Apparently the anti-Blair forces in England managed to dig up these old clips. Kerry could have used these. Oh wait, Kerry was FOR the war too. Never mind.

found by Marc Perkel

  1. eddie says:

    yup this war was a big lied one big f….. lied

  2. David Kerman says:

    Ok Dvoark, you know perfectly well that Kerry was never for the invasion of iraq.

    President Bush asked congress to authorize the war under the pretext that Bush was only using the authorization to allow him some leverage with the U.N.

    Bush explicitly stated that he would only use their authorization as a last resort, and then he clearly broke that promise.

    I would agree that congress never should have trusted the president at his word, but that hardly translates to Kerry supporting the war in iraq.

    Get your facts straight.

  3. James Hill says:

    Wow, get on point liberals. Kerry isn’t worth defending anymore, remember?

  4. rctaylor says:

    Hussein probably did need to be taken out. It should have been done only with a real international force, include Arabs. Bush senior didn’t do it in the first Gulf war because many warned of the dangers of leaving a power vacuum in Iraq. No one will help bail us out of this mess. Even our European allies would like us to fail to teach the US a lesson about cowboy diplomacy. Does anyone really believe Iraq has a chance in Hell of democratic rule and unity?

  5. David Kerman says:

    Sorry I don’t really care about talking points. But if someone is going to make B.S. claims about someone’s stance then I’d like to set the record straight.

    and to supplement #4 here’s a quote from the recent clinton interview that I think sums up the problems with the Bush administration’s view of spreading democracy.

    (On advancing democracy in the middle east)
    “I think the question is, what’s the best way to do it? I think also the question is, how do you educate people about democracy?

    Democracy is about way more than majority rule. Democracy is about minority rights, individual rights, restraints on power. And there’s more than one way to advance democracy.”

  6. Frank IBC says:

    Unfortunately I can’t load YouTube here, Dave – what year is this from?

  7. AB CD says:

    That’s what Kerry said after the fact, but the reality is he was against the war but said he was for it because that’s where the public was. Then opinion shifted, so now he’ll claim he was against it all along.

  8. AB CD says:

    Rice says the miltary hasn’t been reconstituted, and Powell says he has built any WMD. When voting for the war, Kerry explained why these facts are irrelevant. He said that he has no doubt an unchecked Saddam Hussein would develop these weapons. George Bush in the State of the Union said that we cannot wait til the threat is imminent.

  9. sirfelix says:

    Fill in the blank with any politician’s name and it applies: “_____ said after the fact, but the reality is he was against the war but said he was for it because that’s where the public was. Then opinion shifted, so now he’ll claim he was against it all along.”

    Are we truely a republic? Are our elected officials representing us or themselves? People forget they work for us. If the system were run like a business, we could fire and hire them as we like. Terms are for losers.

  10. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #4 – Are we truely a republic? Are our elected officials representing us or themselves? People forget they work for us. If the system were run like a business, we could fire and hire them as we like. Terms are for losers.

    Comment by sirfelix — 9/25/2006 @ 11:19 am

    No we couldn’t. We couldn’t agree on who to hire and fire and we’d have a revolving door of rapidly changing politicos spinning so fast as to create a wind tunnel.

    If you ask me, the solution to all our problems is to oust all the Republicans, and about half of the Democrats.

    If you ask James Hill, the answer is to simply oust me.

  11. James Hill says:

    Oust you? No… We need to keep a few liberals around after they’re destroyed to remind people of how idiotic your ideology is. 😉

    In all seriousness, my viewpoint is to dump 3/5 of the right, and all of the left, and start over.

    I believe that 2/5 of the ‘right’ is really moderate, and goes along with the rest out of fear. As for the left, you guys threw your biggest moderate, Leiberman, under the bus.

  12. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    Jeez James… How far to the right are you? If you drive all of the “left” to the airport, you’d only need a Dodge Caravan. There just aren’t very many “Liberals” in the sense that I think you mean when you say it. And with so few, how are we ever going to advance the union?

    Most Democrats, like many Republicans, are closer to the center than to the edges. And I wasn’t involved in the Lieberman thing, although it’s fun to hear you champion a guy who agrees with Hillary Clinton on so many issues.

    And thank goodness there is a left… What there is of the left is the only safeguard against the absolutely dumbass legislative agenda of the right. With 1 in 6 American children living in abject poverty… With millions of seniors forced to choose between medicine and food… With our sons and daughters being put in harms way under increasingly questionable circumstances… what we definately don’t need to waste time with are issues of school prayer, flag burning, Creationism vs. Evolution, and English as the national language.

  13. Sounds The Alarm says:

    James has an Adolf love doll next to his Bush “quote a day” calendar – all three days of it.

  14. Mike says:

    “With millions of seniors forced to choose between medicine and food”

    Are they part of the millions who were duped into believing they didn’t need to save for their own retirements because it was supposedly their employers’ jobs to provide their pension and the government would take care of the rest? Yes, thank God for the progressive movement.

  15. moss says:

    Uh, Mike — so is it you don’t know how much Seniors have paid all their lives into Social Security and Pension Funds — or you don’t give a damn about them, anway.

  16. moss says:

    Or that they still have to pay taxes on it when they get it back?

  17. Democracy failed in the united states the instant the politicians convinced the American people they have the power when in reality, we have the power.

    So quit complaining and vote

  18. Roger Williams says:

    In the interest of balance: the voiceover is John Pilger, which gives you an idea of the way the programme was leaning. JP has consistently been anti-war / global capitalism etc. and I’m not going to argue with that – but it’s worth pointing out.

  19. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Oh wait, Kerry was FOR the war too. Never mind.

    Hoo boy. This ranks right up there with “Iraqis hijacked the 9/11 jets” and “Saddam really DID have WMDs” as one of the Faux News-sponsored Myths That Will Not Die.

    Kerry voted to give Dumbya TO USE MILITARY ACTION AS A LAST RESORT. Not to imprudently invade another sovereign nation with no cause, insufficient resources, and no exit strategy.

    The fact that Dumbya abused the trust that had been given him by the American people in the aftermath of 9/11 casts no negative light on John Kerry. If John Kerry had been elected president and gone into a coma the next day, running the country from life support, we’d be better off than we are now with the evil, ignorant fool whose regime is driving America into the ground with his misbegotten, self-serving policies.

  20. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    #19. It doesn’t matter who’s voice over is on there, the actual denials came from Bushes Secretary of State and National Security Advisor. Two people who would have and should have known the intelligence. There was no misquoting or out of context.

    To add to Mustard’s comment in #20.

    When the vote was taken to give Bush military authority, it was on the understanding that that negotiations would continue in the Security Council PLUS the United Nations inspectors would continue to search. Shortly thereafter Bush ignored the Security Council because he knew he would lose and ordered the inspectors out of Iraq. Bush also rebuffed Saddam’s offer to leave Iraq for a third country.

  21. James Hill says:


    One of the reasons I think Hillary wouldn’t be a bad President is that she is much more moderate than the party base. But that’s also the problem: It’s easy to say voters are in the center, but the leaders on both sides clearly are not. Reid and Pelosi don’t strike me as centrists, and do strike me as wanting to cater to the far left of the party (you know, where the money comes from).

    I’m glad there’s a left-center, but the far left adds about as little to this country as the Pat Robinson-right does.


    It only needs three days because that’s about how many days Bush works in a week.

    Also, Adolf was a liberal, and I’m not advocating killing that 2/5 portion. I think we should take away their right to vote and give it to the illegals in this country who are working their asses off.

  22. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Did I say Hitler? I was actually thinking of Marge “Adolf” Goldstein – a famous porn star in the 60s.

  23. AB CD says:

    >Bush also rebuffed Saddam’s offer to leave Iraq for a third country.

    Never heard of this. Do you have a link? At the time, I read it the other way around.

  24. Greg Allen says:

    >>On Aug. 6, shortly after Bush began a month long vacation, the CIA delivered a report to him titled “Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.” Bush’s response was to tell the CIA briefer, “you’ve covered your” butt, and he continued his vacation without following up on the report.

    Contrary to what Rice is saying, does this sound a like a guy who is taking terrorism seriously?

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #22 Also, Adolf was a liberal, and I’m not advocating killing that 2/5 portion. I think we should take away their right to vote and give it to the illegals in this country who are working their asses off.

    Comment by James Hill — 9/26/2006 @ 7:16 am

    You really are a chip off the Rove shoulder, aren’t you.

    Hitler was not a liberal. Not in the way we use the word. Not in the Adam Smith sense of the word. And you are simply misapplying the word to get in that extra swipe at the left. It’s all about hearts and minds, and you know that very well. (I actually admire your dishonesty)

    Hitler was on the far left of the political spectrum, and that would be fair to claim, just as it is to say the Benito Mussilini was on the far right. But you’d throw a fit if I claimed the former facsist Italian dictator were a conservative in the context of the politics we all spew here.


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