Core maker
Intel pledges 80 cores in five years | CNET — You should be able to predict the weather with this baby.

Intel has built a prototype of a processor with 80 cores that can perform a trillion floating point operations per second.

CEO Paul Otellini held up a silicon wafer with the prototype chips before several thousand attendees at the Intel Developer Forum here on Tuesday. The chips are capable of exchanging data at a terabyte a second, Otellini said during a keynote speech. The company hopes to have these chips ready for commercial production within a five-year window.

Wow. 80!

  1. ECA says:

    they will just make software that Uses it all, and has so many Bells and whisltes that it will LAg the system..
    MOSt of the bottle necks arent in the CPU..
    They are in the chipsets on the mobo.
    Running USB, Par, Serial, IDE, and the rest thru 1 chip ISNT and answer.
    the old IRQ format mobo is obsolete, GOTO Parrallel processed boards.
    Make the audio and video boards Have there own Codecs to DO the work. Let them process the audio and video, rather then the Main CPU.

  2. Smartalix says:

    In Halo VII, the Master Chief will be able to do your homework while you play.

  3. joe says:

    you know who would like this, gamers. ATI & Nvidia will have to come out with 30 core GPU’s as well to keep up with Intel. AMD will have to match or 1 up them. My guess 100 core chips

  4. John Urho Kemp says:

    Cores are the next “Hertz” craze. Everything used to be “hey, this is 2 Gigahertz…that’s better than blah blah blah because that’s only 1.8 Gigahertz”.

    Now it will be “hey, this is 80 cores…that’s better than blah blah blah with only 60 cores”.

    It’s men measuring their dicks again. And ECA is right, it’s like putting a Viper engine on a lawn mower.

  5. xrayspex says:

    Our brains (ok, most of our brains) have millions of parallel processes going on simultaneously. Does anybody think that 99.999% of them are unnecessary?

    With enough cores you’re talking pseudo-quantum capabilities.

  6. Mark Derail says:

    As a software database developer, I totally enjoy this.

    I can crunch a huge amount of data, in a short period of time, w/o requiring multiple servers.

    Database servers cannot easily, scale is the term, upwards into multiple servers, as each server needs to see the data.
    Open data across a network is slow, when compared to open data on your local Raid-5 hard disks.

    My Fav server right now has 4 Xeon CPU’s, that basically act like dual-cores, giving me 8 CPU’s.

    I can thus run 8 data intensive programs simultaneously, processings gigs of data, w/o using a single TCP/IP packet !!!

    With 80 CPU’s, and terra-byte RAID arrays, we can start dreaming about instant-access intelligent databases, that can mimic human brains.

    However, the in-game foes will still have lousy AI’s…

  7. Love the image. My mother used to sell Pampered Chef warez, so I had to laugh at that

    As far as 80 cores? I’m certain by the time its available. . . someone will have a need for it. If nothing other than medical studies and operations.

  8. moss says:

    Actually, it’s a peel maker not a core maker.

  9. MikeR says:

    “You should be able to predict the weather with this baby.”

    Predict the weather? With that much horsepower you should be able to DO something about the weather.

  10. mxpwr03 says:

    So one could run WordStar with unparalleled performance, obviously.

  11. Peter Rodwell says:

    Obviously designed thinking of the next OS from Microsoft after Vista.

  12. Miguel Correia says:

    For what? Remember someone saying “640Kb is more than enough for all our needs.”

    Basically, raw hz speed isn’t going to grow much more. Since we can’t grow vertically, we grow horizontally. Since we can’t do something faster, we do twice the things the same speed, which leads to the same result, twice the speed.

    Actually, unless we start taking multithreading seriously, this will not translate into such a performance gain.

    #11, Though it doesn’t seem to be the way you intended to say it, you are right… The more Windows makes it easier to do multithreading (which happens by being more and more integrated with .Net), the more software you’ll be seeing out there taking advantage of these wonderful new processors. So, yes, it is designed thinking of the next OS from Microsoft after Vista, and hopefully, vice-versa.

  13. Miguel Correia says:

    #10, The fact that you’re running WordStar with unparalleled performance means it isn’t going faster… It would take WordStar being changed to run in *parallel* threads to actually run faster. 😉

  14. RTaylor says:

    How about personal digital assistants and intelligent homes that comes close to AI. A verbal interface that works would be nice.

  15. GregA says:

    AI is a software problem. I dont care how many cores you throw at it, until computer scientists crack the nut of “what is inteligence” that one isn’t gonna be solved.

    On the other hand, looks like there is gonna be enough processor power to simply scan a human brain in with mri and run it like a simulation. Sucks to be that scanned in brain when it comes time to shut if off though.

  16. Mike Drips says:

    All this means is that Windows will boot up 80 times slower.
    Trust me.

  17. Awake says:

    80 cores and a teraflop on one system…. I wonder how long before on of these boxes becomes self -aware and starts to take over the world.

  18. Mark T. says:

    Build it and the apps will come!

  19. Xwing says:

    I think it’s time for Pong 2.0!

  20. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #13 🙂 It would take WordStar being changed to run in *parallel* threads to actually run faster.

    Actually, it would take being able to type faster to make Wordstar run faster.

  21. ECA says:

    I think its time for a Car style, Fan and radiator system….

    They went to this chipset to COOL the system..And NOW whats happening?

  22. Miguel Correia says:

    #20, Ya killed me with that one!! ROTFLOLOLOL

  23. Jägermeister says:

    Holographic gaming in color.

  24. ECA says:

    THIS ISNT a video card…

  25. Mule Acid says:

    Man, CLETUS is defintiely the character of the day, or decade anyway.

  26. Mike Voice says:

    6 I can thus run 8 data intensive programs simultaneously, processings gigs of data, w/o using a single TCP/IP packet !!!

    Yes, I can understand how the market which currently uses blade servers would enjoy the thought that one chip could do the processing of several blades…

    I’m curious to see how many cores become “standard” for personal/home use.

    Will 2 dual-cores = 4-cores be enough, or will we find a “need” for a dual-quad, or 4-duals?

  27. Jägermeister says:


    I know that. 😉 But you still need more computing power.

  28. kballweg says:

    Have to see the failure rate at the fab before I get too excited. This is going to be a wee too expensive for anything other than “super computer” builders for quite awhile.

    Wonder what you could do with the rejects: if a % of the cores were still functional, would the be able to be used in the equivalent of a super computing Celeron? Or are they linked in such a way that one flaw takes out the whole thing.

  29. ECA says:

    It may be able to handle ANYTHING shoved at it, but …
    How fast is the mobo,
    How fast is the data being entered, Even firewire, or 10 Gbit data rate wouldnt bother it.
    This is as bad as having a Ram jet, and only being able to put 85 octane in it…

  30. OmarTheAlien says:

    Supercharged throughput, big assed flash drives, memory with balls and in ten years you won’t be able to tell the virtual actors from the skin-bags. Intelligent homes, brains lifted from their pans and hardwired to the android of choice and with life spans extended beyond biblical I can finally rent that starship and sub-light over to that pretty little nebula I admired on the Hubble site.


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