Really, this should be a crime.

Via Neatorama

This is — used to be — a 1985 Corvette. The owner, who calls himself “Buckeye”, says: “Women love this car. Every time I stop for gas, women come up to me. I could have as many girlfriends as I want — old ones, fat ones, anything. They’re all over me.”

  1. John Paradox says:

    Every time I stop for gas, women come up to me

    Wonder what they say…


  2. Floyd says:

    They say: “That’s just wrong.”

  3. Mark T. says:

    That is horrid. No Corvette should have a tow ball!

  4. lol says:

    /agree w/ #2 – thats wrong on SO MANY different levels!!

  5. Andrew says:

    Old ones…. fat ones….

    That lucky bastard.

  6. Brian says:

    “now this here is the last spot of the car that I ain’t covered up with stickers…Imma get me some good ones to finish ‘er up!”

    Absolutely disgusting.

  7. KB says:

    What’s so redneck about it? I see no duct tape holding any of it together.

  8. Peter Jakobs says:

    wait a minute, the towball is probably the thing that’s least wrong with this car. How else would you pack your plane on a trailer and take it along if you don’t have a towball?
    Other than that, it seems to be plastered with stickers you find in breakfast cereal packages… that’s sick.


  9. David B says:

    I’m pretty sure that dude in the vest is lookin’ to ride in his corvette. And he’s fat and old!

  10. JimR says:

    The tow ball is for the trailer to cart away all them girlfriends.

  11. 0113addiv says:

    One thing that he did get right is the act of DISPLAY. That is what attracts women, a man on display. And that display must symbolize something to the woman that she wants, whether that’s power, money, status, creativeness, quirkiness, or _________. In the old days you only had to walk around with a huge pot belly which would symbolize to a woman that you could provide her with a meal. Today, you have to symbolize you have money and status. In nyc, buy yourself a fake doctors ID from a prestigious hospital like NYU or Presbyterian and open your wallet at a bar so that is flashes prominently in front of wretched women. They will flock to you like flies on something.

  12. Hey, if it makes him happy, I say more power to him. Your flip comments that “this should be a crime” and that this is “just wrong” say more about you than you realize.

    Buckeye here merely represents American eccentricity and, yes, the artistic impulse that lurks within many of us. I don’t understand why you feel the need to judge him based on your own sets of expectations.

    Why do you disaprove of what Buckeye has done here? Is it because you think he is a redneck? What is a redneck, other than a label that you’ve indiscriminately pasted on Buckeye and others that may look or behave as he does?

    Do you disaprove of him because Buckeye has done this to a Corvette? What if he had done the same to a old pick-up truck? Or a Ford Econoline van?

    Come on, give me a real reason for your intolerance.

    I kinda like this Corvette. It’s better than one without stickers. At least it’s some kind of self-expression, something sorely lacking in mostpeople’s lives.

  13. laughing regular poster says:

    #12, I kinda like this Corvette. It’s better than one without stickers. At least it’s some kind of self-expression, something sorely lacking in mostpeople’s lives.
    Comment by Brooklyn Kitchen — 9/25/2006 @ 5:15 am

    Are you one of the fat chicks?

  14. James Hill says:

    I’m glad someone’s clearing out the old and the fat.

  15. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    The “old and the fat…”


    Anyone have the number for CMT? I have an idea for a soap opera…

  16. Fabrizio Marana says:

    Hey, who cares? As far as I’m concerned: the guy has a good marketing ploy to get his car sold to a redneck!

    And AFAIK: women who like at cars, look at the cars and not the men in them. Women who like men, look at the men and not their cars…




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