We’ve seen worse.

Daily Express: The World’s Greatest Newspaper — Oh,brother.

FOR centuries the annual Blackberry Carnival in Somerset has appointed a queen to lead its festivities.

The only requirements for the role are enthusiasm and a big smile.
So when a 15-year-old boy applied for the part, organisers did not have the heart to turn him down.

David Bridge, pictured, stunned locals in the sleepy market town of Axbridge by donning a long flowing dress, high heels and jewelled tiara to appear as the carnival queen.

However, some of the more traditional locals have complained of political correctness gone mad.

found by Meetsy

  1. gquaglia says:

    #1 sorry you are wrong. Its a direct result of PC. The whole gender neutral crap pushed by our left leaning friends have twisted the meaning of male and female. When you have lawsuits because the Boy Scouts does not allow women and now a boy as the parade queen, then PC has really ruined this country. Call a spade a spade and we will all be better off. Next thing your going to say Rossie O’Donnell is a really obnoxious guy. wait, maybe he is.

  2. Max Bell says:

    Congradulations, Scotland. You’re now trendy. Excuse me. Fabulously trendy.

    Of course, you should realize that you’ve jumped on a bandwagon that began when Ferndale High School elected a lesbian homecoming king. Fred Phelps had planned to show up and protest; a counter protest was organized and he suddenly had other things to do that day. Which is a good thing; some of my Custer For Life posse had been waiting for you.

    In spite of being the only thing FHS ever got right besides me, though, if you knew anything at all about Ferndale you would not be copying them. Of course, what could else could be expected of a bunch of hedgehog murderers?

  3. lol says:

    #2 – you’re wrong, this country was ruined long before Political Correctness was popular (by the womens-lib movement)

  4. Wags says:

    “The only requirements for the role are enthusiasm and a big smile.
    So when a 15-year-old boy applied for the part, organisers did not have the heart to turn him down.”

    The organizers made the rule, now they can suck it up when it blew up in their face. In this day and age, sometimes a queen can turn out to be a drag queen. At least they didn’t pick Rosie O’Donnell as their queen, now that wouldn’t be politically correct.

  5. Sean says:

    lighten up people. it’s not the end of the world. it’s just funny.

  6. Bryan says:

    No it’s not funny, its just gay

  7. jccalhoun says:

    “The whole gender neutral crap pushed by our left leaning friends have twisted the meaning of male and female. When you have lawsuits because the Boy Scouts does not allow women and now a boy as the parade queen, then PC has really ruined this country”

    Ummm the Boy Scout lawsuits were in the USA, weren’t they? This is in the UK.

    How does having a boy be queen ruin anything?
    Oh no a boy in a dress!!! The world is ending!!!!
    Or not.
    It doesn’t hurt anything so who cares. What exactly is so feminine about a dress anyway? Unless we want to go around saying women shouldn’t wear pants, then I don’t really care if a boy wants to wear a dress and enter a queen contest.

  8. Bryan says:

    Eh, the problem should take care of itself when that kid goes to school and winds up in a locker or garbage can

  9. Plankton says:


    I’m with #6, it’s really not the end of the world. And he does meet the criteria… big smile and enthusiasm!

    #5 🙂 Rosey O’Donnell has a creepy smile, so she wouldn’t have made it.

  10. Cognito says:

    #2 There are girls in the Scout Troop my son attends

  11. Wags says:

    11. I wonder what kind of pissing contest would occur if a boy decided he wanted to be a Girl Scout. Thats all I need to see is a 10 year old boy peddling cookies at the local Wal-Mart wearing a green skirt with knee high socks.

    Let the Boy Scouts be the Boy Scouts and the Girl Scouts be the Girl Scouts. Let the 15 year old boy wear a dress and be the carnival queen. Let us spend more time fixing our own twisted lives before we start bothering other people on how they need to live their life (shit, I think I just contradicted myself, but it is for the best I hope).

  12. Yoda says:

    What’s the big deal anyway? Don’t men in Scotland wear dresses (i.e. kilts) there all the time, especially to parties. Besides, if PC was dictating the situation, shouldn’t the title be Carnival Person?

  13. 0113addiv says:

    male-female is a distinction the mind makes. It isn’t really real. There is only One Being, I AM. Only I AM is. In the world of mind there is two beings, male and female.

  14. Frank IBC says:

    Are you suggesting that penises and vaginas are imaginary, 0113?

  15. Olo Baggins of Bywater says:

    #11..there are no girls in BSA Boy Scout troops. Your son is probably in a Venturing Crew, which is kinda like the Explorers of the 70’s, and they are co-ed.

    This guy who won the contest looks better than some female pageant queens…

  16. Named says:

    Maybe he’s alluding to the old Greek theory that we, male and female, were once one entity and we split apart. Hence, we keep trying to re-create the beast with two backs…

  17. James Hill says:


    Based on 0113’s post, to him the vagina is a myth.

  18. Adam says:

    I know we’re just a little island near Yurp, but Somerset is nowhere near Scotland. That’s like saying Memphis is in Canada.

  19. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #16 – This guy who won the contest looks better than some female pageant queens…

    Comment by Olo Baggins of Bywater — 9/25/2006 @ 12:15 pm

    …in West Virginia.

    But that isn’t something to brag about. On the other hand, this isn’t something to bitch about. It’s just a dumb thing. It doesn’t re-order the nature of the universe. Cats will not be fornicating with dogs. Don’t worry men. It’s just a gay person. They won’t bite. They are just like us, only gay. Your masculinity is not called into question because of this. Everything is gonna be okay.

    #9 – Eh, the problem should take care of itself when that kid goes to school and winds up in a locker or garbage can

    Comment by Bryan — 9/25/2006 @ 11:26 am

    I guess that would be funny. The primitive juggheads will stick the kid in a locker because he’s gay. Or maybe, they’ll grab him at midnight, tie him to a tree and throw rocks and glass bottles at his head, beat him with a bat, and leave him to die.

    Because he’s gay? Because you give a rat’s ass who rides in the back of the convertable in the town parade? Because men look upon homosexuals, fail to understand, and are crippled with fear of what might be inside themselves?

    I’m just saying, it’s happened before…

    Besides, 16-year-old Kayleigh Sweet was also made queen according to the article, so lonely old men in town still have a nubile young girl to objectify.

  20. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    I’m just wondering. How can one homosexual, miles from where ever you are, cause so much discomfort? Do you feel that threatened?

    OFTLO, good post in #20.

  21. Mike Voice says:

    20 Your masculinity is not called into question because of this. Everything is gonna be okay.

    Glad to hear it. 🙂

    With all the cross-dressing I’ve seen via Monty Python, Benny Hill, and Milton Berle over the years – I would hate to think there was going to be some delayed reaction taking place…

  22. Queen for a day! Oh geese.

  23. Hugh Bastard says:

    #2 blames the left for treating gays like human beings. Guess this is why I lean left by default.

  24. JohnnyM says:

    Just what the Uk needs another queen who cant dress

  25. gquaglia says:

    #24 Whatever, you have no clue.

  26. Andy Cactus says:

    And WTF has this to do with Scotland??

    Somerset is in ENGLAND for christ sake. That spelt IN-GUR-LAND!
    Its like saying Boston is in California.

    I also wonder was he the “Only Gay In The Village”?
    (Google that if you dont know) thats spelt GOOO-GAL.

  27. moss says:

    Not too bad. Just the usual couple of homophobic reactionaries. The neo-con ship of fools continues to founder.

  28. Moss, Thier is a big difference between homophobics and people that just don’t aprove of the behavior.

  29. Perry M. says:

    Isn’t that Heidi from “So You Think You Can Dance”?

  30. Angel H. Wong says:

    How ugly are the young girls from Sommerset that a gay kid beat them up in the competition?


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