This is very nice, even though the device is still limited to places with WiFi availability.

Stiletto 100, available this month, lets users listen to live SIRIUS programming almost anywhere in a small, stylish package. Stiletto 100 allows users to store up to 100 hours of SIRIUS content by:

  • Automatically recording hours of 100% commercial-free music from listeners’ favorite SIRIUS Satellite Radio channels;
  • Scheduling recordings, of up to 6-hours in length, of favorite talk or music shows; and
  • Allowing users to save up to 10 hours of individual songs from live SIRIUS Satellite Radio broadcasts by a simple press of the “love” button. 

The Stiletto 100 features WiFi capability for connection to SIRIUS’ Internet radio services, an exciting feature useful for listening anywhere an accessible WiFi network is available. SIRIUS’ Internet radio services provide subscribers with access to all of SIRIUS’ 64 commercial free music channels, plus Howard Stern’s two channels, Martha Stewart Living Radio, OutQ, and other original talk programming.

Here’s the latest from XM. 

  1. James Hill says:

    I wonder if either will be able to turn a profit before they die out.

    If we’re going to rag on Web 2.0 as Bubble 2.0, then we should mock these companies as well.

  2. Smartalix says:

    We’re on the same page, James. I’m impressed with the tech, but I don’t think paid radio will ever become mainstream with massive portable music storage and free (HD and non-HD) radio easily available.

  3. Rob says:

    I’m still waiting for XM and Sirius to merge. Then I will take the plunge into satellite radio.

  4. Brian says:

    XM has had a portable device that receives it’s satellite feed already (Long before this sirius device), the Pioneer Inno

  5. Tom says:

    And the XM portable doesn’t require WiFi though it does, obviously, require at least somewhat unrestricted satellite path access.


  6. gquaglia says:

    #2 I’m sure they said the same thing about cable tv. Its also obvious that none of you have satellite radio. I have been a Sirius subscriber for over a year and I love it. No bullshit commercials every 15 minutes. No long winded DJs and stupid contests. Plus you can pick the style of music you like. So if you live in a city that has 5 country stations and you hate country, your not out of luck I would never go back to terrestrial radio.

  7. Smartalix says:


    Well spotted, I must have missed that one. I’m surprised it hasn’t gotten more traction in the marketplace.

  8. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    I’ve had my Sirius portable for over nine months, and this thing has been around for a while: (pardon while I try to make a link…)

  9. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Another try at a link:


  10. Alix:
    Nice design, however let me point out.
    Xm Had a Mifi on the market for years that picks up sat or radio where sat is not available. You can dock it or use as a portable.
    Sirius introduced a unit last year.
    Technology wise Xm is ahead of the curve by 2 or more quarters.
    Delfi just introduced last week a new unit that works on XM networks.
    Totaly amazing.
    The Howard Stern show is loaded down with commercials just like when he was on K-Rock. A real disaster. Sirius will continue to loose money as long as they pay howie the bloated salary he gets.
    Sirius just isn’t what its cracked up to be. Most people I speak with are disapointed in the service.
    When it rains or go into a garage the service is lost.
    I hope the 2 companies don’t merger then we will never see any growth in the industry.
    If the governement should require am and FM stations to convert to a new digital spectum and phase out the current freq band.

  11. -edited for length- 

    (Please link to the product release, don’t post the whole damn thing here.)

  12. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    Geez, I need more coffee. My link is good, but my service is XM.

  13. Bob says:

    I’m amazed that XM has had a truly portable satellite unit for almost 2 years now but Sirius is still counting on docks and Wifi to provide their feed. Plus, when you compare the yet unreleased Stiletto 100 to the available, the Stiletto looks so big and bulky. Is this because they spent so much money on Stern and advertising that they had little left in the budget for R&D?

    I’ve also heard that XM has built a network of earth-based signal repeaters that Sirius may not have, but since I’ve never owned a Sirius unit I can’t say if this is true or not. What I can say is I’m amazed that I can ride a subway and still get a live satellite signal on my Inno….very impressive.

  14. Bob
    Xm and Sirius have a bunch of networked based recievers however they are not digital they are not everywhere, and you still loose signal.

  15. Alix thanks for the extra work! you could have just edited the text if it was too long.

  16. Smartalix says:

    you could have put in a link to begin with and saved us both the effort.

  17. Prophet says:

    I listen to Howard Stern almost everyday. There is usually about 4 minutes of commercials per 2 hours. Loaded down with commercials? What in the world have you been listening to?

    Satellite radio is just like cable TV in 1978…the onlt difference is that the adoption rate for satellite radio is greater than cable tv was back in 1978.

    Once you try it…you will never go back.

  18. James Hill says:

    I’ve used satellite radio, and can say that the satellite radio/cable TV comparison doesn’t work. The majority of content on satellite radio (music) can be found in other formats, MP3s on an iPod for example (that takes care of the commercials and DJs comment as well).

    As for the original content, few of those sources only use satellite radio to reach their audience. Stern and Opie & Anthony are the only two that come to mind, and their pre-satellite audiences are tiny compared to the giants in radio (Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck).

  19. Alix: Thier was no link to post! It was under embargo until the 20th.
    I created the pages today
    BTW here is the information on the new navigation system

  20. Phophet:
    I have been listening to howie for probaly 20 years even when he was on
    and must say I am disapointed in the way the show has turned out.
    The man was given a very nice chunck of money and he did very little with it other than make himself very Rich.

    The show is the worst ever on top of it his listeners are still subject to commercial! 4 minutes give or take I rather listen to music than commercials.

    Sat radio comes with a new car purchase and typically includes a year subscription. many people arent renewing thier subscriptions and the subscription numbers are fudged. for one they include all the demo units as subscriptions.

    I doubt Stern has anywhere near 1 million listeners which would be less than 10% the amount he claimed to have on FM.

    Sat technology is very expensive because the life span of a sat is short lived and expensive to replace.

    Sat radio is going to be under pressure in the coming years as digital content is more available over the internet and and handheld devices.
    Most consumers prefer video over radio and wi-fi

    The FCC needs to phase out and convert traditonal analog radio spectrum to Digital Radio spectrum.


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