We self-absorbed Westerners don’t get out much, so it helps to occasionally hear from those who do on what’s happening in the rest of the world. Plus, this was no ordinary coup — ever hear of one where the soldiers were ordered to smile?

Thais cheery over military coup

This week Thailand experienced its first military coup for 15 years. In an unexpected move the army commander overthrew the government of Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra. Mr Thaksin had been under growing pressure to step down over alleged corruption and abuses of power, but remained very popular in the countryside.

It started with royal music and familiar pictures of the king being played continuously on an army-run television station. That was strange, even during this year, the 60th anniversary of Thailand’s much-loved monarch.

So rumours of a coup started to circulate like wildfire. But there had been coup rumours all year and it was hard to believe that the people of Thailand, now a vibrant, pluralistic democracy, would tolerate something as unfashionable as tanks and soldiers on the streets.


  1. James Hill says:

    From what I’ve read, the Thai army’s propaganda may very well be the truth: Yes, there are some people who are against this, but the vast majority are in favor, and look upon the coup as a good thing.

    It seems to be working for them, so why knock it? True, not very democratic, but part of democracy is self-determination.

    And in the end, we’ve found a use for the U.N.: To set up coup d’états.

  2. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    And in the end, we’ve found a use for the U.N.: To set up coup d’états.
    Comment by James Hill — 9/23/2006 @ 7:34 am

    Trolling again. Don’t you ever get tired of this James?

  3. Pete says:

    “We self-absorbed Westerners don’t get out much” change that to Americans and your getting there…

  4. Frank IBC says:

    Must you label every position with which you disagree, “trolling”, Mr. Effusion? Don’t YOU ever get tired of this?

  5. Max says:

    What’s with all the self loathing these days?

  6. James Hill says:

    I’ve already proved Fusion doesn’t have a sense of humor, he’s just intent on proving his agreement.

    Or, by definition, trolling. It seems Fusion’s best trait is the one he sees in others.

  7. OmarTheAlien says:

    I’m not even sure what “trolling” is. Is it something to do with a troll, or is it a fishing technique?
    The thing with the Thais is while a little revolution every now and then might be a good thing it must not be allowed to interfere with the sex tourist trade.

  8. Pfkad says:

    Been there, done that, huh, Omar? Interestingly, a whole lot of that sex trade is in the south where the Islamic holy boys from Malaysia come over for the cooze they can’t get at home.


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