Alone in autism

Much of [16 yr old] Mary Grace’s life is defined by the fact that she suffers from autism. When she was born, about one in 2,000 children developed the disorder. Today, autism is the second leading cause of disability in children, behind mental retardation. According to the Autism Society of America, as many as one out of every 166 children born today is autistic. The condition affects up to 1.5 million people nationwide and is the fastest-growing developmental disability; in the ’90s alone, instances of autism rose 172 percent.

It’s tough to find a cure for something when no one knows what causes it.

The chief suspect for causing autism in the minds of many parents and some doctors is Thimerosal, a preservative that contains mercury that was once used in most vaccines. There is substantial anecdotal evidence that young children who appeared normal suddenly developed autism after they received vaccinations.

For every study that seems to suggest autism is linked to high levels of mercury, another one suggests there is no connection. A study from Israel released earlier this month found that autism rates rise as fathers get older. Dads in their 40s, the study said, are six times more likely to have children with autism than men under 30.

The fact is, no one knows for sure. The only given is that, in the last 20 years, something has triggered a disturbing increase in the number of children born with autism.

  1. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    It’s the effect that Ronald Reagan and the neo-cons have had on our society. I’m surprised more haven’t succumbed to this hideous assault from the right.

  2. david says:

    Autism, as well as ADD, and all of those other diagnosis from alien doctors and psychiatrists is a further attempt to alienate beautiful kids who, without even realizing it, are resisting the ugly nature of society. 95% of these cases are psychological, NOT PHYSICAL, illnesses brought on BY PARENTS. There is nothing wrong with ‘autistic’ brains. Babies are born with all the correct physical properties to lead them through life in complete health. Our physical bodies are perfections in design brought out by millions of years of mistakes until it was gotten right. The ‘body’ is 10 million years old. The ‘mind’ is only 10 thousand years old. Only a few people have gotten the ‘mind’ right. Anyone with a mind that conforms to society has NOT gotten it FULLY right. Today’s ‘society’ mind is what the highest mind was 10,000 years ago. 95% of people today are living in the past. Kids have an innate ability to sense the highest ‘mind’ when they are very young. Their parents, by strict odds, will not be it which creates conflict in the child resulting in all these sicknesses. I’ve seen it with my own eyes. My 4 year old is extremely healthy and mature beyond his peers. At the playground he can play with any kids at any age (2-12). He is highly social and even starts conversations with adults on his own. He knows how to settle conflicts at the playground without my intervention. He always turns out to be the leader at the park. He has done this ON HIS OWN without my intervention. Sure, sometimes he will come to me while I’m watching him from the park bench to ask me a question or if he is physically hurt and crying. But after, I soothe him or answer his inquiry he goes back out into the world with only his own spirit leading the way. Time and time again, I see parents INTERFERING. They’ll come and say, “no, don’t take that, that is not yours” (teaching NOT SHARING), for instance. Ignorance. Society is ugly because people do not have correct understanding, that’s all. People are beautiful. Even the dumb doctors and psychiatrists.

  3. Jägermeister says:

    Could the increase in autism (and ADD/ADHD for that matter) have something to do with the increase use of drugs (legal or illegal) by the parents of these children? My point is that these disorders are brain related, and the question is if we know all the side effects that modern drugs have on the genes that we pass along to the children.

    And no, I’m not a doctor… 😉 It’s just that I’ve noticed the four of my acquaintances who got ADD/ADHD kids, all used to do drugs (pot) when they were young.

  4. James Hill says:

    Now that’s some trolling there, Neo. Using sick kids to further your liberal hate? I’m impressed.

  5. Tom says:

    For #1 as much as i hate neo conservatives, i dont see how they caused autism, though that might have been the point. #2, as much as I would like to blame all parents for whats wrong with their children. It has been proven with science, it is not bad parenting that causes these effects, and “no known psychological factors in the development of children have been shown to cause autism.”

  6. chris says:

    Jägermeister – there has to be traces of the drugs in the blood stream while the woman is pregnant. otherwise it wouldnt matter. When my wife (then my fiance) found out she was pregnant we were a little worried becuase both of us had smoked pot. We talked to the doctor and he took a look at blood work and felt it was ok and there should be no damage.
    The second one we had we knew about and planned. We did nothing for 3 months prior to that. (i actually quit many years ago). That child had been normal until 14 months old. Then it seemed that time stopped for her. She did not do anything. she still ate and everything but she never developed. That was for 12 months then she started to develop again. We knew there were issues so we started looking into having her seen to find what it is. Pervasive Developmental Disorder- NOS (Not Otherwise Specified). Here is a link that is nice.
    I think this is something from my side of the family but i am not sure.
    I think we get off kinda easy. The basics of this is teaching her everything. I mean everything. right now it is like she is a 4 year old in the body of a 6 year old. SO if we find ways to teach her then even if we cant close the gap (which is possible) then it could be like a 20 year old in the body of a 23 year old. So it may be hard to notice.

    David, for this comment- Autism, as well as ADD, and all of those other diagnosis from alien doctors and psychiatrists is a further attempt to alienate beautiful kids who, without even realizing it, are resisting the ugly nature of society. 95% of these cases are psychological, NOT PHYSICAL, illnesses brought on BY PARENTS. There is nothing wrong with ‘autistic’ brains.
    there is no way you know anyone with autism. I have meet kids with autism and while they have problems that some will never get over they are great kids. But there is something wrong. I want to call you a ignorant tool for saying the things you have. I am not going to since i think you are to full of yourself to even think i have a point.
    you want to learn what its like? go to your local MRDD and take some time to know some people. dont stand on the “sidelines” and run your mouth. get into it and then talk.

  7. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    Now that’s some trolling there, Neo. Using sick kids to further your liberal hate? I’m impressed.
    Comment by James Hill — 9/24/2006 @ 7:01 am

    Learning from the master on how to treat a serious subject on which I have nothing intelligent to add.

  8. Jägermeister says:


    I’m sorry to hear about your second child getting a disorder. I hope she will have a fairly normal life despite having a late development of the brain.

    What your doctor checked was the blood works, but did he check the genetics? I’m not saying that there’s a connection, but it can’t be just a coincidence that four people who used drugs, got ADD/ADHD children. I think it would be great if someone did an academic study into the genetic effects of drug abuse.

  9. Lee says:

    #9: Oh yes, your highly scientific sample of four proves your point beyond doubt.

    It’s groundbreaking news, as if there were any link between cannabis and genetic damage, it would be quite apparent in the form of cancer, and the evidence is pointing in entirely the other direction on that point. So this must be some new form of genetic damage, that causes one specific mutation, and only in the germ line. Not to mention that this mutation has somehow escaped our attention for the last 20 years we’ve been researching this disorder. Prove that and you’ve got a Nobel prize on your hands.

    It very well might be due to some form of poisoning in the womb, but if I were to point the finger at a cause for this distinctly modern epidemic, I wouldn’t be pointing at a drug which has been in wide use for more than 5000 years. Even a moment of -actual informed thought- would rule out any of the ancient drugs. The lack of critical thinking in our modern world amongst people who don’t seem to be lacking in intelligence is highly worrying.


  10. Jägermeister says:


    Reading difficulties? Perhaps you missed “I’m not saying that there’s a connection and I think it would be great if someone did an academic study into the genetic effects of drug abuse. Perhaps you want me to space it out so that it’s easier for you to read?

  11. Lee says:

    It takes a truly dishonest person to misquote himself when everyone can read what you said. From your first post: “I’m not saying that there’s a connection, but it can’t be just a coincidence that four people who used drugs, got ADD/ADHD children.”
    This reduces to “I’m not saying there is a connection, but it isn’t a coincidence thatI have observed a connection.”
    i.e. “I’m not saying it is so, but it is so.”

    Reductio ad absurdum.

    Your suggestion that there be an academic study would have been appropriate about 60 years ago. I alluded to the fact that there has been no lack of research on this topic, and even the ones funded by the DEA have largely shown no link between cannabis and genetic damage, of the soma or the germ. One more study, controverted by logic (does an ancient drug cause a newly prevalent disorder?) would be an obvious waste of money and time.

    Research then think then opine. It is as good a rule for discourse as any.


  12. Connor White says:

    The trouble with Autism is that there are only two known cures for it. One is a restrictive diet called the SCD (specific carbohydrate diet) which has curred several autistic children since it was first tested for that purpose. The other is giving your autistic child a good smack when they do something you don’t like and rewarding them when they do something intelligent. Presumably this is easier if you start earlier.
    The problem with these is that doctors won’t prescribe the diet because it’s not a drug and smacking your children into line isn’t allowed. Kind of bites that although it has been cured numerous times the doctors still say it’s a mystery problem with no known cure.

  13. Lee says:

    *lol* Those damn dirty hippies.

  14. ZeOverMind says:

    #1: From your rather nasty comment, I’m beginning to think that “Neo-Liberalism” means Liberalism Lite. All the sarcasm and hatred without the compassion. If you had any idea what it’s like to be living with someone who’s got Autism you’d be less flippant on a such a serious matter. I agree with James, you are trolling. I also happen to agree with you; you really don’t have anything intelligent to add to this subject.

  15. Connor White says:

    I can’t stad trolls. Hippies are cool though. (I can drivel because I already added my opinions. jfthoit)

  16. Andy says:

    @Connor White #13

    There is no known “cure”. What you described has worked for some children, but it does not work for all kids. My oldest son is moderately autistic, and we have tried everything. My middle daughter is mildly autistic, closer to the mainstream on the spectrum, and things that didn’t work well for my oldest worked for her.

    As for giving your kid a “good smack”, you’ve been watching South Park too much. Discipline is one thing, but when you have a child who cannot communicate with you in a manner that you can understand, and with whom you can’t communicate too in a manner that he can readily understand, resorting to violence is not an option.

    I was going to respond to David, #2 post, but there really isn’t anything that we in the autistic community can say to convince people like that of anything different. David, I’m glad you have a neuro-typical kid, and I often wonder what that would be like. Now, go sell your crazy somewhere else, we’re all stocked up here.

  17. Jägermeister says:


    Just because a drug has been used for thousands of years, doesn’t mean that it’s harmless. Anyway, here’s a link that doesn’t say directly say that pot smoking parents is a cause, but it gives a hint that drug abuse is one of the possible factors for ADD/ADHD.

  18. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    I also happen to agree with you; you really don’t have anything intelligent to add to this subject.
    Comment by ZeOverMind — 9/24/2006 @ 3:14 pm

    And as with all your posts, neither do you. I will add something and most will think it cold and callused.

    There is no known cause or link to Autism, Attention Deficit Disorder, Hyper Activity, or any of the other various mental learning / functioning afflictions. There is much speculation as to causes, but medical science simply can not provide any evidence of a cause.

    There are no definite known cures for any of these afflictions / conditions / diseases either. There are some treatments that work with some people, but no cure. Even some of the treatments may be more damaging then the actual condition.

    Along side the rise in these conditions has been the commencement and a rise in the use of man made chemicals. These include, but are not limited to, the use of antibiotics in livestock, new OTC drugs used by parents including acetaminophen (Tylenol) and pseudoephedrine (Sudafed), new man made fibers in rugs, curtains, and furniture, pesticides residues in the food supply, herbicide residues in the water, herbicide resistant crops, increased use of trans fats, increased exposure to electromagnetic radiation, and unleaded gasoline. We might even be diagnosing more.

    While none of these MAY be the cause, in combination they MAY have some influence. Especially the ones that came into heavy use over the past 25 years which coincides with the increase of mental conditions. And who was President 25 years ago.

    This is the type of topic where one can only relate about a personal tragedy. There can be no intelligent discussion on the merits as there are no scientific facts to discuss.

  19. ZeOverMind says:

    >> Especially the ones that came into heavy use over the past 25 years which coincides with the increase of mental conditions. And who was President 25 years ago.

    This is the type of topic where one can only relate about a personal tragedy. There can be no intelligent discussion on the merits as there are no scientific facts to discuss.

    Comment by Mr. Neolib Fusion — 9/24/2006 @ 7:00 pm

    To try to equate the rise of Autism with American political conservatism shows what a crass political hack you really are. You do your side no credit with such self serving commentary. Fortunately mainstream America is able to see through the bankrupt ideas of the leftist lunatic fringe..

  20. ZeOverMind says:

    I discussed your comments with a very good liberal friend of mine and I’ve decided to rephrase and amend my comments. I apologize to the true liberals out there in equating Mr. “Neolib” Fusion’s stupid comments with liberalism in any way shape or form. He’s clearly trolling to get reactions from people and I fell for it. I fell for it because he attacked two things which are close to my heart. One, because I have a beautiful 11 year old son with Autism who I love deeply and Two, I have conservative values. It’s a sad day when people use the tools of political divisiveness to score points on something that affects all Americans regardless of political affiliation. I will call anyone on their positions on issues that I think are erroneous. But I will not lower myself to their trolling and hatred in the future. If you had ANY idea on what it is like to live with someone you love who’s got Autism, then you’d KNOW about the sheer amount of energy, time and love that parents, siblings, friends, teachers and others invest in dealing with this crippling mental disorder. I wouldn’t even wish it on my enemies because Autism steals the childhoods and future’s of the children it afflicts. As a parent I wish I knew how and why these things happen and I’m confident that science will someday find the answer.

  21. John Urho Kemp says:

    David, you’ve obviously never in your life ever seen an autistic child. You have no idea what goes on with these kids at all, but as in the past, your insane ramblings here come out. Yes, we still remember that you’re the idiot here that said the true heroes of 9/11 were the terrorists in the planes and not the firemen. And now blaming the parents for children who are autistic. Wow…just…wow.

    Where is your evidence of this? Where are your studies on this? Who do you know with an autistic child? How many have you ever been around? Don’t answer here really, because no matter what, I won’t believe you. Cornered, people like you just resort to lying and that gets us no where.

    You went away from for a while, please go back into exile again….as I’m sure you need to go back writing your manifesto or whatever it is you do.

  22. Lee says:

    #19 I note that all of the drugs in the link you provided are distinctly modern. Thank you for proving my point for me.


  23. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    #21, To try to equate the rise of Autism with American political conservatism shows what a crass political hack you really are. You do your side no credit with such self serving commentary. Fortunately mainstream America is able to see through the bankrupt ideas of the leftist lunatic fringe..
    Comment by ZeOverMind — 9/24/2006 @ 8:58 pm

    Is this a tragic thing? Sure, and no one has suggested otherwise. Do I wish any mental disorder on anyone? Of course not.

    Is the death of almost 3000 and severely injured 25,000 American and allied soldiers tragic? In my book, even more so. Is the death of 100,000 ordinary Iraqis tragic? More so to an Iraqi. Because all their deaths or injuries were easily preventable. Yet, you and the neocon right have this idea that we needed to invade Iraq and ignore the true causes of terrorism. You call those that oppose the war un-American then cry for sympathy for your own little tragedy.

    Lunatic fringe? Look in the mirror. Hypocrite? Keep looking in that mirror. Pathetic? My opinion of your kind. When you start giving the same sympathy and empathy to others that you demand for yourself, I’ll think more of your opinions.

  24. Mike Drips says:

    I’m sure the readers here all agree that Autism (and the entire decline of Western Civilization) was caused by Bill Clinton.
    George Bush did attempt to find the cure for Autism by invading Iraq.

    That said if you actually want to read an excellent NOVEL (Warning! It’s a book with NO PICTURES in it, so that will probably cut out about 80% of the people loitering on this blog-like site) on autism, written by a great writer who works with autistic children, read The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time by Mark Haddon.

  25. ZeOverMind says:

    >>> Is the death of almost 3000 and severely injured 25,000 American and allied soldiers tragic? In my book, even more so. Is the death of 100,000 ordinary Iraqis tragic? More so to an Iraqi. Because all their deaths or injuries were easily preventable. Yet, you and the neocon right have this idea that we needed to invade Iraq and ignore the true causes of terrorism. You call those that oppose the war un-American then cry for sympathy for your own little tragedy.

    I don’t want your sympathy, quite frankly I doubt you are capable of sympathy. Your so called points are worthless and irrelevent when it comes to the issue of Autism. You can be summed up in one word: “Troll.”

  26. Mr Neolib Fusion says:

    I don’t want your sympathy, quite frankly I doubt you are capable of sympathy. Your so called points are worthless and irrelevent when it comes to the issue of Autism. You can be summed up in one word: “Troll.”
    Comment by ZeOverMind — 9/25/2006 @ 12:28 pm

    Then please explain your plea for understanding.

    If you had ANY idea on what it is like to live with someone you love who’s got Autism, then you’d KNOW about the sheer amount of energy, time and love that parents, siblings, friends, teachers and others invest in dealing with this crippling mental disorder.

    That sure sounds like you are looking for empathy, Gee, that is what I wrote about in post #25. In order to sympathize, I would need to have experienced the same thing myself. I can’t sympathize with selfish hypocrites. I couldn’t even empathize except to suggest that what goes around, comes around.

  27. Podesta says:

    It is unfortunate that the claim thimersol causes autism is still being promoted, mainly by a handful of doctors and ‘natural diet’ advocates who profit by offering ‘treatments’ that don’t work. Some parents latch on to the thimerosol nonsense because they prefer it to admitting that one or both of them has a genetic defect that has resulted in an autistic child or children.

    There is no cure for autism. Behavior modification does help in mild to moderate cases.

  28. ZeOverMind says:

    >>> Is the death of almost 3000 and severely injured 25,000 American and allied soldiers tragic? In my book, even more so. Is the death of 100,000 ordinary Iraqis tragic? More so to an Iraqi. Because all their deaths or injuries were easily preventable. Yet, you and the neocon right have this idea that we needed to invade Iraq and ignore the true causes of terrorism. You call those that oppose the war un-American then cry for sympathy for your own little tragedy.

    >>> That sure sounds like you are looking for empathy, Gee, that is what I wrote about in post #25. In order to sympathize, I would need to have experienced the same thing myself. I can’t sympathize with selfish hypocrites. I couldn’t even empathize except to suggest that what goes around, comes around.

    Comment by Mr Neolib Fusion — 9/25/2006 @ 3:41 pm

    A plea for empathy? No.. A point. You aren’t interested in Autism. You’re simply trolling.

  29. Sylv says:

    I wouldn’t bother with attempting to reason with NeoLib. There can be no reasoning with such an angry hateful person. It won’t matter what you say or do, this person has such an ugly personality, he will twist everything said into his own nasty interpretation. His views are insignificant and unimportant and should be treated as such. Frankly, I wouldn’t even bother trying to pity him.


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