Does this mean that General Schoomaker is a traitor in the eyes of the Right? Everyone else who criticizes the government is accused of it, why not him?

The Army’s top officer withheld a required 2008 budget plan from Pentagon leaders last month after protesting to Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld that the service could not maintain its current level of activity in Iraq plus its other global commitments without billions in additional funding.

The decision by Gen. Peter J. Schoomaker, the Army’s chief of staff, is believed to be unprecedented and signals a widespread belief within the Army that in the absence of significant troop withdrawals from Iraq, funding assumptions must be completely reworked, say current and former Pentagon officials.

“Now the discussion is: Where are we going to go? Do we lower our strategy or do we raise our resources?” said the senior Pentagon official. “That’s where we’re at.”

So what will we do to address the reality of the situation?

  1. ECA says:

    What to do, What to do???

    Stop fighting wars that have no ryhne or reason??
    Stop fight corp battles with other countries??
    stop fighting to make a democracy out of nations that DONT WANT TO BE…Comercialized??

  2. Tom says:

    Uh, put Rumsfeld and Bush in uniform and send them to the front. Not Cheney, we’ll put him on KP, (thats kitchen police for the non vets).

  3. Mark says:

    Never work, Bush would never show up for roll call.

  4. James Hill says:

    The real question is if this is truly a protest about troop levels in Iraq, or a counterattack to Rummy’s moves to modernize the Armed Forces. While I’d like to think the motives on the general’s part are genuine, I doubt it.

  5. doug says:

    4. Why do you doubt Shoomaker’s motives? What he is doing now seems perfectly consistent with the other actions noted in the article.

  6. I doubt his motives because of the left wing love-in that’s condensing on him right now. If he had a genuine complaint, the left would care less about the substance and more about how they can use it as a club to beat Bush.

  7. Smartalix says:

    Yeah, that Chief of Staff is a real tool, huh? How did such a loser ever manage to accumulate 4 stars and the approval of the President to take the position? He must really hate the USA.

  8. Lee says:

    I’m not sure there will be any effort to address this reality. I grow increasingly concerned that Bush/Cheney was some sort of bought out Manchurian ticket, and that the destruction of our military and international reputation was their objective all along.

    Either that, or they are so incompetant and impervious to advice that even if they were tripping over their own laces, they would fire anyone who mentioned that their shoes were untied.

  9. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    When you add Shoomaker’s Budget with the recent secret National Intelligent Report commenting on terrorism, the picture gets pretty bleak for Bush. Active duty personnel are reporting the Bush strategy is failing.

  10. Jägermeister says:

    Why stop at manufacturing and IT outsourcing… Outsource the military to China and/or India. Cheaper and you get more manpower… 😉

  11. tallwookie says:

    guilty/not-guilty – whats the difference?

  12. Milo says:

    Why does this general hate America and give aid and comfort to the terrorists?

  13. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Yes he is a traitor.

    He and all americans should just stop cutting and running (like Bush did during Vietnam) and we should all line up and die for the Bush family in the most wasteful and useless way possible.

    He should ……. come on neocons! I’m not good a smearing a brave and faithful servant to the Republic. Come on AB CD! Tell us how he gave money to pedophiles or some other out of your ass lie.

  14. Bob Dylan nailed this stuff a while ago:

  15. doug says:

    #12. yes, General Shoomaker! why do you hate America? why don’t you support our troops? why are you on the side of the terrorists?

    spill it! You are either with Donny Rumsfeld or you are against America!

    never fear, some Pentagon Budgeters for Truth will soon be showing all America the real face of this treacherous snake.

  16. Milo says:

    You’ll notice that ‘General’ Schoomaker, if that’s his real name, doesn’t even try to answer our questions! No doubt he’s too busy having gay sex somewhere!

    And look at this:

    “His appointment was unusual in that he was called out of retirement to take up the post.”

    “unusual” eh! Veeerrrryyyy suspicious sounding. James Hill and Evil Sandmich are right. He’s obviously an Al Qaida plant who’s trying to stop Rumsfeld from turning our army into invincible warrior ninjas. The fact that the left wing aren’t using him to bash Bush is a dead giveaway! Everyone who isn’t used to bash Bush is a traitor, except for those who do bash Bush, they’re traitors too. The only person we can trust is Bush and people that he specifically names as people who are loyal and even then we have to be careful because of Bush’s saintly nature.

  17. Cognito says:

    Isn’t Bush a euphemism for something?

  18. rezbot says:

    Lets use the US Army car to deliver troops to the front. This should save some money and maybe recruit some local Iraqi and Afghan fighters.

    Go Army Racing

  19. pseudolus says:

    I doubt his motives because of the left wing love-in that’s condensing on him right now. If he had a genuine complaint, the left would care less about the substance and more about how they can use it as a club to beat Bush.

    Yeah, we lefties only hate Bush for being Bush. feh! We hate the substance of his policies and lies. We care about the mistreatment of our troops in this needless war. We have squandered our forces and have a military depleted of resources that is ill preprared for any other LEGITIMATE need that may arise. Kneejerk Bush lovers are just as bad as Kneejerk Bush haters.

  20. bac says:

    if you are a true American, you will give money to Bush so he can finance his War. That way, Bush can still look like a Republican by not raising taxes. Long live the memory of the Old Republicans.

  21. Mark says:

    Do I detect a note of sarcasm in this thread?

  22. Improbus says:

    Sarcasm? No way!

  23. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    #6, Comment by Evil Sandmich — 9/26/2006 @ 5:01 pm

    Why do you hate America?

  24. doug says:

    23. Oh, Mr. N.F., don’t you know that Army generals just swoon for that left-wing adulation! How they swarm into the bookstores in full uniform, hoping that someone will see them buying the latest Noam Chomsky or Michael Moore tome. I mean, you can’t go into an alternative theater or Volvo dealership without being buffeted by the epaulets of Army officers cruising for Kudos.


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