Police to brief Muslims before terror raids – Sunday Times – Times Online — This will be a true test of who is on what side of what. My guess is that the panel will be rebuked by the Ummah, or they will simply tip-off the suspects. Whatever the case, this whole idea is stupid. Can;t the police do anything right? And would this sort of thing have saved that poor bloke they gunned down for no good reason in the subway incident? No.

POLICE have agreed to consult a panel of Muslim leaders before mounting counter-terrorist raids or arrests. Members of the panel will offer their assessment of whether information police have on a suspect is too flimsy and will also consider the consequences on community relations of a raid.

Members will be security vetted and will have to promise not to reveal any intelligence they are shown. They will not have to sign the Official Secrets Act.

Perhaps this is a front for a loyaty test. Coy.

found by Brian Lewis

  1. Mike says:


  2. James Hill says:

    I think it’s a valid test for a “with us or against us” world.

  3. gquaglia says:

    And you think our goverment is f**ked up, England is 100 times worse.

  4. James Hill says:

    No kidding. They were dumb enough to agree with “with us or against us”.

  5. jim says:

    Why not just post it in the NYT, the terrorist record.

  6. V says:

    I’m not so sure it’s a bad idea. We’re routinely searching in a culture that is becoming more and more alienated. As long as the people check out, serve as advisors without any sort of veto power, and are genuinely anti-terrorist it may be beneficial to use a few independent consultants from that culture.

  7. Awake says:

    Hmmm… what a concept… enlist the aid of moderate Muslims that can assist in investigations. Ask people with ‘inside knowledge’ what they think. Check on concerns of religious sensibility. Maybe get some of the more moderates to help to infiltrate radical organizations. Dumb idea. We don’t need no stinkin help from them Muslins!

  8. AB CD says:

    This is the country that arrests you for attacking robbers, and for carrying mace.

  9. gquaglia says:

    AB CD, don’t forget about a camera on every block.

  10. Gregory says:

    You’re missing the point of the meetings. It’s not to say “should we arrest them?” but “how can we do it without causing tons of protests”

    There’s nothing wrong with that, it’s part of the assimilation of cultures – understanding them so that they can eventually fit in better.

    btw – as for the mace… have you ever been maced? that is an offensive weapon, which can blind people I may add, and I wouldn’t want people walking around with it any more than a knife.

  11. lol says:

    agree w/ #1

  12. If the police were locally-based and actually worked the streets and were members of the community, then this wouldn’t be needed.

  13. Angel H. Wong says:

    What a drastic change!

    Decades ago the Brits would hit anyone who wasn’t pasty white just by instinct.

  14. This is exactly opposite of assimilation. Does UK police notify elite of the “Upper Unkton” many generation over British whenever they go there to arrest some criminal? No. Same should apply to any British community. These people claim to be British, but “different British”. Who deserve special accomodations and special rights. Giving into such requests just increases the split.
    People through whom these requests go essentially become new defacto government. Which makes the real government weaker. Which leads to breakdown of society.
    How? Separatist leaders now have power to protest anything government does by stirring “their” masses of people, who will listen to them more due to their newly given status…
    Next step? Request for accepting sharia law for mediating issues within community. Than retaining “their own” taxes and running their own services as they see fit… Ending in teritorial requests.

  15. traaxx says:

    Actually, since the police raid is seen in Muslim communities as persecution then they will have to tip of the suspects. It’s their religious duty. We keep forgetting that Jihad is an aspect that Mohammad supported in the Koran. There are numerous passages where he sent out his supporter to steel from, enslave and kill non-muslims. The West can’t seem to get this aspect through their collective head, or is it just the secularist/atheist that can’t come to terms with a belief system that can’t be bribed or ignored. The secularist/atheist have had corrupted or ignored tolerant Christians for so long that they think all belief systems can be treated in the same way.

    Dusan Maletic really has it correct and sees what to come, Dhimmitude. Fellow Dhimmis dont’ expect such treatment as Minorities Under Islamic Rule.

  16. Adrian says:

    86 percent of British Muslims say they would tell police of a terror threat. Co-operating with them is no bad thing.

  17. James Hill says:

    Say and do are two different things. We’ll see how things pan out.

  18. Pete Raymond says:

    I have just heard the news that MI5 has found out plots against British Citizens using explosive devices, chemicals numbering in the 2000 British Citizens Muslims , born and raised in Britain. This just takes the cake on hearing this. We British accept from out Government being politically correct towards Muslims and advising them when we are going to arrest someone in the Muslims population, just is crazy and nonsense. Muslims multiply 1 in 3 compared to us the British and in 25 Years from now they will have taken over the Country and introduce Sharia Law and will govern Britain. In France in a matter of 20 years will become a Middle East Country and Muslims will rule and Islamic Laws will prevail. Britain better wake up and fast and start Changing our Immigration Laws and get rid of Multicultural as it only creates Muslims Ghettos and Muslims has no intentions to integrate into our Customs and Traditions and our Laws. THey better re-visit the Charter of Rights and change some of our rights and freedoms because Muslims are taking advantage of it. Close all Mosque in Britain as it is a Breeding Ground for Islamic Extremist and not to pray as they pretend they do. Deport all the heads of the Mosque as they are the Sickness and the Cancer of the World and are not trying to preach Peace and understanding ,instead they are preaching hatred for all Chritians and Jews around the World . Wake up Brits and start to Lobby your Government for change in Britain so that we can keep Britain in British hands and not in Islamic hands in the Future.

  19. Pete Raymond says:

    Suicide Bombers: What a waste of young People lives. If they only took the time and study in depth the Koran , they would have a better understanding of Human Life and how God “Allah condems all violence and the taking of Human Life. Human Life is sacred and should not taken. The taking of their own Lives is a Sin, and they shall be cast out of Heaven for Eternity. Read the Koran, Study the Koran carefully and you will be shocked to find out that there is no place in the Kingdom of Allah for People who takes someone else and their own lives to advance the cause of Extremist Islam. The Extremist will interpret the Koran as they seem fit to suit their cause for Violence and the Murdering of Man Woman and children. You don’t and will never see Extremist Muslims take their own lives, as they are Cowards, therefore sending yound men and Woman to their deaths and they stand in the background and enjoying life. Wake up Young Muslims Men and Woman, and stop taking the interpretations of Extremist Islamic War Monger who do not value Life and will feed you Lies to further their cause.


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