One-time JonBenet Ramsey murder suspect John Mark Karr rejected a deal from prosecutors that would have freed him on probation in exchange for a guilty plea on child pornography charges, his lawyer said Thursday.

“My client has maintained his innocence throughout these proceedings, and he is not going to plead guilty to a crime that he did not commit,” Karr’s attorney, Robert Amparan, told the San Francisco Chronicle. “We have no intention of accepting that offer.”

The deal, presented Tuesday, would have waived three of the five misdemeanor child pornography possession charges against Karr if he pleaded guilty to the two remaining ones. He would get credit for time served, would be placed on probation for three years and would be required to register as a sex offender.

The plea deal offer came the same day that Sonoma County authorities admitted they lost Karr’s computer, seized in 2001, that they said held the five illicit images.

“They say they have a mirror image. I haven’t been provided with a mirror image,” Amparan said.

Time after time, prosecutors offer plea deals because they can’t prove a case; but, they’re afraid of screwing up their conviction stats — before they run for Attorney General.

The next step usually requiring wasting taxpayers’ money on an ill-fated case that gets overturned on appeal even if a guilty verdict is returned. It’s still good old-fashioned American politics. Doesn’t have a damned thing to do with jurisprudence.

  1. Greymoon says:

    Screw that perv. Who will save the SPINACH?

  2. Walter says:

    The police probably thought they had lost this clown forever. His PC was probably sold at auction as “lost property”. They might have cloned his HD to an image program like Ghost, or something, and now they can’t find THAT.

    This idiot will get to go scott free! Oh, and he got a FREE 1st class flight back from the Far East, too!

    (Why didn’t they give HIM a spinich salad in jail???)

  3. Mike Voice says:


    In a nutshell: We flew this guy back to the states so we could offer him the chance to plead guilty to two misdemeanor charges, from 5-years ago?

    We won’t press charges for possessing three of the five photos on the harddrive, if he admits to possessing the other two?????

    I take back amazing. That is insane.

    I can just hear him: “Let me get this straight. You want me to volunteer to become a registered sex offender, and report to a probation officer for 3-years, so you can save yourself the expense of a trial you may not win?”

    His defense attorney must be laughing in the face of the DA’s staff.

  4. Gig says:

    We flew him back because he is a nut case that said he was the guy that killed Jon Benet. Once he’s here he turns out to be just a nut case.

    Oh Gee the PD lost evidence from a 5 year old misdemeanor case. The DA was just trying to get him in the system because with his brand of nutcaseiness he will sooner or later act out one of his perverted little fantasies.

  5. ECA says:

    WILL they bury this, PLEASE…
    It had to be the parents, or the neibhor, or the guy down the street…

  6. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    Somewhere, in California, some property clerk is telling his superior,
    “Don’t you just hate it when that happens?”

  7. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    Well, we can all act indignant about this horrible social injustice… A potentially guilty of something guy maybe going free… :-/

    But the reality is that the system is massive, complex, tends to work reasonably well a fair part of the time… and in a nation of nearly 300 million, how much better do you realistically think you can achieve?

    If people want to talk about potential reform for the system, I have at least a few ideas:

    1. Fix it so the innocent don’t ruin themselves financially when defending themselves.
    2. Remove the incentives for high conviction rates and replace them with incentives for accurate convictions.
    3. Tell Johnny Law to get off my back. I bought these Tickle-Me Elmos fair and square and I’ll sell them for whatever price I damn well please!

  8. Mark says:


    You bought Tickle Me Elmos? Hmmmm. I wonder. Maybe you killed Jon Benet!!!!

    Just kiddin

    or not

  9. joshua says:

    tickling furry little dolls is what I call perverted.

    Didn’t anyone else think the line by Kerrs lawyer was a hoot?


    “My client has maintained his innocence throughout these proceedings, and he is not going to plead guilty to a crime that he did not commit,” Karr’s attorney, Robert Amparan, told the San Francisco Chronicle.


    I mean…geez…..plead guilty to a crime he didn’t commit…..hell no….not my client.


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