There are many thousands of Chinese restaurants around in the UK and everyone has their favourite dish, but only in China itself do chefs specialise in a range of slightly more unusual delicacies.

A glass of deer penis juice amongst food on a table at the restaurant. Many of the restaurant’s guests are wealthy businessmen

Nancy has brought out a whole selection of delicacies.

She guides me round the penis platter.

“Snake. Very potent. They have two penises each.” I did not know that.

She points to three dark, shrivelled lumps which look like liquorice allsorts – a special treat apparently – reindeer, from Manchuria.

Government officials… two of them… they’re having the penis hotpot

Another “nutritionist” walks in bearing something small and red wrapped in cling film.

My appetite is heading for the airport.

This is a long and detailed article. The grotty photo is with the article.

  1. James Hill says:

    Lonely night, Eideard?

  2. BgScryAnml says:

    Fox News is serving the Monica Special this Sunday.

  3. JimR says:

    Great. I just sat down with my morning coffee…

  4. Eideard says:

    Actually, as I recall, James, you’ll know just what I’m talking about:

    Last night was the 1st full evening experimenting with my shiny new DirecTV HR20-700 — and all the delights of debugging the new commands I moved to the Harmony 880.

    Only managed to lock it up twice! My fault both times, though. Looks to be running smoothly — though it will be a “few more weeks” before I get to try it out with mpg4’s.

  5. John Paradox says:

    Great. I just sat down with my morning coffee…

    Oh, I hope you don’t use cream


  6. OmarTheAlien says:

    Apparently the placebo effect is alive and doing well.

  7. joshua says:

    First Eideard….I love the picture…
    Second….I read this last night and almost sent you the link, but then I thought….*naw… one would be interested in this story*…

    Third….I’m having a lot of problems with the Chinese lately, these people that are into this kind of thing are some really sick bastards, to practically wipe out a species so they can eat their penisis. I pray for a creature to come along that would eat Chinese penises, that would be justice for the animals….but my prayer isn’t answered….guess I pissed off whatever God runs poetic justice department.

  8. James Hill says:

    I have the non-DVR MPEG4 receiver and the Harmony 880, and I ran into the same thing: Locked up on me once, was my fault.

    How are you liking the new DVR? I’m holding out for some reviews on the Series 3 Tivo, and to find out how much of a pain my local cable company is about installing CableCards in it, before I fork over the cash for two of the DVRs.

    How do you like that new MPEG4 dish on your roof? Have your neighorbors given you the “you’re a freak” look yet?

  9. Eideard says:

    James — my wife grumped once at the AT9 dish when she came home from work. Has ignored it since.

    Couple of software hiccups. A few improvements — notably [for me] being able to bookmark a recording. My wife is as much a fan of “proper football” as I. When I want to show her a quick highlights reel from a match I watched during the day — it’s just a matter of stepping from one bookmark to another.

    The rumor is mpg4, HD locals, etc. in about a month. I’ll know more, then.

    joshua — what you’re upset about is true of all nations. The cultural leftovers in China may go back further than in the US or the UK; but, they’re no more backwards.

    When I worked in a medical community in one of the Indian nations, I witnessed a shaman trying to heal 3rd degree burns with saliva and soot. Or — you may remember a surgeon general who was forced to resign because she noted that masturbation is perfectly normal.

    Cultural scar tissue is the hardest thing to lose from a nation’s hangups.


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