You can either let your cats figure this out for themselves or pay money to people who will show you how to show them. Either way, they know… they know.

Related Link: Click Here Only If You Want To Pay To See Your Cat Flush

Let this be a lesson to you. Just because your cat doesn’t flush doesn’t mean she doesn’t know how. It means she likes having you change her cat box just fine.

  1. RTaylor says:

    So you wonder why the water bill is so high?

  2. Roc Rizzo says:

    My old cat used to use the toilet on his own. He also could use the TV remote, as I often found Animal Planet on when I came home. Then I adopted a dog, and HE learned how to use the remote. I have pictures where I caught him “red handed” with the remote. So when the dog was watching the soaps, the cat would go and use the computer to order cat toys. They would arrive when I was away at work. I started to wonder about the new cat toys, and asked neighbors if they had given my cute cat any toys. Nope, they didn’t. When I checked my credit card balance, I found that there was money spent on these cat toys. And you can’t return them with cat spit on them you know. Oh well, I guess it just goes to show that these creatures are often smarter than we give them credit for.

  3. moss says:

    They’re smarter than half of Congress. They don’t get caught taking bribes.

    The other half of Congress — hasn’t been caught, yet.

  4. Matt H says:

    lol, waste of water.

    I think its time we put animals to work.

  5. Danijel says:

    “…a $30 value for $19.99! ”

    I wonder how they estimate the first value.

  6. Dugger says:

    #2 Ha
    Sounds like an old Steve Martin joke.

  7. joshua says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…..I love this. I’m so easily pleased.

  8. ChrisMac says:

    George Bush Incarnate.. or something

  9. Rich says:

    My orange tommy used to dump his water bowl over and over again when I was away, I figured “on accident”. One day I watched him carefully hook his paw on the rim and dump it- then watch the water flow. Some cats enjoy watching the water flow.

  10. Andy says:

    I reallllllly wish mine would do that. The least they could do is put their hairballs in there…


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