A car dealership in Ohio has decided not to run a commercial proclaiming a “jihad” on the U.S. auto market, a Muslim activist group said on Monday.The Ohio Chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations released a letter from the dealership offering an apology and saying the radio ad, which had never been aired, was a misguided attempt at humor.

“We appreciate the dealership’s constructive reaction to feedback about the proposed advertisements,” said Adnan Mirza, director of the group’s Ohio’s office. “We accept the apology … and hope that it and the decision not to air the spots will bring this incident to a close.”

The statement from the dealership, Dennis Mitsubishi in Columbus, said “A large number of people have contacted us. Lots of them have seen the humor we were trying to convey, but far too many were clearly bothered by it. This was simply an attempt at humor that fell short.”

The group on Sunday had complained publicly about plans for a commercial it said would have proclaimed a “jihad” on the U.S. auto market offering “Fatwa Fridays” with sales representatives giving play swords to children.

He can just go back to the sort of marketing that used car dealers already glory in. You know — patriotism, sexism, lying about prices.

  1. James Hill says:

    They’re blowing up the competition.

  2. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    So James, if they are blowing up the competition, would the swords count as overkill?

  3. JimR says:

    The idea went sour, but I think the dealership still managed to squeeze a lot of publicity out of it.

  4. AB CD says:

    Why are they so upset? Aren’t they telling us that jihad doesn’t mean hoyl war, but just means struggle against oppression?

  5. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – Maybe it does mean struggle against oppression… but that opens up the question of, how can a used car dealer help me in my struggle and what exactly is it that is oppressing me?

    But even if it does mean Holy War, that might still apply. Since consumerism is our religion and brands are our gods and long term financing is our prayer, perhaps taking an additional 10% off (of the price we inflated by 15%) is what constitutes a Holy War.

  6. John Paradox says:

    So, how about “Crusade against high prices”?


  7. Dugger says:

    Perhaps they would come back #6 with an objection since the crusaders fought the muslims. We all see daily examples of just how “tolerant” some muslims can be 😉

  8. James Hill says:

    I think they used the swords to “Cut prices at the neck!”

  9. Jägermeister says:


    Agreed. They got what they wanted.

  10. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    #8, As in the Sales Manager wanted them to “Get A Head” of the competition?

    Darn, this is sick. Funny as heck, but still sick.


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