Nobody ever manages to get the answer to these quizzes.

Quiz of the Week Dept.

Here is the excerpt from a speech. Who gave this speech?

The most miraculous thing about miracles is that they always come when one does not simply wait for them, but works and fights for them. That is what has happened here. The Bush administration did not bring about the miracles of 2005 by waiting for them. He gathered and organized the strength of the nation and used it courageously. It paid off. There was certainly risk involved. Without big risks, history never grants big successes. This is further proof of the proverb that the world belongs to the brave.

It is characteristic of historic miracles that they seem almost impossible until they happen, and when they happen, it sometimes looks as if it had been easy. It is therefore no great thing to recognize a historic miracle that has happened. One must believe in ones yet to come.
That is the important thing about the big historic events of the past year. The people did not waver during the difficult tensions that were involved, and had to be involved. The broad masses of the people have a primitive and incorruptible ability to believe that everything is possible and reachable if one devotes one’s full energies and fights with a strong and courageous heart.
This ability to believe is rather weak in some circles, above all in those with money and education. They may trust more in pure cold reason than a glowing idealistic heart. Our so-called intellectuals do not like to hear this, but it is true anyway. They know so much that in the end they do not know what to do with their wisdom. They can see the past, but not much of the present, and nothing at all of the future. Their imagination is insufficient to deal with a distant goal in a way such that one already thinks it achieved.

They were also unable to believe in the victory of America while the Liberals were still fighting for power. They are as little able today to believe in the greatness of our future. They perceive only what they can see, but not what is happening and what will happen.

That is why their carping criticisms generally focus on laughable trivialities. Whenever some unavoidable difficulty pops up, the kind of thing that always happens, they are immediately inclined to doubt everything and to throw the baby out with the bath water. To them difficulties are not there to be mastered, but rather to be surrendered to.

One cannot make history with such quivering people. They are only chaff in God’s breath. Thankfully, they are only a thin intellectual or social upper class, particularly in the case of America. They are not an upper class in the sense that they govern the nation, but rather more a fact of nature like the bubbles of fat that always float on the surface of things.

  1. Paul says:

    Of course it apears some of the names have been changed to protect the (no so) inocent.

  2. Screw you guys..that’s what I get for NOT editing the text enough!!! DARN!

    here’s the official answer page…cripes.

  3. 0113addiv says:

    “It is therefore no great thing to recognize a historic miracle that has happened.”

    The miracle that happened was 9/11. Literally overnight, the exucutive branch of the U.S. government usurped 85% of the total power in America. No one could dare say anything against “patriotism”. The power on 9/12 of the President was the greatest the history of mankind had ever seen. When historians look back they will see how, indeed, the Second Coming came right before our eyes. The ripple effect of that day is the search for Truth. It, like hundreds of thousands of other people, woke me up to the reality that is the current world. 9/11 was a miracle in that it has ushered in a truth movement that can only end with the discovery of who we really are.

  4. Jim W says:

    wow, a “Republicans as Nazis” post disguised as a “Quiz of the week”. What an ingenuous way to raise the level of intellectual debate on your blog.

    [end flamebait]

  5. Mr. H. Fusion says:

    #6, so this made you feel right at home?

    You must have caught the similarities right away. Geeze, sometimes history has this habit of coming right back at you.

  6. glenn says:

    Searched google web for “chaff in god’s breath “first try, first entry.

  7. Nirendra says:

    8: Where’s the fun in that?

  8. Max says:

    And the point of this was to??? Why must people compare this administration, nee, this country to Nazi Germany? This peep-hole camera you look through is irresponsible. To comapare a regime of terror, hatred and intolerence to a democratic government is just plain wrong. Howcome there is so little outrage and anger exhibited towards those who ideology is to kill innocents? The world may never know.

    Keep up the “good” work JCD and Boys. You’d make my Grandfather proud….

  9. 0113addiv says:


    Max, what if Hitler did everything he did– including staging the Reichstag fire to usurp the power of the German people– but did NOT kill Jews. Just leave the holocaust out like it never happened. NOW, was Hitler so bad? All he did was unite the people of his country so that he could pre-emptively attack other nations. The only thing that is holding you back from exalting Hitler like you do with Bush is that the former made human soap while the latter makes you proud to be an “American”.

  10. Roc Rizzo says:

    I kinda figured it was Gobbel, but wasn’t absolutely sure.

    Maybe Karl Rove is his grandson or something.

  11. Named says:


    That the holocaust happened has now given justification to explain the whole of WW2. I seem to recall that I read the justifications for war were to fight against a nation that ignored internation law (League of Nations, I believe), and was an evil faceless corporatist creation. The British were a nation of shopkeepers, and dammit, they were going to protect that way of life. Oddly enough, it looks like Nazi Germany won afterall. We in the West are a corporatist system, and the shopkeepers have all been bought out, run out, sold out, or bankrupt.

  12. Greymoon says:

    New Test
    Question: Whats green and smells like a goverment/university study?
    Answer: SPINACH

  13. Ballenger says:

    America today may not compare to Germany in the 30s, but there are a lot of similarities between America today and the America of the 1840s and 50s. In both cases we were a divided people with a large portion of the population working hard at making the divide deeper still. In both cases leadership of political parties moved from an “old guard” status quo that had been in place for decades to new leadership challenged group that couldn’t reach a consensus on how to get out of a burning building. Zealous factions in religion have convinced their followers that they are on a mission from God and everyone else are heretics. Threats from outside forces such as Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union or the European power of the early 1800s could no longer be used as rallying point to help focus away from our own differences. The press was then and is now used often and with effectiveness more as a political tool, instead of as a way to help produce better informed voters. Hopefully, we have picked up some collective wisdom in a 160 years that will help us avoid the all of the same mistakes.

  14. John Ehrlichman says:

    Very funny! And John Dean has just written a book called “Conservatives without Conscience” that discusses the authoritarian streak in today’s Republican/evangelical reich. He cites some research on authoritarianism and relates it to the habits of those in power now.

  15. OmarTheAlien says:

    Ya mean, ya’ll actually read that whole thing?

  16. OhForTheLoveOf says:

    I’ll read Dean’s book. I heard him interviewed on NPR. I’m rather interested in his views.

  17. Max says:

    Wow – to even think this great system of govenrment even remotely mirrors Nazi Germany is insulting. Sorry you think so lowly of the country and it’s leadership. It truly is sad.

  18. Mr. Neolib Fusion says:

    Wow – to even think this great system of govenrment even remotely mirrors Nazi Germany is insulting. Sorry you think so lowly of the country and it’s leadership. It truly is sad.
    Comment by Max — 9/22/2006 @ 5:30 pm

    Leadership yes, country no. As the Nuremberg Trials demonstrated, if you follow illegal orders, then you will fall. Germany allowed the Nazis to take over, at least here we have a few courageous Judges saying certain things are illegal and the Government can not do them.

    Max, why do you hate America.


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