How else do you get a guy like this on your side?

Hijacked into terrorism war: Pakistan tells of US threat – World – — The beginning of the end for the Bush realtionship. Meanwhile the Taliban are retaking Afghanistan.

WASHINGTON: The Pakistani President, Pervez Musharraf, says the US threatened to bomb his country back to the Stone Age after the September 11 attacks if he did not help America’s war on terrorism.

General Musharraf says the threat was delivered by Richard Armitage, then the deputy secretary of state, to his director of intelligence.

“The intelligence director told me that [Mr Armitage] said, ‘Be prepared to be bombed. Be prepared to go back to the Stone Age’,” General Musharraf said in the interview to be shown tomorrow on the CBS network news program 60 Minutes.

It was insulting, the president said, “a very rude remark”.

When you realize thet GW Bush had never left the country and toured the world until he became President you can understand why our diplomacy process is a little weak.

  1. Frank IBC says:

    Anyway, Pakistan has been selling us down the river ever since they became our “ally” sometime during the Nixon administration, if not earlier.

    And Bush was a Governor prior to becoming President, like Clinton, Reagan and Carter before him. How much world travel is a governor supposed to do?

  2. Mark says:

    My God. If this is true. We need ass out of office and prosecuted.

  3. James Hill says:

    My God, if this is true… then we have a President that can back up his bullshit.

    I don’t terribly like the guy earlier, but if you guys can’t handle it, tough shit.

  4. Mark says:

    Oh yeah, Bush is a badass. He can back up his bullshit, unless his ass is on the line, then its chickenhawk city. You guys are assholes.

  5. Bryan says:

    And you’re a crybaby – He was voted president — that’s all there is to it

  6. David Kerman says:

    @James Hill

    your understanding of international diplomacy astounds me. Perhaps you could teach a class of some sort at Harvard on the topic.

    Oh wait, you’re an ignorant jerk who probably thinks to himself “why everyone doesn’t just speak english?”

    As much as action movies might make it seem like all problems can be solved with a threat and some explosions, the real world is a bit more complicated.

    I know this might come as a suprise to you but actually building relationships with countries and colborating with them happens to be a much more worthwhile and effective strategey, rather than putting a gun to the side of their head and telling them “OR ELSE”

    Why don’t you keep your video collection out of the voting booth and actually try to learn a little bit about how the world really works.

  7. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    And you’re a crybaby – He was voted president — that’s all there is to it
    Comment by Bryan — 9/22/2006 @ 8:25 am

    And the people like you are the reason America’s list of allies grows smaller every week. Effen chicken hawk, draft dodging, selfish cowards.

    Bryan, why do you hate America?

  8. ECA says:

    A person with 3 failed companies, Was a drug fiend, Graduated because his father payed off the teachers, Plyed hooky in the national guard…..
    Is a president??

  9. Zuke says:

    Why is this a bad thing again? I forgot.

    You won’t get much argument from Dems or Repubs that Pakistan is (sorry, was) a known safe haven for terrorist groups partly due to easy passage across it’s borders. Heck, since they’ve started making a token effort to back their anti-terrorism talk w/military action after a few years of pressure from the U.S. and others, lo and behold, they’re actually finding them within their borders.

    Surprise, surprise… not.

    p.s. I’m surprised the mods are allowing personal insults above.

  10. Pfkad says:

    “How much world travel is a governor supposed to do?” I’m not a governor, but I’ve traveled extensively. It’s enlightening to see how well other countiries can work even if they don’t play by our rules. It certainly changes one’s perspective and I recommend it to all my jingoistic pals on this blog.

  11. David Kerman says:

    @the guy who doesn’t know how to let go of the shift key (formerly known as pedro)

    Where in my comments did you somehow get that I was in favor of hugo chavez.

    That man is playing on his people’s paranoia in order to spend an alarmingly large amount of money on his nations military when it would be much better spent on providing basic necessities for the people of his country (hmm… actually that part kinda sounds familiar)

    Rulers like Chavez feed on conflict. Their only real power comes from their ability to drag nations into treating him as a threat. The iranian leader is actually much in the same mold.

    The world isn’t black and white and there aren’t simple solutions. As suprising as it may seem just because I don’t support bush doesn’t mean I support some nutjob psudeo dictator.

  12. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #12, David,

    …Rulers like Chavez feed on conflict. Their only real power comes from their ability to drag nations into treating him as a threat. …

    Well I don’t take issue with most of your post, I just want to add a thought on this quote.

    While Chavez may be a little off center, is he really that much of a crack pot. He has brought some wealth distribution to Venezuela. Because he took control of the oil industry, of course those here in the US that want the oil will complain. Yet, what did any of these oil companies do to help the country besides paying off the corrupt politicians before Chavez. Those complaining the most about Chavez are the same ones who lost their virtual unfettered power. I think America’s negative reaction to Chavez has as much to do with his anti US retoric as anything.

    Can the same be said about Bush? He has lost so many allies that formerly supported America simply because of his belligerent style that helps only a select few merchants of death.

    But Chavez’s speech the other day didn’t impress me.

  13. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    RE #6,

    I think there may be an opening in the University Pre-School. Maybe James could apply there and become renown on DU as the Harvard Teacher.

  14. James Hill says:

    Wow, you guys sure are angry for a bunch of quacks.

    David, regarding your weak attempt at flaming, I don’t profess to know the world, and neither does our President. He knows basics: “Bully hits you, you hit back harder” is the basis for his foreign policy.

    The fact I can understand this means I have more of an ability to comment on his actions correctly than you do, since you’re still stuck on the “let’s make friends” part of the equasion. Doing things the right way clearly isn’t a concern for the Administration, and while you’re more than welcome to bitch about it we’ve still got two more years before its going to change. We better get used to it, and learn to read and react to it, before the nation gets itself into serious trouble.

    After all, just because your side has no power is no reason to get pissy.

  15. Bryan says:

    “Why do I hate America” ???

    I do more for this country in one day than some people will ever do…

  16. 0113addiv says:

    15. “Bully hits you, you hit back harder” is the basis for his foreign policy.”

    That’s what they want you to believe, and you’ve swallowed it without gagging. Here’s the insider saw: “Bully hits himself, blames it on a threat to a formidable but scared mass of people, attacks that threat (a weakling), and your pride and ego is satisfied. Bully walks away with gold. You say, “Can I have another”.

  17. AB CD says:

    The only problem I see is that Pakistan might be backtracking. It’s possible this is just for public consumption, but I see no problem with threatening to bomb a potentially hostile country unless they play along. Do you really think Pakistan’s cooperation was forthcoming otherwise? This is a sharia law country, that threw out it’s former leaders because they weren’t terrorist enough. And they tipped off BIn Laden about a missile strike before that.

  18. Frank IBC says:

    Put down that bong and slowly back away, 0113.

  19. Higghawker says:

    More cowboy diplomacy. These guys ought to write a book on how to buy friends and influence people. When are these guys going to wake up and do a reality check. I don’t think anybody has any idea of how many terrorists we’ve created and how much the rest of the world hates us. If I were someone in another country looking in from the outside I’d feel the same. When you boil down our relationship with Pakistan, we are supporting a dictator that’s against everything this administration says it supports, like Democracy.

  20. James Hill says:


    I buy it. I don’t think the guy would have phrased it that way if it didn’t go down that way. Not that I trust him, but I think he sees this as his chip in the game: America bullied me, so I’m a victim too.

    He needs to get that message out there to prevent being overthrown in a coop or attacked by his warm, loving neighbors (Iran, Taliban in Afghanistan) with the justification that Pakistan is on America’s side.


    You’re a moron to actually believe that conspiracy theory shit, not that we needed more proof that you don’t know a damn thing or anything…

  21. Higghawker says:

    What’s is a little surprising is that Armitage was Colin Powells right hand man and was a part of the more level headed conservative crowd. I think he and Powell put loyalty to the President over the good of the country and there’s nothing to respect about that.

  22. Mark says:

    Actually that conspiracy theory shit is more credible in some cases than the constant lies and bull shit that comes from your lord and master. You bootlicker.

  23. Greymoon says:

    #1 thru #23

    Its effin SPINACH I tell ya…GoD Bless the United State of SPINACH.

  24. 0113addiv says:


    1. There are things you know.
    2. There are things you know that you don’t know.
    3. There are things you don’t know that you don’t know.

  25. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    #23 and #24

    Since my last post I went to lunch and listened to NPR.

    Anyway, the news update included Armitage himself stating to a reporter today that he is not the source of the quote and that he has no authority to say such a thing in the first place. The Pakistani President claims one of his generals said that it was said, not that it was spoken directly to him.

    This is a guy who rushed to the mic to admit that he outed Valerie Plame once he got permission to speak… Why would he lie about this?

    Frankly, it isn’t political suicide to say you leaned on a Middle Eastern country in the name of destroying Bin Laden. It’s kind of a feather in the cap, really.

  26. Mister Mustard says:

    >>Bully hits you, you hit back harder” is the basis for his foreign policy.

    Ummm, not exactly. How about “Bully hits you, you start a war with the guy down the block, because you think you can kick his ass, and end up getting your own ass kicked, and then all the whackos in the world join in on the side of the guy down the street making the world unfit for human life”?

    Meanwhile, the “bully” is laughing all the way to his mountain hideaway dialysis machine.

    If a team of brainiacs got together to design the worst president that could ever be created, they’d fall far short of the moron we have now.

  27. Roc Rizzo says:

    Well it sounds like the Devil himself should go back to hell where he came. Personally, I don’t think that the Devil is as dumb as Prez. Chucklenuts.

    Maybe after we takeover Iran, we’ll move in on Pakistan. With these bozos running things, who knows.

    In 2004, I heard neocons shouting “four more wars.” They might just get them.

    I’ve said before, and I’ll say it again. The entire staff of Bushco, Inc. and the whole Bush Crime Syndicate should be brought up on RICO charges, as they are the new mafia. Only some fools fell for their propaganda and actually voted for them. Impeachment is too good for these swamp rats. They should be tried, convicted, and serve the maximum sentence for all their crimes against the American people, and the people of Planet Earth.

  28. OhForTheLoveOf says:


    I wouldn’t go that far…

    …unless I thought it would work 🙂

  29. curmudgen says:

    Trolling was bad enough, but now name calling, BTW Recess ended 33 posts ago!!

  30. Tom says:

    From the Presidents mouth:

    “He told us the operatives had been instructed to ensure that the explosives went off at a high — a point that was high enough to prevent people trapped above from escaping”

    Bush quote: Is Bush coming around to 911 Truth?

    Or is he preparing a back door.


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