What the hell is happening to this country? With retired generals testifying on Rumsfeld’s being “incompetent strategically, operationally and tactically ….” (retired Maj. Gen. Paul Eaton), this article seems oddly appropriate. You’d think we were becoming Sony or something. We sure seem to trying hard to emulate them.

The Projectile Vomit-Inducing Rise Of Stumblebum American Incompetence – Where Has US Pragmatism Gone?

Consider these facts, institutions and people:

1. Katrina, FEMA, “heckuva job, Brownie”.
2. America spends twice as much per capita on healthcare as any other industrial nation, yet our life expectancy ranks #46 in the world.
3. The Iraq War, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Bremer, President Bush, US Congress.
4. Instead of making a car that people want to buy, Ford is laying off workers by the thousands.
5. Enron.
6. US public school education.

What do they all have in common? They’re an expression of the rise of something new in American life: spectacular incompetence.

When we do incompetence, we do it big. War and disaster, Katrina and Iraq, expose our most massive incompetence. It seems like everything we touch turns into a mess. We’ve become a culture of the inept. A nation of screw-ups, we’re led by leaders who are competent at only one thing: fucking up.

Does anyone in America still know how to do a good job? Does anybody even know what a good job is?

It starts at the top, with the guy we voted for as our president.

  1. Ballenger says:

    On #1 and in general. The Greatest Generation may have been good at a lot of things, but training replacements wasn’t one of them.

  2. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    Instead of writing the same thing, just read Uncle Dave’s post #21. He said it before I could. And he even said it better.

    While this topic would seem to invite trolling, I am very surprised there has been so little. I even agree, to some extent, with some of those from the other side.

  3. ECA says:

    answers to Post.
    1. Katrina…
    a gov that dont kow HOw to control money
    2. spends on medical…
    the KEY word is SPENDS, where other nations get it free, or CHEAP, we spend for medical. with no control over Insurrance corps, madical hardware, regulations, and Sue happy people…A doctor has to charge ALOT.
    3. Iraq?? Not afghanistan.. Total MIS-FIRE. Wasnt run well, wasnt controled, and fighting a Gorila war, ISNT Easy…one way works well, but we(corps) want tohe OIL afterwards.
    4. Cars…DUH…
    Not making alternatives, in the past 30 years, as they were ASKED by the gov. Gov didnt follow thru.
    corps that want MORE and MORE profit. Cut costs, raise prices, Impot parts for NOTHING.
    5. with no controls over corps, WHAT do you think will happen??
    6. public schools..
    To many cooks spoil the food. How many groups want schools to Teach or NOT to teach certain subjects?? If you send them to public school, they SHALL be schooled in ALL the subjects they need, and NOthing MORE or LESS.

  4. Sam Foley says:

    Very well said #23.

    I believe in God – always have – always will.
    That does not make me a boob or brainless. I believe there is a difference between ones’ self belief system and how that dictates your ethics and morals and I’ve worked in two of the most cut-throat businesses out there – doesn’t mean you can’t have ethics.

    I do believe it’s quite sad that the “Jackass #2” movie is #1 in the USA box office. Of course it’s all a giant game to some degree. Take the price of Oil – 10month low today at under $60/barrel – umm, anyone think the upcoming Nov. elections have anything to do with oil being almost $80 about two months ago, and now is $60. Nah 🙂 but it doesn’t matter if its Rep or Dem in charge, politics as always impacted life.

    If you wanna really feel like crap – read “the rise and fall of the roman empire” and compare ancient rome to modern USA.

  5. joshua says:

    #25…TomR….great quote……so appropriate.

  6. GregA says:

    Frank IBC,

    As in, even if you supoprt his policies, he has done a piss poor job. The USA got attacked on 911 and somehow we (collectively as a nation, republicans and conservatives as individulas) wound up treasonous criminal villans. I don’t think an incompotent streak can accomplish that. Bush has more nefarious plans. I dont think, Bush, conservatives or republicans are as stupid collectively as they seem (for example some notion divorced from reality that liberal apolegetics caused us to be villans to the entire world) to any right thinking person. Therefore they must be villans(all of them).

    When did you stop being a villan? Anyhow, you should be happy, I am admitting that Bush, conservatives and republicans are not stupid. In fact they have turned out to be quite the scheming plotting variety of criminals. It even looks likey they will get away with it. That is not stupid.

  7. ECA says:

    You are telling them our secrets..
    reading might throw some folks OFF…

    Read any Novel on the rise and fall of governments, or watch War and Peace 3 times.
    It comes down to..
    WE GOT PROBLEMS and they aint fixing them.
    And its not as bad as a POT hole in the middel of down town. That I could get fixed…Its that In school and after they Really didnt give us the knowledge to RUn our own government, and DIDNT teach our Politicians to REAd our letters.

  8. traaxx says:

    Everyone seems to forget that in the destruction of a civilization that a few and still make money. That’s what we are seeing, a few making money upon the destruction of this country. To what end, perhaps the North American Union. If we are in debt enough then a union with Canada and Mexico will be more attractive. That would also explain the Mexican invasion underway.

    It’s not one party, it’s the Globalist versus the Nationalist. Forget about Democrats versus Republicans.

  9. Gregg says:

    What I find most hilarious about the article and the comments about it is that no one ever, EVER, seems to think they are the uneducated moron making foolish decisions.

    To be a bit more serious here I’m sure that there are solidly educated people out there who can lead us in the future. The only problem is getting those who are qualified to lead, lead.

  10. ECA says:

    The Gov is NOT into making money, and thats one of the laws…
    They are into Spending money, wasting money, not knowing where money is going
    I thought there was supposed to be a section of our Gov. that was supposed to monitor and track Governement spending…Where is it, and what happened?


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