Damn, Uncle Dave sure wishes we had had a man of Clinton’s intellectual caliber and understanding of history, foreign relations, politics — well, everything — in the White House these past 6 years. The quality of this intervew shows alot about both sides.

And when WILL the White House be asked/made to answer these questions, Fox News?

Fox News Sunday, Interview With President Bill Clinton, 9/22/06 (Rough Transcript)

CLINTON: What did I do? I worked hard to try and kill him. I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since. And if I were still president we’d have more than 20,000 troops there trying to kill him. Now I never criticized President Bush and I don’t think this is useful. But you know we do have a government that think Afghanistan is 1/7 as important as Iraq. And you ask me about terror and Al Qaeda with that sort of dismissive theme when all you have to do is read Richard Clarke’s book to look at what we did in a comprehensive systematic way to try to protect the country against terror. And you’ve got that little smirk on your face. It looks like you’re so clever…

WALLACE: [Laughs]

CLINTON: I had responsibility for trying to protect this country. I tried and I failed to get bin laden. I regret it but I did try. And I did everything I thought I responsibly could. The entire military was against sending special forces in to Afghanistan and refueling by helicopter and no one thought we could do it otherwise…We could not get the CIA and the FBI to certify that Al Qaeda was responsible while I was President. Until I left office. And yet I get asked about this all the time and they had three times as much time to get him as I did and no one ever asks them about this. I think that’s strange.

  1. Max says:

    Wow. Uncle Dave, I’m speachless…

  2. doug says:

    #20. “Despite the fact that Free World has been in a massive moral, political, economic and social decline because Clinton cheated on his wife and had sex in the White House”

    Wow, the awesome power of the presidency! nail one intern and drag down the moral standards of the whole Free World! And a little nooky wrecks the economy and society, too. Aren’t you conservatives supposed to believe that government is ineffectual?

    yes, thank god that our long national nightmare of peace and prosperity – but illicit sex – is over and the era of gratuitous war, illegal wiretaps and torture has begun. I have never felt safer. or more virtuous.

  3. doug says:

    #34. I just reread. Sorry – it is early and my sarcasm detector failed me.

  4. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    Bill Clinton stopped cold a planned attack to kill the Pope.
    Wrong, that was the police of the Philippines.
    Comment by Frank IBC — 9/23/2006 @ 9:55 pm
    Ditto the 12 airliners (the “Bojinka” plot).
    Comment by Frank IBC — 9/23/2006 @ 9:57 pm

    Using American intelligence.

  5. Bob says:

    The former president doth protest too much, methinks.

  6. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    The WTC was bombed and he treated it as a criminal matter,

    It was.

    Clinton got our soliders killed Somolia

    The SOLDIERS were on a peace keeping mission in SOMALIA. They were attacked by a Somalia Warlord. Saving innocent lives is a foreign concept to the neocons..

    Clinton used US Troops to pick up garbage in Hati, we paid for this

    It is called PEACE KEEPING. American troops went to Haiti to stop the killing and bring some stability to the country.

    Clinton used US planes to kill Christians in Eastern Europe for Muslims,

    You have been watching too much Fox Spews. Eff their religion, they were killing innocent Kosovars in mass genocide. Saving innocent lives is still a foreign concept to neocons.

    Clinton had a chance to kill Bin Laden, but instead was get felicia from an intern

    Would you care to cite where he had the chance to kill bin Laden? What is felicia? Oh, it is a South American shrub in the daisy family. He was getting some little Bush? I knew Bush had something to do with this.

    and took money from the Commic Chinese.

    Ya, those Chinese are really funny guys. I find Korean comics funnier, but that is just me.

    Different minorities already have petitioned the UN for troops ot protect them here in the US, so don’t think this is just another conspiracy theory.

    I don’t know about Uncle Dave; I think you are just effen nuts.

  7. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    My apologies. Like doug, I’m still working on my first coffee. I should have added that my post #38 referred to #7, Comment by traaxx — 9/23/2006 @ 2:06 pm /i>

    I’ll drink a little faster.

  8. James Hill says:

    Meanwhile, Fox News can’t stop running the interview. To those of us without a liberal bias this interview makes Bubba look like a panicy fool, and makes Fox News look like decent journalists… two things I never thought would happen.

    Dave, your liberal bullshit threads are good for spiking the hit count, but not much else.

  9. joe says:

    Chris Wallace is such a tool and douche. I’m glad to see clinton give whats due

    F_____G Right wingers

  10. James Hill says:

    Joe, just because your side has no power is no reason to get pissy.

  11. Shmoe says:

    Hey Jimmy Hill,

    I wouldn’t rub that in too much, it’s about to be a dem majority congress in a month or so….

  12. James Hill says:

    We’ll see. A lot of races are going to have to tilt on regional issues for that to happen, because the Iraq war hasn’t been enough (at least according to the polls).

    History tends to repeat iself, and I expect to see more election night coverage trying to explain why state races didn’t hinge on national issues… again.

  13. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    #42, James

    In 20 years when the true history books start to be written, Shrub will go down as a failed, incompetent, chicken hawk, military post deserting, lying, felicia. His reputation will be lower then Nixon’s

    Clinton will be recognized as the President who brought prosperity to the US. Who tried to bring Universal Health Care to ALL Americans. Who tried to give homosexuals their place in society. But most of all was vilified by a hostile neocon Congress that sabotaged almost every move he made.

    Clinton will always be recognized as a great President. Shrub will be remembered for the low life he is.

  14. RBG says:

    If Clinton said it. And he said it on Fox News. It must be true.

    “I did not have sex with that terrorist.”


  15. joe says:


    Id rather have a Rode Scholar in the White house then a C average student. Even o’reilly has said that Bush will go down as one of the WORST presidents of our nation. at this point, bush is trying to save his presidency (which he can’t) and he’s going to be known as the guy who let bin laden get a way.

    If hillary wins the white house, I’m going to start a fund to give bill fluffer girls on a nightly basis.

    cause your best ideas come when your being fluffed

  16. Frank IBC says:

    joe –

    Judging from your typing, you’re no “Rode” [sic] scholar, either.

    If Kerry had won in 2004, you would still have had a C-average student in the White House. Kerry’s grades were actually slightly worse than Bush’s.

  17. traaxx says:

    Oil of Dog

    I feel for you, being intolerant and judgmental is such a burden for someone like you. Remember even Old Dogs can learn new tricks.

    Sag’s right, Really who cares about the Clinton or the Democrats they haven’t done anything and won’t in the future.

    Bush has,
    he’s allowed and promoted a Mexican invasion,
    he’s allowed the hospitals to go bankrupt from the illegals,
    he’s promoted and defended the export of American jobs,
    he’s right now trying to promote policies aimed at nothing else but the busting of American Unions ( NAFTA Superhighway, His immigration labor immportaion bill)
    he’s put our American soldiers in Iraq to act as Islamic target practice all so we won’t have to secure our borders or ports while promoting Globalization.

    The Republicans know they are going to loose big time this November and that it’s over the Mexican Invasion. Who really buys the need to fight Terrorism, as such a great big danger, while the entire population of Mexico, and any terrorist that want to, freely move over our borders, live on Welfare and Medicaid? It tells you how important the NAU, North American Union, is to both parties when neither will use this issue in an election. Which politician will tell us about the plans for a NAU. Remember if we are going to be a trading block with S.America then we will need to all speak Spanish, starts to make sense doesn’t it. Follow the money.

    Democrats are Commies, Republicans are Darwin Economist/Neocommies both are Globalist. As long as it’s either or kinda choice it’s all semantics.

  18. Mark says:


    Congrats, you seem to see the big picture. We need to fight this dark future vision instead of playing my president is better than your president. The globalization issue is more important than terrorism.

  19. Frank IBC says:

    Sorry, traaxx.

    The latest Gallup poll shows the Republicans and Democrats even, at 48% and 48%. And only 13% of those polled felt that the Democrats had a coherent plan for Iraq.

  20. Democrats want to sell our country out for more votes.

    Republicans want to do likewise for big business.

    Either way we’re screwed.

    And Clinton

  21. Sounds The Alarm says:

    Hey Frank – “And only 13% of those polled felt that the Democrats had a coherent plan for Iraq.”

    Your logic is what I call flawed. It’s functionally equivalent to a father who’s son got a girl pregnant asking Dad why his birth control policy is so weak.

    If duh hadn’t started the most useless in the history of the Republic, no one would have to have a policy. Besides if you think Republican policy well thought out, I want some of your wacky weed.

  22. Bill Larkin says:

    Politicos are so busy with the war on each others party, that issues like health care, Bin Laden, Iraq, oil dependency, Social Security, etc., etc., etc., never ever get any real meaningful attention. Let alone a possible resolution. Isn’t America tired of politicians who disgrace us with their self-serving ways? Clinton embarassed the nation and disgraced the White House with his sexual escapades and Bush has failed us miserably. Maybe it is time for a real third party. No, not a communist one or a “green” one. A real one. God knows we need to get something done in DC! And while we’re at it, how about a news network/publisher that isn’t slanted towards one party or the other? I know, stop dreaming.

  23. Mark says:

    With the discovery that voting machines can be hacked so easily, (i.e. wireless network cards), the results of the Nov elections should be held suspect . Lets not forget the anomalies of the last 2 elections. If we have no confidence in the election process, then your vote means nothing. If voting is a joke, then we are basically cattle, nothing you say will matter to anyone.

  24. Frank IBC says:

    S.T.A. –

    It’s not enough to be against something. You actually have to be for something, have a coherent alternative, rather than just saying, “my opponent is a moron”.

    Alas, the Democrats haven’t been able to figure that out in six years.

  25. Greg Allen says:


    What patriotic American hasn’t wanted to wipe the arrogant smirk off some Fox talking head?

  26. David says:

    I’m definitely no fan of the current US administration but after seeing this interview I’m totally convinced the former President is losing it.

    If you missed it you can watch the video on foxnews.com. Warning: it’s mostly former President Clinton ranting and raving about Richard Clarke’s book and right-wing conspiracies. It looks like he had one too many cups of coffee that day or something. I mean, he’s practically jumping out of his chair.

    I don’t think the questions asked by Wallace were inappropriate at all. Of course the current president is responsible for the 8 months he was in office before 9/11, but that doesn’t make former President Clinton’s anti-terrorism policies any less relevant.

  27. Greg Allen says:

    >>President Clinton ranting and raving about Richard Clarke’s book and right-wing conspiracies.

    I saw it. He was most certainly not “ranting and raving”!!!!

    He looked like a man who was angry that a bunch of smug jerks are lying about him. As he should be!

    Remember when Bush Sr threw a hissy fit and stomped off Dan Rather’s set?

    The cons crowed that he “kicked Dan Rather’s butt.”

    When Clinton challenges some smug FOX talking head, they call it “ranting and raving.”

    One of the more laughable forms of this real-time history revisionism is when they say Al Gore was “screaming, ranting and raving like a lunatic.” O’Reilly says this all the time.

    Who do they think they’re fooling? They’re talking about Mr. Deadpan?

  28. Pekuliar says:

    Aw come on don’t be hard on Clinton. He has an “anger addiction” that he has been “struggling with” all his life. That is on top of his “lying addiction” “ego addiction” “groping addiction” “thong and cigar addictions”.

  29. Frank IBC says:

    Greg Allen –

    Sounds like you didn’t watch Rather, Jennings and Brokaw much during their prime.


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