Ms. Radio Launches, National Review Online: What Women Really Want On Air – CBS News

Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem and Rosie “kiss of death” O’Donnell have been tub thumping this “network” for weeks on TV and elsewhere promoting the idea that women are sick of male-centric talk radio and they want to instead listen to a bunch of complaining windbags of the female gender. From what I can tell women are not sick of the male-centric politico and sportstalk nutjobs, but listen to CD’s or FM radio instead. Check the demographics of talk radio. If women listened then there would be something for them to listen to already. Prediction: this will be a huge and embarrassing flop.

The feminists who toppled Harvard president Larry Summers for speculating that men and women may have different aptitudes and interests are unlikely to recognize that Steinem — and the creation of Greenstone Media — effectively admits the same truth.

  1. gquaglia says:

    Jane Fonda, Gloria Steinem and Rosie O’Donnell. They should recruit, Susan Sarandon, Barbara Streisand and the Dixie chicks. Then they would really have a sure loser.
    Last I heard this would probably end up being an Internet radio station as no program director or station owner on terrestrial radio would dare put this trio of left wing, Lesbian windbags on the air.

  2. lol says:

    “…women are sick of male-centric talk radio and they want to instead listen to a bunch of complaining windbags of the female gender…”

    rofl thats awesome!!!!

  3. Max Bell says:

    I want them all on air as soon as possible and endorsing Hillary Clinton as the Democratic nominee for the 2006 election.

  4. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Isn’t Steinem 100 or so?

    You neocons could do the world a service if you ragged on her for a while

  5. OmarTheAlien says:

    Fonda the bitch should have been shot as a traitor, the rest of them are not real women, they are instead caricatures of their contrived personas. I wouldn’t do any of them.

  6. Angel H. Wong says:

    Gallstone Radio… For bitter old women?

  7. James Hill says:

    “Is it hot in here?” radio would be a better name.

    I’d say they’re going to destroy AirAmerica’s audience, but AirAmerica has no audience… and neither will they.

    It must be hell for these women, seeing the feminist movement empowering women like Paris Hilton and Brittney Spears instead of intellectuals (unless the Hillary nude statue is your kind of thing).

  8. domc says:

    By the look fo these comments we all know now why they started this network.

  9. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #7 – I’d say they’re going to destroy AirAmerica’s audience, but AirAmerica has no audience… and neither will they.

    I rather doubt they can damage Air America any more than Air America damages Air America…

    AA doesn’t have low rating because it has a liberal bent. AA doesn’t have low ratings because it is in 50 of the 285 markets. AA doesn’t have low ratings because it is typically relegated to low wattage stations that are hard to hear.

    I’d love to claim that AA fails because Americans aren’t smart enough for multilayered and nuanced, intellectual discussion of complex issues… But really… Air America has low ratings because its really pretty boring radio. It’s just bad radio.

    I don’t even listen to Air America.

  10. Podesta says:

    If misogyny were a crime, John Dvorak would be behind bars.

    And, please, we have been hearing about what a ‘failure’ Hilary Clinton is for much too long. One would expect winning a senatorial election in a state she is not even from by a landslide would have put an end to that. If that’s failure, I wonder what success looks like.

  11. Talk about upsetting the apple cart!
    R is for Richie

  12. Hey Podesta, how is calling a windbag a “windbag” qualify as misogyny? Do you think these idiots are credible? Then you listen to these shows.

  13. Terry says:

    If a man makes any kind of comment that *might* be contrued as a put-down of women, he’s a misogynist.
    If a women makes the SAME comments about men, she’s … what? Enlightened? Empowered? Feminist? Oh wait, what about a misandrist?

    A rule of thumb that works for me, regardless of political stance, race, gender, whatever: if the speaker has an answer for everything, they’re full of it. Please, try it out when you listen to Ms Radio.

  14. James Hill says:

    #9 – I don’t even listen to Air America.


  15. Ballenger says:

    Randi Rhodes on Air America or Rush Limbaugh, that’s a choice from hell. Programming like this may be the future though. Just find a twit- niche and a few people that need the their nearly empty heads constantly shaken to keep the two marbles inside in orbit and you can sell advertising.

    Air America was a good idea, for the sake of providing some balance to right wing radio. Unfortunately, their strategy has been to take the FUD model of RushRadio, reverse the spin and do it across, as
    OhForTheLoveOf mentioned, a pathetically anemic network. Sending Janine Garofalo into the mountains with a ham radio would have been more effective.

    Maybe this new network/station will do better. Women are a powerful force once they mobilze. Men can kid themselves on this, but you mix some good shoes advertizing in with “The View” style girl chat and these folks could be serious players.

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Damn James 🙂 Is it that hard to believe?

    I live in freaking Indiana… I couldn’t listen to it if I wanted to.

  17. zxevil164 says:

    A3C926 Cool, bro!


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