a laugh… I don’t have any preconceptions about the study. It might be right and it might be wrong. But why should anyone care if it’s true? I mean true in some hypothetically meaningful way, acknowledging of course that “intelligence” isn’t really some nice neat measureable thing.

    Would it change anything at all about how you live your life? If it would, that says some pretty sad things about you. And we know how to deal with any crackpot who might come along and try to convince us that some crazy sexist policy is now justified, whether in a public or private sphere: we call them out as a sexist bastard, tell them that we want no part in their crummy ideas, and shun them.

  28. Terry says:

    Is Rushton at the top of his field? I wonder how his IQ score compares to those of his colleagues.

    29 – The problem I have with Rushton is NOT his study. it’s the conclusions he has made that are not supported by the data
    . You could just as well compare interior design preferences and state that Gender A could have visual acuity problems because they preferred muted colours.

    Sloppy science sucks.

  29. xrayspex says:

    No one has ever been able to prove that an IQ test measures anything objective

    Let’s say “it doesn’t measure anything important”.

    Be honest. Any of us can be around someone for 10 minutes and have at least a pretty good idea of what they would score on an IQ test.


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