TIME.com: Is Bin Laden Dead? — Page 1 — Apparently Typhoid if true. We can only hope. An ignominious end.

Fugitive Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, believed to be on the run in rugged terrain in the Afghan-Pakistani border region since the September 11 attacks five years ago, has become seriously ill and may have already died, a Saudi source tells TIME, echoing earlier reports in the French media.

Something is up as the under-reported flooding in Pakistan as of Sept. 8 was expected to cause a lot of water-borne illnesses.

”The situation is indeed serious,” says Dr Qaisar Sajjad, secretary general of the Pakistan Medical Association. In the three big government-run hospitals of Karachi, 70 – 80 cases of gastroenteritis, most of them in children, are reported daily. “There have been reports of dengue fever but nothing conclusive can be said,” he told Asia Water Wire.

Sajjad believes that the chances for outbreaks of cholera, Hepatitis A and E, and typhoid are high.


  1. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    #29, If you’re going to troll at least quote the right post first. You have much to learn about the ways of the troll, Neo.

    Not everyone is a troll. Not everyone stoops low like you do, James. And, yes, there is some village missing their idiot that would like you to come home.

  2. Brian says:

    Perfect death from a US standpoint
    – died running and hiding, living in squalor
    – died from a disease or “act of god/allah, thus taking the blame
    – “Act of Supreme Being Death” removes all incentive for martyr’s
    – enough time to confirm before elections, then be exploited.

    I’m sure there’s more but my tinfoil hat is getting heavy and I must remove it.

  3. AB CD says:

    Is this the October surprise this year? All those other ones never panned out.

  4. OmarTheAlien says:

    If he is dead then there will be much knashing of teeth and beating of wives in the publishing houses all across the land, as now no one will be able to publish OBL’s English language book, unless Stewart or Colbert ghost writes it. But I’d be on the lookout for a collection of his sayings in an Arabic language set, I imagine that would sell quite well, in some quarters.

  5. James Hill says:

    Neo, can you give me a lift then? Since you’re failing to address the points made in posts, it appears that you’ve become the official DU village retard.


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