TIME.com: Is Bin Laden Dead? — Page 1 — Apparently Typhoid if true. We can only hope. An ignominious end.

Fugitive Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, believed to be on the run in rugged terrain in the Afghan-Pakistani border region since the September 11 attacks five years ago, has become seriously ill and may have already died, a Saudi source tells TIME, echoing earlier reports in the French media.

Something is up as the under-reported flooding in Pakistan as of Sept. 8 was expected to cause a lot of water-borne illnesses.

”The situation is indeed serious,” says Dr Qaisar Sajjad, secretary general of the Pakistan Medical Association. In the three big government-run hospitals of Karachi, 70 – 80 cases of gastroenteritis, most of them in children, are reported daily. “There have been reports of dengue fever but nothing conclusive can be said,” he told Asia Water Wire.

Sajjad believes that the chances for outbreaks of cholera, Hepatitis A and E, and typhoid are high.


  1. doug says:

    I hope he is dead, since it is not like we are ever going to find him. it is only a shame that he did not die with an American bullet in him.

    oh, and to kick start the politics of this – I thought the surprises were supposed to come in October ….

  2. Milo says:

    I’m sure Karl Rove is working on a new OBL video as we speak!

  3. Proteome says:

    I hope he isn’t dead. Before he dies, I hope he becomes sorry for what he’s done in his life and makes himself right with the people he’s wronged and, most importantly, God.

    Say what you want, but the death of an unremorseful person is a sad event indeed.

  4. sirgallihad says:

    Call me crazy, but does anyone else get the feeling that the American Government could have fabricated this piece of news just to stop having to pretend like they’re still looking for him?
    Or else, Al-Quada made this up to try and get the US to stop looking for him. He’s too important a person to die of Typhoid, I’m sure he could have gotten medical attention if he needed it

  5. rctaylor says:

    Even if he is dead, how many more are ready to take his place. There’s a new wind blowing from Iran. They developed a force that stymies the IDF. No other Arab nation has done that.

  6. Tom says:

    Hes not dead, we have heard this before, that we had a bad liver or he was coughing, and he was probably dead ,no i think this is just a ploy to get us thinking that we dont have to catch him in.

    This is almost as fabricated as the gas prices that will rise after the mid-term elections.

  7. Ryan says:

    If this is true, it seems like something strait of of war of the worlds.

    humanity could not kill him, cells did

  8. gquaglia says:

    I hope he isn’t dead. Before he dies, I hope he becomes sorry for what he’s done in his life and makes himself right with the people he’s wronged and, most importantly, God.

    Say what you want, but the death of an unremorseful person is a sad event indeed.

    Comment by Proteome

    He will never be sorry. In his mind, he’s doing Aylla’s work and will be rewarded with his virgins when he dies. I personally hope he is dead. Once less self ritchious relgious wacko, who cares little for human life in the world. Good riddence.

  9. R Cates says:

    In all reality what difference does it make? Are all the members of Al Qaeda going to quit if he dies? No, this is an organization. Someone will step up and they will not miss a beat.

  10. joe says:

    I won’t shed a tear for his or ANY of his people’s death

  11. Jägermeister says:


    Okay, first… the people of Iran are not Arabs. Second… Iran spends less than Israel. Here’s an interesting list (Iran on #25 and Israel on #16). I’m sure the figures might have changed slightly since, but it gives you some clue on the military spending around the globe.

    As for Bin Laden’s death… We can’t be sure of that until it has been confirmed, or there haven’t been any new tapes from him for a while. I agree with you on that there are more nutjobs willing to take his place and continue “the cause”.

  12. Awake says:

    He has been dead for years, probably since Tora-Bora. It is to the benefit of BushCo to pretend that he is still alive. Most of the radical right’s usurpation of power could not take place without the Bin Laden boogy man to use as a ‘we are in grave danger’ tool. And of course, AlQuaida has no reason to announce the death of their leader.

  13. Jim W says:

    Haven’t been able to find a date for when the photo might have been taken but do you remember the story of the spy
    photo of a Taliban funral

    Something to make you go Hmmm.

  14. Cognito says:

    Better the hand of GFd than an American bullet

  15. Jägermeister says:


    Interesting article. We’ll see if we get to hear from Bin Laden in the future… if not… mother nature took him out… 🙂

  16. John says:

    If he has died this way it is probally a good thing in that, he himself can longer cause harm to others, by a natural death he was not turned into a marter for his followers by the US, and the US or other nations will not have to foot the bill to house him in soluitude for the rest of his life as they would/will if he is captured, since if captured he must be kept alive until a natural death occurs as any other death would fuel his followers and allies more.

  17. AB CD says:

    #10 ‘his’ was right; you don’t say ‘him death’.

  18. gquaglia says:

    Sorry Bruce, I didn’t know class was in session. I really glad you are a perfect speller, good for you.

  19. Max Bell says:

    I see no value in the fact if this were true outside that it will spare our military from wasting any more time looking for him.

    Rumor or not, no one in possession of it could avoid publishing it; that won’t be possible until the same rumor has proven to be false at least six times or so. And then it’s probably still good filler on a slow day.

    I care nothing about our military efforts in the middle east outside of the wellbeing of our service men and women except when it indicates I have moved closer to the time when I won’t have to hear about it at all.

  20. leonard crandall says:

    If this is true, then Allah has chosen a particularly painful end for OBL. Also typhoid is normally treatable, so isolation contributed. But, I have my doubts that this is true.

  21. DeLeMa says:

    #17. – Geez bud..catch a gear there. Ever occur to you that English may not be some peoples’ first language ?!? Doesn’t make ’em idiots if the thought comes through clearly. Don’t want to hear about everyone living here needs to learn “The Language” either. I can’t speak a word of the most common language in the world..can you ?
    ‘Course..I’m not a friend of the Bush patrol, either.

  22. Greg Allen says:

    #17 >>Can none of you babbling idiots spell? This is outrageous!

    I halve an unkle hoo is todally briliant. I wins awaurds all the tyme. He’s a suqcessful authur. He qan’t spel wurth krap.

    No kidding. I have this great-uncle who is totally recognized as brillinant. He lectures all over the world. He has multiple PhDs. He writes books in several different languages. But he can’t spell worth crap!

    He says correct spelling is like car repair. It’s something that medium-achievers are naturally good at, so you pay them to do it.

    Makes me feel better about myelf. I’m a lousy speller and a worse typer!

  23. sirfelix says:

    Why should anyone care. The government does not need OBL as an excuse to wage war. Man will contiinue to kill each other over religion or greed.

    If he did die, he died a free man. It still makes Bush/Rumsfeld look bad that they cannot track down a man in a cave.

    Unless our military learns how to fight like terrorists and gorillas I cannot see the US winning another war, period. Seriously, when’s the last time we really won a war? WWII? And we had a lot of help then.

  24. Frank IBC says:

    sirfelix –

    If Osama is indeed dead – I don’t call dying in a cave, while on the run, of a disease that is normally treatable for someone of his weath, to be “dying a free man”.

    And if he did indeed die of this infection, can you be sure that he caught it randomly?

  25. Miguel Correia says:

    I hope it is true and that he burns in hell.

  26. James Hill says:

    I’m buying the story, but who cares? Osama has been a non-factor with his followers running the show (poorly), and following the Hydra theory eliminating the head will just create two heads. His death, at this point in the game, is not a good thing.

  27. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    #25,If Osama is indeed dead – I don’t call dying in a cave, while on the run, of a disease that is normally treatable for someone of his weath, to be “dying a free man”.
    And if he did indeed die of this infection, can you be sure that he caught it randomly?
    Comment by Frank IBC — 9/23/2006 @ 9:53 pm

    James, when was the last time you didn’t post something stupid.

    Bin Laden is free enough to go into any Taliban village and have some Taliban woman warming. He can go to the next village and enjoy some famous next village goat cheese. He can sleep in cave “A” or cave “B”, his choice. He can release a news report, or not, his choice.

    We are not sure of anything, let alone HOW he caught a disease he MIGHT have caught.

    Maybe not an idyllic life to you or I, but a lot better then an 8’x8′ cell with a hole in the floor. And considered freedom by a lot of people.

  28. James Hill says:

    If you’re going to troll at least quote the right post first. You have much to learn about the ways of the troll, Neo.

    In any event, you have no proof that Bin Laden is mobile or healthy enough for some sandy vagina love. Like wise, dead or alive, he serves a purpose for Bush and company: A target, a focalpoint.

    Without Osama there is no target, no focalpoint, no Hitler-esque figure to hate. However, there will be multiple wannabe Osamas, all ready to attack America and be smart enough to ignore Iraq.

  29. joe says:

    if you think about. we (the U.S.) might have actually killed him afterall. the U.S. is a major cause of gobal warming, global warming caused the flooding in the region, the flooding in the region is causeing disease, the disease might kill bin laden


  30. James Hill says:

    Wow, a new liberal quack. Welcome to your undoing, Joe.


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