One wonders how many times this scheme has worked….

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (AP) — A police sting took an odd turn when an officer pretending to be a john met a suspected prostitute pretending to be an officer.

A male undercover officer driving in a neighborhood known for prostitution was flagged down by a woman. The woman got in his car and they went to a nearby parking lot to negotiate a price for sex.

She asked the officer if he was a cop and he said no.

“That’s OK, because I am,” the woman said as she pulled out handcuffs and a two-way radio. She barked into the radio: “Move in!”

The officer, concerned the woman was armed and looking to rob him, forced her from the car. Moments later, officers who had been monitoring the situation arrived and grabbed Greene and her radio.

A male officer pretending to be female used the radio to find out who was on the other end. That person was waiting in a car in a nearby alley.

  1. Kurt says:

    No comment.

  2. Frank IBC says:

    This happened on Hill Street Blues one time.

  3. Esteban says:


  4. scott says:

    Running out of material, are we?

  5. 0113addiv says:

    When I used to be a john, the janes would always ask me if I was a cop. I always wondered if they asked everyone or was she just trying to boost my ego. I’d rather she’d just had called me a pig straight out, it would have been more complementary.

    My favorite john story:

    I was 18 years old and driving around 9th and 10th avenues in the 30’s in nyc when that area was a supermarket of prossies in putante clothing. I had just come from a night fishing boat where I was seasick for four hours on a fucking boat in the middle of nowhere. Suicide on that boat was the only thing I could think of. Lying down on my back and staring at the stars was my saviour until we got back to Sheepshead Bay (GROUND!.. I nearly kissed the ground). Anyway, after that horrendous experience and still stenching of fish I drove into Manhattan where I went shopping for a prostitute at 3 a.m. Got a babe into my car. We drove into a dark area of a street where we proceeded to “do” business. All of a sudden before any action could take place but after I had paid good hard earned cash, a police patrol pulled up to our side with their lights flashing. The cop walk over to my side. I rolled down the window. His exact words, “Hello, good morning, how are doing?”

    Me: I’m doing great officer. What about yourself? (His partner, a woman, was on the other side twitching her nose and trying to with hold her composure due to the stench.

    Officer: Not bad. Hey listen, I’m going to tell you something and I want you to listen carefully and follow EXACTLY what I say.

    Me: (shrugging my shoulders) okay.

    Officer: When I tell you to do so, I want you to CAREFULLY open your door and without making any sudden moves, you are to walk over to the wall and sit down on the ground. If you make any sudden moves I’m gonna blow your fucking brains out. Is that understood.

    Me: yeah. (amazingly I wasn’t nervous or scared the least bit. I survived sea sickness– nothing else could be worse).

    I remember he checked my car and fined the prostitute, but let me go. I remember his warning before he took off: “If I ever see you here again, your car is getting impounded and you are gonna get booked. Understand?”

    Funny thing is, he did stop me from shopping for girls on the streets. After that, I took it inside brothels.

  6. OmarTheAlien says:

    Damn, I thought I had some hooker stories. There was the night me and a buddy spent a few hours on a hilltop, in a graveyard, somewhere north of Napoli, with two old and really ugly hookers, a burned out taxi driver with one of those tiny deathtraps with a horn and about a gallon or two of cheap champagne trying our best to drink until the hookers looked, well, at least doable. We were young, kind of stupid, and on liberty from our guided missile destroyer med-moored to the quay way down below and we ran out of champagne way too soon. I didn’t get any that night, either.

  7. lou says:

    It really is incredibly ridiculous that prostitution is a crime.The hipocracy! I love the fact that in this country it is legal in some places and yet not others.


    How, as enlightened and modern people do we not allow the above? How dare we decide what two sane people do between themselves?

    I’m a libertarian that has never solicited or used prostitutes, but of every “conservative” argument against it, I can not think of one single rational, logically consistant (against other professions) against legalized prostitution. And from the places where there is legal prostitution (ie: most of the rest of the country and world), the criminal justice system of those places would agree.

  8. Blake says:

    I think a lot of us think that way Iou. The problem is that the people in power hide behind false religious beliefs and well Sex is bad, you know?

    Bastards. I want to be able to get some whenever I want, pay for it and go on with my life. Is that asking for too much? 🙂

  9. lou says:

    #8, thanks for the comment… to me, it has nothing to do with sex directly… I don’t care if it’s sex, tatooing, or teaching banjo lessons… any consentual activity (not necessarily ‘sensual’) between two ADULTS that are not INSANE (in the realistic sense) should be allowed.

    Jumping out of an airplane, engaging in “ultimate fighting”, seeing modern dance, are all things I consider somewhat insane, but I have no right to force my beliefs on others. As long as the behavior of the alleged victim is not suicidal to a reasonable person, they can do it. And even then, if I feel they “have their reasons”, I’m willing to allow it (see the Jackass 2 movie).

  10. Ralph says:

    Your tax dollars at work. We’re doomed

  11. 0113addiv says:

    Guys, the main reason that it is hard to get sex is because WOMEN ARE AFRAID OF SEX. Believe me, they WANT to have sex, but their minds are telling them not to. They go against their own body’s telling them to do so. That is why they are in supreme conflict. I really feel bad for women. I rather be dead than to be a woman in this time of evolution. I want to come back in a thousand years and be a woman, and by then, men would have taught them the real meaning of love.

  12. 0113addiv says:

    P.S. For the women who read Dvorak Uncensored, I am going to break a secret to you. YOU’RE MAN CHEATS. He will not tell you. He will deny it. The guys are now plotting their revenge on me if you believe me for I am telling you the truth. ALL MEN CHEAT. They find ways to hide from you. I know you will not believe this. You will be in denial, “not my guy”. BS. You now the truth. Even Dvorak cheats on his wife. Right John?

  13. Me says:


    Does this mean Michael Jackson’s plastic surgeons should be arrested?

  14. lou says:

    #13: No, Michael Jackson’s plastic surgeons should not be arrested,.. they should be shunned for lack of taste.

  15. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    #12, 0113,

    It sounds like you have a real difficult time forming relationships with women.

  16. 0113addiv says:

    15. That’s because women enter into a relationship with with an agenda: “how am I going to nab him”. I use to enter with this agenda: “how am I going to get her in bed”. So, I understand their ends. However, I am passed that. I just want to sincerely get to know women but their objectifying is a serious and immediate turn-off. I’m going through my woman phase, Mr. Fusion. Just like women who get turned off as soon as they sense a man objectifying them, I’m getting turned off. My transition is going through, however. Soon, I will be back with a better me and a sympathetic but teachful manner to defeat women with their silly ideas of committment. Or, just hope for a mature woman. Any woman out there not interested in a husband or kids or marriage, write me: (I offer committment till I don’t offer it anymore. That’s the best I can meet you on your hopes. Everything ends, which lets knew things to be born. It is for your own good. It is a rule of God.)

  17. James Hill says:

    It’s nice to know Dvorak Uncensored has such a diverse population.

  18. jim says:

    Not all men cheat. It may be a majority of men sometime during their lives cheated, but majority is not all. I know of at least one man who has never cheated. Therefore not all men cheat.


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